What Tomorrow Brings -Negatosceptic

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What Tomorrow Brings -Negatosceptic

Post by Artashir » Sat Feb 10, 2024 11:23 am

My concern about new development for 2024-2025.
First and before all is this sound like a great project!!! Really great, something new out of the box, involving parts of lore where original just fail-pale before this. But my main concern is about new tier 4 development and my fear is this will bring alot more disbalance between certain classes and make the gap of balance even bigger. The game is old, near 20 years, and all the information is on the internet. I make this small calculation just to show how for Rogue class Tier 0.5+ Darkmantle is almost from catch up set can go to near equal of Tier2 Bloodfang.
Image https://ibb.co/n823m4h
The hardest raid is Naxxramas in vanilla where just a few mistakes will cost you a wipe on raid, of course the best gear is there to -Tier3 and the difference between the rest of sets it’s like a day and night. From here is my fear-Tier4 will make huge jump and totally demolish the rest of tier sets. The questions erupt like mushrooms: What will be the deference between Molten Core -Nightslayer and Grim Batol set, or even Naxxramas and Grim Batol. Did this will cause more disbalance ? (I remember a few first blue items in Burning Crusade in Hellfire Peninsula zone outmatch vanilla epic items). Did this will make for example Rogue just to skip raids like Molten Core and Blackwing Lair because they don’t worth the effort anymore?
What's your opinion and thoughts on this dear Rogue’s?

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Re: What Tomorrow Brings -Negatosceptic

Post by Akos1896 » Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:20 pm

I'd add that TWOW team plans a T3,5 and a T4 (later, it is Grim Batol). T3-T4 jump will surely be huge but it's skipping 1 tier, like jumping from BWL to Naxx without AQ

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