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Post by Fingerout504 » Mon Mar 18, 2024 12:04 am

The reason for this was that I teamed up with a player who was in the same faction that had war mode. I added blood to the player and started PVP mode. The player from the opposing faction tried to kill him, so I killed the player from the opposing faction with a tuba. It's a simple thing.
First of all, it's not the PVP or war mode that I initiated.I just team up with players from the same faction and do missions normally.
Secondly, I was pursued by someone else, not me actively engaging in PVP.The druid is too powerful and keeps chasing me
I can't hide even if I want to, chasing from the east of Twilight Forest to the west cemetery.
Thirdly, if this incident causes my two accounts to be frozen, it can only indicate one thing: do not team up with small players in PVP or war mode.They will only bring you the covetousness and pursuit of others.
My request is to lift the one month freeze on my two accounts.
I will pay attention to the mistakes I made yesterday in the future. The account freeze caused significant damage to my character and affected my team's progress. I am very anxious. I have contacted the staff, please reply to me as soon as possible. Thank you. Online waiting

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Location: China

Re: 我的欧服账号被冻结一个月,请求解封

Post by Otla » Tue Mar 19, 2024 6:17 am

如果你的账号被冻结并想要联系我们的支持团队,请登录并通过我们网站上的用户面板向我们发送消息:https://turtle-wow.org/。 我们不会受理论坛上的冻结申诉。

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