Abuse of honor system

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Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:23 pm

Timyang warrior whos 105+ hours non-stop online is break a honor system and killing alliance which one they deal for it on searing gorge graveyard he is cheating may be share account GM's please do something with this when i tryed to talk about it on twow discord i just banned for 24h, i beg u do something its unfair situation its impossible make so much honor alone hes play unfair

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:46 pm

he has 900k honor almost

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Sedlebg » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:48 pm

Hello everyone
I will try to explain the facts in order.

Since this week's honor reset, a player has not disconnected for a single minute, he has been in BG for more than 100 consecutive hours now.
According to the charter, it's not a problem if it doesn't harm the experience of others and here, that's it

I report him and according to the first feedback from the GM, it seems that account sharing in certain circumstances is not bannable (Probably always the same IP?)

Not understanding human limits? Alright

And yet, despite all that... well we said to ourselves (with the other rankers) let's continue, we'll give him his first place and he's happy, for us in fact it just increases our playing time by 25 hours per week, in an already archaic system that many "casual" players complain about but that's another debate.

We accept the fact that you will tolerate a player exceeding human limits in connection time to be first and we comply with the system after a few unsuccessful requests.

This player plays at the same time in the premade alliance which currently ranks, he therefore plays 2 characters at the same time at high rank in pvp.

Isn't this bannable? Very good but that explains the 150 reports that you received about him because he is afk in bg and he leaves the flags.
This also explains why Chinese players who rank don't want to play with him.

Now we ALSO caught him killing high ranking alliance players naked in the graveyard, we were wondering how he could generate so much honor (+50% outdoor yep)

What are we doing?
Because banning us for 24 hours on discord won't change that.
You ask people to fight the sale of accounts, the illegals systems in relation to the server that we love, on which I spent 30 hours yesterday without sleeping to follow a guy who shares his account, kills his friends with whom he plays in the opposing faction?
Last edited by Sedlebg on Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Thol » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:50 pm

Did you make a ticket in game? Seems pretty obvious that they're using accounts to farm honor.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:53 pm

Thol wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:50 pm
Did you make a ticket in game? Seems pretty obvious that they're using accounts to farm honor.
we did and in twow discord too but we was muted for 24h

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:54 pm

its impossible do 900k honor alone if i try like this ill die

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Sedlebg » Sat Feb 03, 2024 3:12 pm

By turning a blind eye to this, you are simply encouraging the account sales that you are fighting against.
Understand that for us, this server is not a fucking source of money, it is the server that we chose over SOD because we like your work, your way of responding in 10 seconds to our requests at the slightest worries.
We, after our ranking MADE IN A FAIR PLAY WAY
We will stay, we will look forward to your next updates, we are going back to BG to yell at the sergeant majors who don't know where to go, they will earn three marks instead of just one, we will recognize at the next BG or at orgri and then we will win the next 10 alters, like last week.
(Sorry for the alliance by the way)

For a long time I've seen a lot of people complaining about honor on the forum, this is my first post, I'm a nerd, I eat graphics cards making 1,000,000 per week that's what I I've done this on a lot of characters so I don't care much if people think it's "too much" to do 600k to quickly increase in rank.

except that we will have to understand the rank system on vanilla one day AND SO?!

We have set up CAPs for the brackets, so that even the guys at 300k can move up quickly.

And here, I have to make a post on the forum against a guy who shares his account but "it's okay it's ok it's his sister, he's brother and he's father" they can grind as a family it's allowed
He kills high-ranking alliance people naked at GY
He ranks an alliance character, a horde character at the same time and with the horde character he blocks 99% of his faction? (I would come back to the 1%)
Which means that Chinese players (yes he's a Chinese player) don't want to play with him because he voluntarily leaves certain objectives or attempts to grieve the horde
I made requests to report it, I posted screenshots on discord, I sent some to the game master.
now I come to the forum, actually I must just be stupid or just like having problems with the game masters.

Because yes, I don't even really know why I'm doing this, I should have given up when the GM told me "we can't prove that it's a share account"

Let's come back to my 1%, after forcing me to do 30 hours without sleeping to follow the honor, I am not even affected by what I do this player, I would have my rank.

But it's me who gets temporarily banned from discord and who's almost afraid of getting banned in-game because I feel like I'm spamming the game masters.

Now what's the rest of the program?
If there is no issue, my discord ban expires in 22 hours I will bring the problem back to the table.

Wake up, understand that we have more respect and confidence in you, who probably work most of the time in underwear rather than in Blizzard.
It's your server that we chose, not those of blizzard, it's your work that we like, not theirs.

Edit : see you in reddit ?

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Sedlebg » Sat Feb 03, 2024 4:32 pm

It's not really proof, it just proves that when you whistle the first CN player who speaks English he tells you that a lot of people do that.
I took x days of ban for jumping over a fence in warsong, I had to appeal to end up being banned for 12 hours.
he's so far ahead that it's definitely more useful to ban him now anyway.
The only way to do it would be to take away all his honor, to remove him from the pool but I don't even know if that's possible, anyway I don't even know if he will get a sanction.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Chudman123 » Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:28 pm

it's really sad the state of affairs when:

1. the people who care the most about PvP on twow get muted or banned (this instance, many others such as gnomestabber)
2. twow doesn't just radically change the honor system to not be toxic. not like r14 means anything around here.
3. I would remove honor decay completely, but why not just cap honor at like 300k/week and you have a fun/casual system where people can get gear playing PvP, use that gear only in PvP and stick around the server and play some competitive games with friends. Then these people who do super lame activity, since impossible to stop every form of cheating, become non issues.
-Panfusion (60 ele/resto shammy)

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Sedlebg » Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:37 pm

After two hours of research on the Chinese web, several exchanges on Wechat with Chinese players, the result is clear.
Pvp is the first sales resource
then it's Naxx where they pay for clears or trash runs (for a few $ you have 3/4 runs), there are obviously some kind of "openspace" they can rank with the same IP, I would never have thought That it would affect the server in such a significant way is really terrifying, I couldn't believe it.
I'm stopping my participation in the post and on this subject, I still don't understand my discord ban and why you asked me to report it in game, it's been done for 2 days, more than 15 times.

Good luck to the next rankers

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Akalix » Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:55 pm


I will investigate the manner.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Sedlebg » Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:56 pm

Thanks you.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Marafado » Sat Feb 03, 2024 7:31 pm

What hapened to the servers twow created for the asian players? are they closed??

Why is the EU pve realm full of china farmers??

What i understand from this post is we have a china vs china (civil war ;p) farmers for the control of the r14 business in the EU realm.

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sat Feb 03, 2024 11:18 pm

Akalix wrote:
Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:55 pm

I will investigate the manner.

Please note that sharing links to RMT sites is not acceptable, as it serves as advertising for them regardless of your intention. I am very aware of their existence.
i did it just to show how ways some people cheating and play unfair, sorry btw

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Rhissa » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:26 am

i am proud to say i was there live when they all got yoinked into oblivion by the GM

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:33 am

Hes was banned for abusing honor system justice is triumphs!
thanks u Game Masters for ur work!

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:46 am

where i can check who was banned?

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Eskanour » Sun Feb 04, 2024 12:47 am

sorry for scrupulousness but i wanna know hes was punished

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Re: Abuse of honor system

Post by Drubarrymooer » Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:21 am

That's awesome! Congrats on getting it taken care of! I've never liked the account sharing ranking method.

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