What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

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What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Mac » Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:37 am

Writing prompts. They can be a good way to develop and explore one's characters. They can also help improve and flex one's writing skills. But moreover, they can be a lot of fun to engage in. So let's have a thread for role-playing writing prompts.

Feel free to respond any way you'd like. If you want to give a short answer, that's great. If you want to write out a long and lengthy scene in reply, wonderful. You can write a poem or song if you wish. Just put yourself in your character's head and try to think how they think. If you have multiple characters you like playing, feel free to give multiple responses. You don't even have to be a role-player to play along.

Here's the writing prompt:

You find yourself in a bustling marketplace (perhaps in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, or in a more exotic location like Booty Bay) full of traders coming and going in all directions. A person bumps into you -- not an uncommon occurrence in such busy place -- and you pause for a moment before realizing you feel a bit lighter. That's when something catches your eye: an urchin a few yards away is clutching your coin purse. The child's devious grin quickly shifts to an expression of panic as they catch your eye, and the little pickpocket tries to take off and make a run for it. What do you do?

Posts: 173

Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Jongyi » Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:14 am

My high elf hunter would go after the child, catch him, take my loot back and spank him hard!

Posts: 21

Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Missbliss » Sat Dec 10, 2022 7:20 am

The little urchin darted amongst the crowd, finding his way into a narrow alleyway and shimmying his way down it to the adjacent street. He followed this street until he came to another wider alley, and he ran to the end of it where there was only a stone wall.

Hehehe, she'll never find me up here... He thought as he began scaling the stone wall, his little fingers strong and calloused - adept at gripping the protruding stones.

"HEY!" A girl's voice bellowed from behind him. He felt someone grip his raggy clothing, pulling him forcefully off the wall so that he fell onto his back.

The young urchin boy looked up, expecting to see a face twisted in anger, but was surprised to see the mischievous smile of a beautiful woman with bright blue eyes and platinum blonde hair.

"You didn't think I'd let you get away, did you? That was a lot of money that you took. I rely on that to eat, you know." She said, keeping her smile, though her hands were on her hips and she spoke with authority. The boy scrambled backwards and she followed him with slow deliberately paced steps.

"P-please! Mercy! Here, take it back! I'm sorry!" He cried fearfully, his voice cracking under the pressure. He pulled the coinpurse from his clothing and threw at her feet.

He took a better look at her now. She was a comparatively small woman, not much taller than he was despite him being only a boy. SHE was definitely an adult though; He could tell that. He understood now how she was able to follow him so quickly through the narrow alleyway that had he shimmied through.

As mentioned her eyes were a bright sky blue, and her hair a rare, natural platinum blonde color. It was exceptionally long, and although it was tied in a ponytail, it still hung all the way to her lower back. Her alabaster skin was unblemished to the point of being nearly angelic looking.

A blue cloak was clasped around her shoulders with a pin emblazoned with the twin-eagles of Lordaeron, and underneath it she wore black clothing over a suit of chainmail. A longsword scabbard hung at her waist and a shield on her back, and all of these were cleaned and well taken care of, obvious just by the look of them.

As he continued to crawl away, she knelt down and picked up her coinpurse, tying it back to her belt.

"You ought to be careful. Other people might not be so forgiving. What's your name?" She asked, looking down at him as he sat up and started to look less afraid.

"M-mateus... M-ma'am." He gulped.

"Oh dear... Please don't call me ma'am. My name is Evangelyne, but you can call me Eva." She told him, reaching out and offering him a hand up, which he hesitantly took. He dusted himself off and looked 'up' at her (he was almost eye level, standing at 4'10" himself).

"I'm really sorry again... You're not going to report me, are you?" He asked, rubbing his arm and looking away innocently.

"Well that depends... Are you going to continue stealing? You know stealing is wrong, don't you? If I hadn't caught you, I would've had to go hungry for at least a week. Is that what you wanted?" She asked him, tilting her head and raising her brow compassionately.

"Well, no... I was just hungry myself and I wanted something to eat." He explained.

"Well, here then." Eva reached into her coin purse, grabbing a small handful of silver coins and offering it out to the boy. His eyes sparkled. He had never seen more than a few copper in one place. "Take this, and don't let anyone else know you have it. Keep it safe, and protect it, and you shouldn't have to steal anymore."

The boy put out his hands eagerly and Eva let the coins fall into them. The boy held them as if they were a precious baby, putting them carefully into a secret pocket. "Thank you so much!" He said, but he thought for a moment. He wasn't a stupid kid, "But this isn't going to last me forever... What am I going to do when it runs out?"

"Well, you'll have to use it wisely then, right? How am I suppose to know?" She taps her chin, questioning herself, "Maybe I should take it back. I mean, maybe you need to learn to earn it yourself first..."

"No! I mean- I uhm, I understand!"

"I sure hope so!" She grinned at him and ruffled his hair a bit. "Now get going! Hurry to wherever you stay before someone finds out you have all that silver and tries to rob you!"

The urchin grimaced like a kid would when getting their hair ruffled by an adult, then nodded at her words before running off back the way he came.

Eva watched him with a warm smile which slowly faded as the boy faded from her view. When he was gone, she was straight-faced, almost frowning. Her eyes glazed over as memories of her own family flooded her mind. Happy times, smiling faces, children laughing and playing; It felt like a far off dream. Never again would she see their faces except in her memories.

She worried about the lad. She admired his tenacity and prayed to God that he would be ok, but the deep seated cynicism that found it's way into her from the years of horror she had to witness told her that it was no guarantee. The life of an urchin was no easy life. How would she know, so young herself, if she had just helped or hindered him.

"Please be strong." She prayed, clutching her hand to her chest. It was the best she could hope for him.

Posts: 21

Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Missbliss » Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:14 am

Thank you for the writing prompt. I've been inspired to write a lot lately so this is exactly what I needed. I hope to see more responses of all kinds. :)

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Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Mac » Mon Dec 12, 2022 5:54 am

Jongyi wrote:
Sat Dec 10, 2022 6:14 am
My high elf hunter would go after the child, catch him, take my loot back and spank him hard!
Missbliss wrote:
Sun Dec 11, 2022 12:14 am
Thank you for the writing prompt. I've been inspired to write a lot lately so this is exactly what I needed. I hope to see more responses of all kinds. :)
No problem. I enjoyed reading your reply, as well as the other creative writing posts you’ve done on this forum, and hope to be able to read more from others.

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Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Kefke » Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:18 pm

Names excluded to protect identities;

High Elf Paladin - Track the urchin down, but ultimately laugh it off and forgive them, so long as they gave the coin purse back. Then probably buy them a meal, and if they didn't have a home/parents try to take them to the orphanage.

Human Rogue - Give chase with all speed, resorting to foolhardy and reckless acrobatics to overtake the would-be pickpocket. They would give the child a scare after wresting away their belongings, but allow them to get away without chasing further.

Undead Mage - Sigh with resignation, shaking their head and pinching the bridge of their nose. After checking that nothing else was taken, they would go and sell off a few things to buy a new coin purse, and immediately get started on earning back the money/doing research, before quickly forgetting about the incident altogether.

Goblin Warrior - Much the same as the Rogue, but with more explosions and collateral damage, probably launching themselves through the air at least once, and laughing like a maniac the entire time. By the time they caught up to the child, they'd be in such a good mood that they'd end up deciding to pay the kid for giving them the opportunity.

Posts: 22

Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Fred25 » Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:27 am

Mac wrote:
Sat Dec 10, 2022 3:37 am
Writing prompts. They can be a good way to develop and explore one's characters. They can also help improve and flex one's writing skills. But moreover, they can be a lot of fun to engage in. So let's have a thread for role-playing writing prompts.

Feel free to respond any way you'd like. If you want to give a short answer, that's great. If you want to write out a long and lengthy scene in reply, wonderful. You can write a poem or song if you wish. Just put yourself in your character's head and try to think how they think. If you have multiple characters you like playing, feel free to give multiple responses. You don't even have to be a role-player to play along.

Here's the writing prompt:

You find yourself in a bustling marketplace (perhaps in Stormwind or Orgrimmar, or in a more exotic location like Booty Bay) full of traders coming and going in all directions. A person bumps into you -- not an uncommon occurrence in such busy place -- and you pause for a moment before realizing you feel a bit lighter. That's when something catches your eye: an urchin a few yards away is clutching your coin purse. The child's devious grin quickly shifts to an expression of panic as they catch your eye, and the little pickpocket tries to take off and make a run for it. What do you do?
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Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Nienor » Fri Feb 09, 2024 10:30 am

Thanks for the prompt! I have a lot of dull house work to do but having something to think about helped me stay motivated and just autopilot the boring work while I think about the scenarios. I haven't written a short story since highschool turtle_tongue

Roodrid, Night Elf Druid.

Roodrid glanced down at her hip to see the leather pouch that she tied on her belt was gone, the child who had taken it was a few paces away in the thick crowd, their eyes met for a moment and then the child was gone into the throng. Roodrid's immediate thought was to snare the child in roots or vines but the cobbled Stormwind streets were impeccably free from vegetation. After a moment of hesitation Roodrid smiled to herself privately, she shifted quickly into the form of a nightsaber and stealthily began to stalk the fleeing thief.

The boy darted through the bustling streets grasping the leather pouch, it felt heavy in his hands, an electric feeling of excitement ran through his body and he wondered how much gold was in the purse. He wheeled around a corner of the street and came out of an arched stone tunnel onto the much quieter streets enclosing the Stormwind canals, he paused for a moment to look around and sensing no pursuit he dropped to a walk. Trying to appear calm the boy began to fumble the strings on the leather purse, his fingers we shaking a little with excitement as the ties came loose. He stopped for a moment at the edge of the canal and peered into the purse, his eyes wide with anticipation but as he caught sight of the contents of the purse he felt a great knot form like a punch to his stomach. The purse contained rocks. Gingerly he plucked out one of the rocks, it was flat and grey, curiously shaped, smooth with a hole in the middle.He held up the rock and peered through the hole but he saw nothing, he made a face of disgust and hurled the rock into the canal. He thrust the purse in after the rock with a shout of frustration and sighed. He felt like a great balloon that was now completely deflated. He scuffed his shoes on the cobbled streets and walked off with his head hung in defeat.

Roodrid waited for the child to disappear around the street corner before she came out from the shadowy corner she had hidden in to witness the whole affair. She chuckled to herself at the sight, it had been delicious. She stepped quickly across the street and dived into the canal, shifting into the form of a sea lion once she hit the water. Gracefully she dived down to collect the precious rock and her purse. It was her prized rock collection and contained a great assortment of rare and unusual rocks though of no great value to anyone other than an enthusiast. Roodrid emerged from the canal, sodden but in good spirits. She stalked off to find a sunny spot to sit and dry. She fished a gold coin our of her boot and put it in her pocket, she would have to purchase grease for her leather armor and the purse now since it had been wet, but it had been worth it for the marvelous spectacle of the boy's emotional journey.

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Re: What Would You Do? -- Role-Playing Writing Prompts

Post by Nienor » Fri Feb 09, 2024 12:40 pm

Ninell- High Elf Priest

Ninell's eyes caught those of a small boy looking back with anxiety as he rushed away into the crowded Stormwind streets. Her hand went to her belt and sure enough her silk coin purse had been stolen. Her heart dropped with sadness for the actions of the boy but her legs immediately carried her swiftly after him.

The boy hadn't made it far when Ninell's small hand clasped around his arm. Ninell could see the boy was afraid so she channeled a very slight warmth from one of her many spells of healing into his arm, as the boy relaxed she placed her other hand on his shoulder and guided him gently to a bench nearby.

Now seated next to the jittery boy Ninell looked at him for a moment, then calmly said to him "You have something of mine". The boy cast his eyes down and mumbled something while his hands produced the silk purse from under his dirty shirt.
"Thank you" Ninell said warmly. She was still channeling the healing spells into her hands where she was holding the boy and she could see that he was soaking it up in a kind of confused enjoyment. He didn't know she was a healer and had never been healed by a priest before so he didn't understand the sensation.
"Does it feel nice? My hands I mean" Ninell asked.
"Yes Ma'am" the boy squeaked.
"Are you hurt?" Ninell continued
"Not by you Ma'am but I have some bruises..." the boy trailed off not wanting to finish where the sentence was heading.
"Would you like me to take a look? I am a healer, I can ease the hurt for you"
"I.. I guess it would be nice, thank you Ma'am" the boy stammered, obviously surprised by the turn of events.
"Where does it hurt?"
"There's one across my back" the boy said gesturing across his lower back. Ninell placed a hand there and gently felt the area, there was a great welt risen angrily right across his lower back. The boy winced as she touched it, it must have been quite fresh. She began a small spell of healing, it wasn't a serious wound but it would surely still hurt the poor child. "How did this happen?" Ninell asked
"uh, well. I tried to take some of my Da's money, for some of that gnomish candy the sell down in the main square but... well he caught me, I guess I deserved it" The boy said looking down at his shoes looking quite abashed. Ninell felt her heart twist with the boy's words. She suspected this kind of injury would be something like that but it still wrenched her heart to hear it.
"You didn't deserve it, there is no reason for an adult to hurt a child like that, I'm so sorry little one" Ninell paused, looking with sympathy at the boy "could you not have asked him to buy you some?"
"Da wouldn't give me his money for candy, he needs it all for his trips to the pub he says. But I thought he wouldn't notice if I took a few coppers" The boy looked glumly at his shoes again. Ninell sat in quietly next to the boy, still channeling the healing spells absently, the boy still seemed to enjoy the feeling even though the wound was already healed. "I don't think the pub is that much fun anyway" the boy continued "Da's always angry and stinks when he comes home, doesn't seem like he enjoys it very much. I wish we could use to money to go travel and see places, there's always so many strange people in Stormwind, I wonder where they all come from, wouldn't it be nice to see their homes?" The boy was feeling quite relaxed now and seemed to have forgotten all about how he came to be sitting on the bench in the first place.
"It would indeed" Ninell replied automatically.
"But I don't think that will happen, Ma says I have to take over the shop when I grow up and pay for her retirement, so I'll have to stay here and work in the tailor shop."
Ninell looked at the boy sharply, she could see the boy was young, not older than eight. Her mind reeled trying to think of something to dissuade the boy from such a life but knew very well that if someone lacks the inner fire to escape then mere words of encouragement will be of no help.
"Is your mother kind to you?" Ninell ventured
"Sometimes" the boy said "But sometimes she's mean too, when I'm working in the shop she yells at me a lot..." The boy looked down again "I wanted her to make me a new shirt since this one's got holes but Ma said it would be a waste of money and I should fix it myself. That's why I stole your purse" He said suddenly remembering himself "Sorry Ma'am, you're so nice I wouldn't have taken it but I wanted to see what it's like to have money for myself..." the boy trailed off again.
Ninell thought for a moment if she should ask him how else he might get money for himself but before she was resolved on what to ask the boy spoke again.
"I think I'll be a soldier when I grow up, then I can run away and see the world" he spoke with wanderlust and idealism in his eyes, characteristic of one so young.
"Why not learn the tailoring trade and then go settle far away?" Ninell asked, now more certain of her response.
"I don't want to be a tailor, my parents are so unhappy and that's what they do, I don't want to be unhappy like them" he said earnestly.
"But what if it's something else that makes them unhappy? Perhaps you could learn the trade to make money for yourself and then you would have your freedom. It's a better life than that of a soldier" Ninell cast her own eyes down as she added the last part. The life of a priest was full of seeing the end of that particular life path.
"But tailors don't make any money" the boy said back, quite ignoring Ninell's comment about the life of a soldier.
"They do if they don't spent it all on beer and gambling" Ninell said, more to herself than to the boy.
"Enough to travel?" the boy asked with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
"Of course, you could use it to see many places, everyone needs a tailor, then you could go where you choose rather than being sent to some horrible corner of the world like a soldier is." The boy looked at his hands contemplating Ninell's words, he swung his feet absently lost in thought. Ninell looked at the light on the street beginning to fade, someone had lit a lamp not too far away. She would have to go soon, but first she wanted to help the boy just a little.
"Do you have some keep sake? A trinket or toy?" she asked, the boy thought for a moment and then sheepishly produced a crudely carven wooden horse, it looked as though he had made it himself. Perfect, Ninell thought and she gently took the horse from the boy's hand. She opened her bag and pulled out a strangely shimmering pouch, it glowed slightly when she opened it. Ninell used the dust to enchant the horse, it was a mostly useless enchantment, just generating a soothing heat when he clasped it in his hands, it would feel like a faint healing spell. She handed the horse back to the boy with a warm smile. "Hold this in your hands when you need comfort" she instructed and the boy took the horse gingerly. His eyes grew wide as the enchantment became active. "Thank you!" he said excitedly, it must have seemed like a rare and magical item to him now though it was only a very common and mild enchantment.
"It's a long time before you grow up and can take your life in your own hands, so I hope this can be a comfort to you until then" Ninell said sincerely.
"It will! Thanks Ma'am, this is wonderful!" He jumped off the bench and onto his feet excitedly. "I'll keep it secret and keep it with me always!"
"One more thing" Ninell added as she rose from the bench. "The enchantment will disappear if you go thieving again, you have to make your money fairly from now on. Work hard and earn it copper by copper. Then you will have nothing to worry about" the boy's eyes were wide as she said the last part and he nodded solemnly.
"I'll start by fixing my shirt!" The boy said with growing enthusiasm.
Ninell bent her knees to crouch a the boy's height as she wished him farewell,
"That is a wonderful idea! I'm sure you can do it. I must be on my way now, I wish you all the best"
"You too Ma'am" the boy said still holding the horse with both hands in front of him.

Ninell gave a small wave and turned to continue on her way. She hoped he believed the part about the enchantment wearing off, that part was a lie but if it worked it would be a more powerful enchantment than the one she had used with her real magic dust. The boy had a long road in front of him, Ninell hoped that he would walk it well.

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