Unobtainable Set - Bronze Dragonscale Set

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Unobtainable Set - Bronze Dragonscale Set

Post by Imonobor » Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:18 am

Here are the items in question:

I think it will be a godsend for people who want to try tanking with their shamans to have an easily-accessible craftable starter set with good stats and set bonuses.
Current mail tanking pieces are very scarce, and the epic ones are almost unobtainable, because they come from World Bosses.
We already have all other colors of dragonscale sets for different specs, give us the tanking one! The farming of bronze dragonscales would require pissing off the bronze dragonflight, but there's nothing people won't do for profit if there's demand.

That being said, I think there should be a 4th or even 5th piece - Shoulders and/or Boots, with more interesting set bonuses. The current ones are rather lackluster and boring, give it some interesting procs like the other dragonscale sets have.
Here's a suggestion, given that the bronze dragonflight are guardians of time:
"(4) Chance on being hit: Undo all damage and debuffs done to you in the past three seconds.", with some flashy bronze-y glowy thingy when it procs. happy_turtle_head

Also some spellpower on the pieces would be appreciated instead of the haste, since we rely mostly on earth shock for aggro.
Nydas - 60 High Elf Mage (Nordanaar)
Farren - 60 Tauren Shaman (Nordanaar)
Gothric - 15 Human Paladin (Nordanaar)
Markal - 58 Undead Priest (Tel'Abim)

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