of the Shamans

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of the Shamans

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:14 pm

I imagine you have ever asked yourself: Why am I a shaman? where did I come from? which is my goal?

Shamans are an exclusive class of the Horde, with Orcs, Trolls and Tauren being capable of being Shamans, they are usually a support class like DPS or Healers, although if I'm not wrong they can also be Tanks with the right talents and equipment.

A little lore from the Wiki:
"Shamanism in the orcs remained all but extinct until Thrall, the son of the deceased Durotan and future chieftain of the Frostwolf clan, grabbed hold of the reins of Warchief of the New Horde, ushering in a new generation of shamanism, breaking the crippling lethargy of the captive orcs and outlawing the dark magic of the Burning Legion. At the time of the internment camps, a shaman was a derogatory term for someone who told fantastical and unbelievable stories."

Why are they a class exclusive to the Horde?
It is a custom from the home planet of the Orcs, Draenor, their culture was previously divided into different shamanic clans. With the fall of the orcs to the corruption of the Burning Legion and the bloodlust produced by the blood of the Pit Lord Mannoroth, the orcs abandoned shamanism until it finally became extinct, being replaced by dark magic using demonic energies. like fel magic mostly.

When the Horde re-emerged as the New Horde with new races, some of these, mainly the most "primitive", decided to follow in the footsteps of their new orc allies and embrace shamanism under their guidance.

Shamanism is mainly based on embracing the elements and using them to your advantage to enhance your attacks, it is the counterpart of the holy light in the Paladins of the Alliance in a way, since they use the light and its blessings for exactly the same thing.

Why are there no shamans in the Alliance?
Shamanism itself did not exist in Azeroth as such, it was not a custom or something commonly practiced, the closest being the druidism of the Night Elves, however they remained alien to the rest of the world until the third war, most of them. The civilized Alliance races, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and High Elves, worship the Holy Light, therefore, shamanism has no place in them or their customs, and the Wildhammer Dwarves are protectors of nature. Hinterlands, therefore, are more like Silvermoon rangers than shamans.

Therefore you, as an Orc, Troll or Tauren, proud member of the new generation of shamans, must fight...


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Re: of the Shamans

Post by Charanko » Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:25 pm

Good read,
agree no shamans on alliance
Orky Sulfuron Champion

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Re: of the Shamans

Post by Rayken » Sat Apr 06, 2024 1:47 pm

What? Are you just making up lore?

Shamanism has existed on Azeroth forever... Tauren, Quillboar, Furbolgs, Trolls, Dwarves, etc. practiced it... It also has nothing to do with Druidism or nature. It is only about raw elements.

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