Transfert from tel'abim

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:51 pm

Marafado wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:12 pm
What the pvp server need is the "vannila players" that used to play in twow before the classic/china hype.

The efficient ppl (classic) that play atm in pvp server will decrease, and the asia farmers (china/russia) on pve soon or later need to leave too, because if no EU buyers there is no point to stay here. I bet atm the pve server have less than 1k EU/NA players at prime time.

Check this sound boys :)

Feel free to join pvp server, it has no china players or russians.
Enjoy your "classic eu players experience" and inability to form UBRS group.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Marafado » Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:36 pm

I have 1 toon in pvp server, created about 2 or 3 weeks ago in horde.

But...but, read the /world chat can change your motivation in a sec ;p
The "classic eu players experience" its not for me, the efficiency of the classic players is a problem. I prefer the old Vanilla experience.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:11 pm

Players in 2024 are efficient in general, you wont find 1k casuals to have 2005 "we click from spellbook" wibe.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Marafado » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:43 pm

no, its an old game...and should be played like it is :=

my adivice to ataika and other young kids around forum ;p ...> focus on on xchool and joobs, pirate wow servers is for pass time ;p

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:49 pm

2024 people like to be efficient regardless of the game's release date
Future is now old man, deal with it.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Mahga » Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:45 pm

Thol wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:00 pm

Reroll on Nordanaar, with tents providing perma rested xp and war mode free xp it doesn't take that long.

Not everyone is obsessed with pop numbers, get over it.
I have a level 60 on both, but on pvp side i cant play outside of solo content or my regularly scheduled raid because there's not enough player to group with for dungeon. Heck even the elite arena mob from dire maul is up for days and days because of it.

I just want to play the game. Dungeons are to me the most fun aspect of classic, because you can feel the upgrades you get with how easy it gets. I just wish there would be enough players to do dungeons more than once every other day.
Right now one of my char is just stuck on a desert with not much to do.
Ataika wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:49 pm
2024 people like to be efficient regardless of the game's release date
Future is now old man, deal with it.
It's not even about being efficient, i want to feel the impact raid progression with the power ups i get ... and it just doesnt happen when you can't group for anything.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Templar85 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:06 am

Nobody or just 1 or 2 people mentioned the real reason why PVP and PVE server lost 6k players. Small part was the Chinese migration from the Western servers but mainly it was Season of Discovery launch. In 2024 launching a plain Vanilla pvp server is not so attractive when there are tons of other projects with upgraded added value. The key factor here is to make vanilla + without entering to the fun server category where all meaningful rules have been lifted.

The real threat on the horizon for turtle wow is Epoch Wow. It is not launched yet but to keep up with it, Turtle Wow NEEDS to do well thought but HUGE changes and improvements. They shouldn't rush out buggy and incomplete content but needs to greatly level up their work. In case they need to hire more competent and enthusiastic people then they should do it. For example the HD mod is abandoned because the creator stopped working on it. He did by his free time so we are greatly appreciate of his awesome work. Turtle team should hire him to keep continue work on it.

Just couple of way where Turtle should improve

Talent changes
It's been long overdue. It should not be tiny little improvements here and there. If the overall results making the whole world to easy then make every mob adjusted hp/attack/armor value so questing still should be somewhat challenging.

There are so many talent change suggestions threads, many of them are extra detailed. The persons who are doing the redesign of the talents should come to the forum and at least say “I found some useful ideas here“ or say “these ideas will not be implemented at all“.

There is always Tank shortages for dungeons. Incentivise tanks to queue up by at the end of an instance a bonus chest for tanks which contains gold and high level potions or materials.

T4 raid
Should be hard, challenging but not unfun. Emerald Sanctum raid with unavoidable 10 seconds sleep is unfun.

Some of the outside Bosses are now inside in an instance but only 5 separate raids can enter it. After that have to wait for reset. After a boss kill make the raid locked so it mean no character can be parked there to monitor the respawn.

Make Dungeons Heroic mode difficulty option. Player with T3 gear have some challenge to complete it but can do maximum 3 times per week. After first clear the mobs hp/armor/attack increased but the gold dropp is increased too


Make rated arena leagues
bring back 2v2
increasing honour gain from outside of BG's. Faction leader kills giving huge honour
New battlegrounds, Arenas

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am

Templar85 wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:06 am
Nobody or just 1 or 2 people mentioned the real reason why PVP and PVE server lost 6k players. Small part was the Chinese migration from the Western servers but mainly it was Season of Discovery launch.
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Progect epoch is a mutant version of wow and wont attract much players for a long period.
Even their main page is an uter garbage.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Vettan » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:27 am

Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am
Templar85 wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:06 am
Nobody or just 1 or 2 people mentioned the real reason why PVP and PVE server lost 6k players. Small part was the Chinese migration from the Western servers but mainly it was Season of Discovery launch.
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Progect epoch is a mutant version of wow and wont attract much players for a long period.
Even their main page is an uter garbage.
Thats just not true Epoch has the guts to change in a way it shakes up the stale and already known vanilla landscape. Exactly what people want keep the spirit of the game but give player new things to explore and fix all those damn broken and stupid mechanics.

U said sth. about modern time is now old man in a previous post. Thats exactly whats happening in Epoch. Meaningfull changes a modern take on vanilla wow.

It will just steamroll Turtle. I want Turtle to be good i want it to survive in the landscape of privat servers but u can see the current path they are following is leading them downhill. PVE server has become a shitshow and the PVP one is the prime example on how to loose all the attention u got in record time.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:34 am

Vettan wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:27 am
Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am
Templar85 wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:06 am
Nobody or just 1 or 2 people mentioned the real reason why PVP and PVE server lost 6k players. Small part was the Chinese migration from the Western servers but mainly it was Season of Discovery launch.
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Progect epoch is a mutant version of wow and wont attract much players for a long period.
Even their main page is an uter garbage.
Thats just not true Epoch has the guts to change in a way it shakes up the stale and already known vanilla landscape.
Ye sure, the feature "u can swap your racials" alone will make most ugly races obsolete and the world blank.
Project literally has no class/race/faction identity, you wont understand who is front of you elf or ork untill he uses his racials.

Undead paladin adds more cringe to an already high level.
Vettan wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:27 am
Thats exactly whats happening in Epoch.
Nah, the butchering process happening there where few guys are butchering tbc+wotlk in attempt to crate something they might call Classic+. In fact they are not even making something new, they are just creating some abomination by mixing the unmixable.
This is TBC project, not classic project.

But yes i agree turtle devs could be more transparent instead of current "well yeah we will rework classes but no info given to you". And surely could have fixed main problems like AV disbalance long time ago.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Templar85 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:19 pm

It will just steamroll Turtle. I want Turtle to be good i want it to survive in the landscape of privat servers but u can see the current path they are following is leading them downhill. PVE server has become a shitshow and the PVP one is the prime example on how to loose all the attention u got in record time.
I feel the exact same way. I want Turtle to thrive in the future. Some thing were ok in 2017 in a Private Vanilla+ server community but in 2024 needs more to become attractive and popular. That's why I gave constructive ideas about some things to improve on.

Also Rated arena brackets should be not only divided by 2v2 and 3v3 but by gear level too. So there is a bracket for T1 level, T2 and T3 level geared players.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Jc473 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:36 pm

Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Come on, is it such a leap in logic to suggest that people didn’t want to commit to a new vanilla+ project when blizzard is about to release something in about a month’s time?

Whatever negative things say about Blizzard, the facts are there is a high level of polish to their game (even the ‘beta’ testing of SoD), server stability and guaranteed population. These alone would be enough to severely hamper any private server launch. Hell, even if Blizzard launched a fresh Classic PvP server, I bet it would’ve had the launch timing would’ve also had the same impact of Tel’Abim.

Simply put, a lot of people chose a safe & secure option even if they were 1-3 weeks into Tel’Abim. After that, it’s just like ‘stocks and shares’, once people started seeing a downhill trend, they all just followed suit. This is like a force of nature and incredibly hard to stop in such a short time frame. And before anyone suggests this, I seriously doubt any private server could’ve reacted within these 1-3 weeks to actually persuade those people to stay. They were going to leave no matter what. Epoch would’ve died a death. The only reason why TWoW still exists is because of its long standing nature and loyal fan base.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Frantsel » Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:47 pm

Raxk wrote:
Tue Jan 30, 2024 9:27 pm
Tel' abim was the worst idea possible. And i've said this several times when they came with the idea. We never needed another server, Nordaanar had a huge pop of mostly Chinese players, Nordaanar was never full with its intended player base. I guess the Devs did a Blizzard move and didn't hear player feedback on this one. OH well... more trouble for them to fix.

to prove my point from Twow Forum:
"by Raxk » 12 Sep 2023 07:13

Second EU server is the worst idea possible. There's not enough EU/US players to fill this severs, but there are too many Chinese players filling them. There should be only ONE EU/US server but it needs to be blocked from Chinese players. Nothing against Chinese players, and i've met some awesome Chinese people in Twow but YOU ARE TOO MANY."

Edited for clarification.
So you quoted someone with the same opinion as yours? Wow..

I am playing on tel abim and Im having a great time as many others have.

Turtle wow devs often stated they are a small team, a passionate project made by fans.
People expect bit changes in short times because they are used to by big companies.

I and many others are having a great time even tho the pop is on decline. This can possibly change.

Using big words like "the worst idea possible" is just exaggerating.

People were fearing it will harm the pve server, which incase it did not. Which is a good thing.

Now give it some time and the devs the possibility to do some changes. Turtle wow pve took many years to take of.


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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Veeco » Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:59 pm

No. you guys wanted this. Now you live with it.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Ataika » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:36 pm

Jc473 wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:36 pm
Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Come on, is it such a leap in logic to suggest that people didn’t want to commit to a new vanilla+ project when blizzard is about to release something in about a month’s time?

Whatever negative things say about Blizzard, the facts are there is a high level of polish to their game (even the ‘beta’ testing of SoD), server stability and guaranteed population. These alone would be enough to severely hamper any private server launch. Hell, even if Blizzard launched a fresh Classic PvP server, I bet it would’ve had the launch timing would’ve also had the same impact of Tel’Abim.

Simply put, a lot of people chose a safe & secure option even if they were 1-3 weeks into Tel’Abim. After that, it’s just like ‘stocks and shares’, once people started seeing a downhill trend, they all just followed suit. This is like a force of nature and incredibly hard to stop in such a short time frame. And before anyone suggests this, I seriously doubt any private server could’ve reacted within these 1-3 weeks to actually persuade those people to stay. They were going to leave no matter what. Epoch would’ve died a death. The only reason why TWoW still exists is because of its long standing nature and loyal fan base.
What the date of sod release ?

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Burunduk » Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:54 pm

Yes, we are all waiting for Project E release, it will kill even Nordanaar.
Turtle devs don't care about players, so someone else will take care of us.

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Jc473 » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:30 pm

Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 2:36 pm
Jc473 wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 1:36 pm
Ataika wrote:
Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:16 am
PVp server lost its online way before SoD launch and there were little to no china players.
Come on, is it such a leap in logic to suggest that people didn’t want to commit to a new vanilla+ project when blizzard is about to release something in about a month’s time?

Whatever negative things say about Blizzard, the facts are there is a high level of polish to their game (even the ‘beta’ testing of SoD), server stability and guaranteed population. These alone would be enough to severely hamper any private server launch. Hell, even if Blizzard launched a fresh Classic PvP server, I bet it would’ve had the launch timing would’ve also had the same impact of Tel’Abim.

Simply put, a lot of people chose a safe & secure option even if they were 1-3 weeks into Tel’Abim. After that, it’s just like ‘stocks and shares’, once people started seeing a downhill trend, they all just followed suit. This is like a force of nature and incredibly hard to stop in such a short time frame. And before anyone suggests this, I seriously doubt any private server could’ve reacted within these 1-3 weeks to actually persuade those people to stay. They were going to leave no matter what. Epoch would’ve died a death. The only reason why TWoW still exists is because of its long standing nature and loyal fan base.
What the date of sod release ?
Tel'abim launched on around 25th-27th October. One week later at Blizzcon, SoD was announced with a release date of around 30th November.

Without question, a whole bunch of people in that one week period would've immediately stopped playing because "why bother attaching myself to a server that I'll be ditching SoD for very soon". More and more people followed suit because the impression is "it's a sinking ship" because everyone's just gonna play SoD. A lot of people have sheep like behaviour...

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Re: Transfert from tel'abim

Post by Akalix » Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:42 pm

We do not currently have plans to open transfers between EU realms.

As the topic has greatly devolved from the OP, I will be locking this thread.
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