- Fixed skinning not working at maximum range.
- Resolved an exploit related to the Tree of Life aura.
- Overhauled the Field Duty (Horde) event to significantly enhance NPC AI, making the event easier.
- Fully implemented the Field Duty (Alliance) event from scratch.
- Adjusted the distance between the boat and the shore in Auberdine, Teldrassil, Sparkwater Harbor, and Revenge Village, and removed the boarding boards in these locations.
- XV-81, Malfunctioning Servitor, and Corrosive Backup now have loot.
- Reclamation Guardians now behaves like a guard and attacks hostile creatures.
- Added new pickpocket loot for NPCs: Hateforge Watcher, Chemist, Cleric, Craftsman, Engineer, Miner, Overseer, Taskmaster, Warden; Greymane Arbalest, Knight, Enforcer, Taskmaster, Miner, Watcher, Instigator, Preserver, Justicar, Worker, Cleric, Noble, Footman, Elite.
- Removed low-level cloth and added runecloth for NPCs Southsea Outlaw and Southsea Miner.
- Removed the Bristlehide Buckler from NPC Witherbark Axe Thrower.
- Redesigned loot tables for high-level NPCs in Hillsbrad Foothills on the island according to their level.
- Fixed an exploit involving rented mounts.
- The Eye of the Dead will now consume only one charge per cast.
- Removed the 200 ms delay between main hand and off hand auto attacks.
- Resolved an exploit allowing players with modified clients to cancel auras they shouldn't be able to.
- Moved a chest in Ambermill to make it lootable.
- Assigned durability to Farmer's Gloves and Farmer's Sash.
- If you were in a Black Morass instance that is no longer valid upon logging in, you will now be teleported to the correct entrance, instead of the non-functional Old Hillsbrad Foothills entrance.
- Added a cooldown to the Fire Nova spell on Helboars when enslaved.
- Fixed an issue where Heigan the Unclean would sometimes teleport the main tank.
- Resolved an issue where Maexxna would occasionally cast Web Wrap on the main tank.
- The respawn timer for the NPC Scarlet Smith has been increased to 7 hours.
- Until June 25th, all donation rewards are available at half the price. This sale marks the last opportunity to purchase items at this discounted rate, from there on, we will conduct smaller sales for categories and add token bonuses.