Underrated Abilities/Talents/Items Etc

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Underrated Abilities/Talents/Items Etc

Post by Manletow » Sat Apr 13, 2024 2:43 am

Name some Underrated Abilities/Talents/Items/Etc!
Things that are insanely useful/powerful but that are oddly underutilized/appreciated.

Example: I never hear anyone complain about Shamans 'Purge' ability even though it was seemingly intentionally designed to be overpowered.
Its really easy to sabotage enemy players with it -- especially cuz so many effects (like Warlock Demon Armor) are considered Magic Effects in Vanilla.

Example: Nordrannar Herbal Teas are essentially free (insanely dirt cheap) and should be used as much as possible -- but many do not use them. Perhaps not aware of this custom content/consumable...?
Paladin is broken in PVP.
Frost Mage is broken in PVP/PVE.
Warrior is awful in PVP.
Feral Druid is mediocre in PVP.
Enhancement Shaman is fine. Stop begging for goofy custom abilities.

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Re: Underrated Abilities/Talents/Items Etc

Post by Akos1896 » Sat Apr 13, 2024 4:56 pm

Interesting post. I'll focus mostly on shamans because I know the the deepest, but whenever I can touch another class, I will.
For shamans the abilities which are widely known as OP are WF totem, chain heal and for PVP, purge.
* Grace of air is underrated only because it is from the same totem element as WF. Giving the party 77 (or 88) agi is a nice buff. SPecially if you twist it in regularly.
* Nature's swiftness resto talent/ability: the fact that 30/0/21 ele chooses a mid-tree resto ability instead of their own ultimate says it all.
* Frost shock for PVP but I'm not sure if it is underrated. You can kite your melee enemy as long as you want.
* Earth shock, too. The fact that you can interrupt every 6 (or 5 sec), disabling a school of magic for 2 sec is kinda oppressive.
* Poison cleansing totem (disease follows the same logic but is less useful). Its effect activates upon summoning and the totem doesn't have a CD. You can spam the totem every GCD to remove 1 poison effect from each party members at every GCD. Just compare it to abolish poison.

* For trolls, berserking racial is kinda overlooked. Almost a shorter bloodlust as a racial.

* For warlocks, every curse beside the big 3 for raiding. Increased debuff slot means that a 4th warlock can easily put on a 4th curse on enemies, be it curse of weakness, tongues, whatever. I think people underplay how much a flexible 4th warlock curse can help during TWOW raiding.
* Demonic sacrifice: you don't even want to have your demon summoned anyway at raids, unless it's an imp with phaseshift for stamina buff. Feels like an ultimate talent at a tree, has many OP buffs.

* Not sure how underrated it is but the pala talent giving back full mana after spell crit is extreme. I'm not against buffing holy palas otherwise but this talent would need some nerf.
* Would mention holy strike but it's not underrated.

* Bloodthirst. Real lategame you have godly weapons, it scales too well with them.

* If I mentioned purge, priest version has to be mentioned, too.

I'm sure there are many which I missed but I mostly see the game from shaman PoV.

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