Emerald Sanctum Complaints

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Emerald Sanctum Complaints

Post by Kharkov72 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:34 am

Every fucking week you change what's required for hardmode. Every time someone finds a strat you personally do not like you change it. Resetting Errenius, sure, but every other strategy used on Errenius, LoS, kiting, smaller parties, gets changed, undocumented, with insane regularity. If someone is using a strat you as devs personally don't like, at least mention it in the fucking patch notes. I'm also fairly sure the new change, which sleeps the target if they are too far and teleports them to Erennius to prevent kiting, causes him to sleep people fighting Solnius when he threat drops.
And isn't this supposed to be a t2 ony? Why do you refuse scaling so much? All the trash are massive health sponges even in naxx gear, I can't imagine doing this in anything lower than aq40 gear, when this gear is barely even needed at that point. Even in normal mode I can't imagine doing this with less than 35 people.
Drives me crazy.
Takatunda, GM of <AFK 5 Minutes>

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Re: Emerald Sanctum Complaints

Post by Typh1 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:03 am

Quit crying, we are raiding ES on Tel'abim in mc gear. Even hardmode has been done

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Re: Emerald Sanctum Complaints

Post by Typh1 » Thu Apr 04, 2024 7:03 am

And that's with 25-30 people

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Re: Emerald Sanctum Complaints

Post by Borefficz » Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:27 am

Other than the raid making you fall asleep IRL, my biggest complaint about it is the droprates of crafting recipes considering it is a non scaling raid. 4% per week is brutal, this means you can do ES every lockout for 6 months and still have a good chance of not even seeing the thing drop ONCE. And even if it does there's up to 39 other people instead of say 20-25 in MC.

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Re: Emerald Sanctum Complaints

Post by Geojak » Thu Apr 04, 2024 8:58 am

i have been soft reserving week after week the emerald dream frog for half a year for the frog lord title and havent seen a single drop. the droprate on this pet is INSANE, epsecially after the trash pack reduction

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