Odd chat bug

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Odd chat bug

Post by Baxna » Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:12 am

My chat keeps halving itself on looting certain items or changing areas. Like the bottom of the chat decides it needs to begin halfway up the window. I can reset it by right clicking on the chat tab, but it tends to go back to half chat pretty quickly. Has anyone out there had this problem and maybe know how to make it stop?

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Re: Odd chat bug

Post by Maesus » Mon Mar 27, 2023 5:53 am

Have you tried resizing the chat window and/or applying different font sizes? Maybe rescaling your entire UI could also help.

Posts: 2

Re: Odd chat bug

Post by Baxna » Mon Mar 27, 2023 9:13 pm

Yep, I've done all of the above. Sometimes it seemed to help for a few minutes, but quickly went back to halvsies. I've even changed PFui skins and created new windows. Funny enough, and this just occurred to me writing this, it only affects the left window. The loot/spam on the right side never halves itself

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Re: Odd chat bug

Post by Maeseyck » Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:28 am

Hi, I have the same problem, did you ever found a solution for this? :)
Piercing Level 60 Rogue
Guzzug Level 60 Warrior

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Re: Odd chat bug

Post by Pepesmite » Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:15 am


If your in-game chat is bugged...

Open your game directory and locate chat-cache.txt file, then delete it. The file is stored under the following path: WTF/Account/YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME/Turtle WoW/YOUR_CHARACTER_NAME/chat-cache.txt

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Re: Odd chat bug

Post by Maeseyck » Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:37 am

oh woah that worked!

Thanks pepe :)
Piercing Level 60 Rogue
Guzzug Level 60 Warrior

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