Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

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Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by 987004590 » Mon Jun 03, 2024 6:19 pm

Shaman should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem instead of clash with the four weapon abilities wary_turtle_head

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Grizb37 » Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:58 am

Would be too busted if they got 2x WF, I think a better solution would be to say increase chance of shamsns windfury proccing if WF totem is down by like 10%.

And flametongue could increase shamans fire dmg by 15% while it's down.

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Charanko » Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:19 pm

Just dont make wf stack with wf;problem solved
Overlord of Orgrimmar ; Sulfuron Champion

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Atreidon » Tue Jun 04, 2024 5:53 pm

You just push more of shamans powerbudget into autoattack afking. Enhancers need help, but thats the wrong way of doing it. Even if WF + WF doesn't stack, the bonus hits from WF still synergize with FT.

Rather make the spells you wanna use actually useful instead of spicing up autoattacks further.

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Wolfmanpaulx » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:10 pm

Change windfury and flametongue to wotlk like: Flametongue spell damage boost and Windfury haste + ap. Both as auras not temp. weapon enchants

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Grizb37 » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:11 pm

Wolfmanpaulx wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:10 pm
Change windfury and flametongue to wotlk like: Flametongue spell damage boost and Windfury haste + ap. Both as auras not temp. weapon enchants
Go play wotlk

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Wolfmanpaulx » Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:26 pm

Grizb37 wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:11 pm
Wolfmanpaulx wrote:
Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:10 pm
Change windfury and flametongue to wotlk like: Flametongue spell damage boost and Windfury haste + ap. Both as auras not temp. weapon enchants
Go play wotlk
Those changes would be more usefull then you thing.
And yes if it wasn't for additionial stuff+quests+continent and so on + hc mode, I would have play Wotlk instead. ;)

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Re: Shamans should be equally buffed by the Wind Fury totem and the Fire Tongue totem

Post by Geojak » Thu Jun 06, 2024 2:45 pm

Wf totem and ft totem sjoild be a regular buff so everyone can still use sharpening stones and rogues poisons. And shamans could experience what's it's like to use sor like a sp paladin with wf totem by being sllowrcto have fire weapon buff and own wf totem buff.
Enhancement needs more way to utilize sp so hybrid works as intended. They aren't warriors

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