Flavorful Enhance Suggestions

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Posts: 9

Flavorful Enhance Suggestions

Post by Froghijab420 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:30 am

I really enjoy the Shaman vs Paladin class identity in Vanilla wow, and how the classes are polar opposites of each other.

-Horde Only
-Most offensive healer, with purges/grounding, windfury/earth, etc, bursty spells.
-Mana-inefficent, most powerful AOE heal.

-Alliance Only
-Most defensive healer, with plate armor/BOP/Bubble etc.
-Mana-efficent, best single target heals.

With Paladins getting a better version of Stormstrike baseline, this kind've breaks the design due to retribution paladins being more defensive and offensively stronger than enhancement shamans.

Here are some small flavorful changes that will not make Shamans a ret copy cat, but by strengthening other aspects such as offensive mobility.

1. Ghost Wolf
Give us TBC version of Ghost wolf (2 second cast vs current 3 second cast). With the "Improved Ghost Wolf" talent, Ghost wolf will be instant cast.

Move talent "Improved Ghost Wolf" down a row.
Moving this down a row will prevent Ele/resto shamans from getting both "Nature's Swiftness" and instant ghost wolf if they decide to.

Other melees have great mobility (Warrior charge/intercept, Rogue sprint/stealth, Druids nuff said) and Shamans only have slows (no hard CC); Counter-able with dispel.
*Optional Change
-Make Ghost Wolf usable indoors. It's Shamans only spell you can't use indoors, and flavor-wise I felt it more matching for the Druid to have the only spells you can't use indoors.

TURTLE SELL GHOST WOLF SKINS (SUCH AS GHOST RAPTORS, Kodo, etc.) If Ghost Wolf is used all the time for mobility, more people would use it and more opportunity to sell skins for it.

2. Flurry Change
I don't like how the Flurry talent is a straight copy from the warrior class. I think it would be fun if another talent linking with Flurry or if it was

changed to ...Elemental Flurry.
Same effect, but would (or new talent) add a random small fire, frost, nature attach during flurry. This would be flavorful (with Shamans using Windfury - outside of shocks, 0 elemental damage from their weapon), and would allow procs of Elemental clearcasting. (or call it Storm Flurry, and make it add small nature dmg).

Elemental clear-casting procs won't be OP, due to top parsing Shamans already using mana consumes, would make pvp and general play less painful.

3. Change Bloodlust to a new melee oriented haste boost.
Current Bloodlust is weak, unfun, and mostly used by restoration healing shamans.

"Stormrush", "Al'Akir's Essence", "Doomwinds"
Windfury procs cause all party members to gain X increased attack speed for X seconds.
Numbers can be adjusted, but would give Enhance a raid-spot in melee dps groups.
Last edited by Froghijab420 on Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 9
Location: Ohio

Re: Flavorful Enhance Suggestions

Post by Nakedgrandma420 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:36 am

Great suggestions, none of these are imbalanced suggestions and would make the class much more fun to play.

P.S I would deff buy a ghost wolf skin from the shop if with the changed talents allow an instant cast Ghost Wolf.

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