Third Faction

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Third Faction

Post by Thecakeisalie » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:24 pm

1. Alliance (No change): Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elf, High Elf

2. Horde: Orc, Troll , Tauren, Goblin, Ogre (Replacement for Forsaken)

3. Neutral/Outcasts Faction: Forsaken, Worgen(?)

Candidates for Neutral Faction (Some harder than others to implement): Naga(?), Broken Draenei, A sinister/barbaric Troll tribe that performs ritual sacrifices etc (like the worshippers of Hakkar).

Justification/Lore Suggestion: The rising threat to their survival from the Horde and Alliance has forced shunned races to form an alliance of convenience(?)

Personally I always felt that the Forsaken was an odd choice for a Horde race, I would much prefer to have Ogres for many reasons. But perhaps there are more lore friendly compositions so feel free to suggest different faction names, candidate races etc.

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Re: Third Faction

Post by Thecakeisalie » Sat Apr 27, 2024 1:45 pm

I suppose that battlegrounds would need to be crossfaction for this to work.

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Re: Third Faction

Post by Izrall » Sat Apr 27, 2024 7:25 pm

Hi there !
I just want to open the reflexions with some things that i had in mind after reading a lot of things on the subject of a third faction :

First, There is a post suggesting Illidari as a third faction, and i do think it's cool. In this case i would completly agree to put Forsaken with them instead of th Horde to be fair, but that would change to much of the gameplay.
Horde would need a new set of zones for the ogres that would be enough to replace forsaken.

This new faction (let's say illidari that fits the theme of 'evil outcasts' instead of 'savage and nobles outcasts' of the horde) would then need it's own zones, at least until they can go to the neutral questhubs like tanaris, stranglethorn etc. (For illidari, Outland could be their zone, but i would need to be add a whole new continent that should have some interest for the 2 others factions.

Lastly, in Vanilla wow, both Horde and alliance have their own class : Shaman and Paladin, both having theoretically ways to heal, tank and DPS and being in the flavor of the faction.
In the case of the illidari, that would mean Demon hunter as a obvious choice, but it woul be a far different class that the one we have in retail. A class that is maybe more offensive than shaman and paladin but that still retains the supportive side.
In any case, that means to make from scratch a new class. A version of WotLK Death knight could be used, but i would need severe changes and nerfs.

Finally, we need races; At least 5 to go with the Twow number for each faction. All with their animations, voice lines etc.
To take once again my illidari exemple, the obvious choice would be Naga, Fel orcs, Draenei, Blood elves (maybe more demonics, like fel elves ?) and then the Forsaken we moved from the Horde. And in that case, all race must have their own set of animations etc (and i would argue that Fel orcs should be tweak a little bit to not be just copied orcs). One more thing that just popped in my mind is that it would have a lot of elf-related leaders with Illidan (alive or dead after the end of TfT ?), Kael-thas, Sylvanas and vashj being elves or having an elf heritage.

Sorry if my english is not perfect, i just want to share some thought here. I truly think that a thord faction would be rad and i would love for it to happen (and finally having my dream of playing ogre come true) ! smiling_turtle_head

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Re: Third Faction

Post by Thecakeisalie » Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:29 pm

I realize as well that a third faction would be missing questing hubs and flight masters/zeppelin connections. Since the Forsaken is already somewhat intertwined with the Horde infrastructure, perhaps you could have the Horde and the Third faction as neutral with each other and justify that they have an uneasy truce, while being fully hostile with the Alliance.

Of course if they got the resources to develop new zones or Outland that would be terrific, but at this point I'm not sure how far Turtle wow plans to expand Outland (who knows if it will be a zone or a raid).

Faction classes are interesting, Demon Hunters and Death Knights are iconic classes from wc3 and would be cool to have. I also hear a lot of people wanting a Necromancer class (even if it might be similar to Warlocks or Death Knights), which could also perhaps be a candidate for a unique class.

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