Dire Maul Lasher Farming

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Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Biggfella » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:12 pm

I'm trying to make a farming character besides my main to consistently farm gold. I see on YouTube that Dire Maul Whip Lasher farming is pretty lucrative and it seems like there are minimal barriers for entry as far as gear goes for Paladin and Mage. However, I only have a lv 44 Priest (first time playing WoW, still a noob, been playing ~2 months never hit 60 before). It seems for Priest the barriers for entry are more stringent (3k+ HP, 5.5k+ mana). I am currently sitting at lv 44 with 1.8k HP and 2.8k mana. Since I've never hit lv 60 before, idk how the gear progression is.

My questions are:
1. Would I be able to farm Dire Maul Whip Lashers sooner if I level my Priest to 60 and then got the proper gear for 3k+ HP and 5.5k+ mana, or would I be able to farm sooner if I just made a brand new Paladin/Mage and leveled it to 60 and without needing to farm gear before farming Dire Maul?

2. What is a good race/class/profession/daily quest combo for consistent gold farming? I'm not necessarily looking to min/max efficiency like needed THE BEST method, but I am looking for methods that are in the higher tiers of gold per hour. Preferably classes that have 3 or 4 viable different methods I can cycle through daily so I don't get bored farming the same thing. I really love Priest but it seems to me that we do not have very good farming methods, or if we do, we need super good gear to even start.

If anyone could put me towards a class that is very good for farming that would be great! Or maybe I'm wrong and Priest is a good farming class I just don't know any methods. Thanks!

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Thexdylldolan » Wed Jan 24, 2024 11:51 pm

I have a 60 priest and could start lasher farming consistently with only dungeon gear and some BoEs(with a farming specific talent spec)

At 44 I personally don't think it's too early or late to re-roll, basically just what you prefer for gameplay. As far as class/professions, herbalism is very good for dire maul as there are dreamfoil nodes throughout the instance that are almost all pickable without pulling dangerous packs, and paladin is without contest the easiest aoe grinding class, followed by mage, and then priest.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Tendies » Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:15 am

Insane that devs haven't deleted raw gold farms such as this.
Players injecting raw gold into the economy and the SEA people doing Naxx is why everything is so expensive right now.

Farms that do specific items to be sold on the AH don't mess with the economy much, it just tanks the price of that item. Raw gold farms on the other hand raise the price of everything.

Basically if you're holding onto gold and not doing lasher farm you're losing buying power fast, getting taxed by inflation.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Thexdylldolan » Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:40 am

Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:15 am
Raw gold farms on the other hand raise the price of everything.
Lashers are not a raw gold farm, only ~half of the value is from raw gold vendors, the rest is herbs and greens for disenchant. The herbs that are not on the lasher drop table, namely plaguebloom, icecap and mountain silversage, are skyrocketing in price with no sign of slowing down, while dreamfoil and gromsblood remain more stable.

Lasher farms quite literally add herbs and disenchant gear from thin air into the economy.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Ataika » Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:55 pm

Thexdylldolan wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:40 am
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 2:15 am
Raw gold farms on the other hand raise the price of everything.
Lashers are not a raw gold farm, only ~half of the value is from raw gold vendors, the rest is herbs and greens for disenchant. The herbs that are not on the lasher drop table, namely plaguebloom, icecap and mountain silversage, are skyrocketing in price with no sign of slowing down, while dreamfoil and gromsblood remain more stable.

Lasher farms quite literally add herbs and disenchant gear from thin air into the economy.
Little lier spotted.
The main income from lashers is gray items vendoring, not herbs.
And thats a gold injection out of thin air.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Biteyou » Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm

Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Tendies » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:06 pm

Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.
You have no idea about basic economics do you.
Also the lasher farm is done a lot by the SEA people, which is just inherent behaviour to them.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Biteyou » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:11 pm

Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:06 pm
Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.
You have no idea about basic economics do you.
Also the lasher farm is done a lot by the SEA people, which is just inherent behaviour to them.
Yeah I do, and I also have a pretty good idea of causation =/= correlation. Lasher farms have been done by everyone from every region on this server for years, so the argument that raw gold farm is contributing to inflation when all of a sudden there is 10,000 less people on the main server over the past 3 months is full of shit.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Tendies » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:15 pm

Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:11 pm
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:06 pm
Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.
You have no idea about basic economics do you.
Also the lasher farm is done a lot by the SEA people, which is just inherent behaviour to them.
Yeah I do, and I also have a pretty good idea of causation =/= correlation. Lasher farms have been done by everyone from every region on this server for years, so the argument that raw gold farm is contributing to inflation when all of a sudden there is 10,000 less people on the main server over the past 3 months is full of shit.
No you don't.
SEA guilds progressing Naxx drove up demand and nerfing croc farm made people turn to lasher farm which is a raw gold farm.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Wilsonsds » Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:21 pm

no you dont +
Schala (Priest - Holy)
Lusiena (Warrior - Prot)
Lyane (Rogue - Combat)
Fellem (Hunter - Marks)
Lustrazalux (Mage - Frost)
Gondwana (Warlock - Demo)
Esmeralden (Druid - Resto)
Aldebaran (Shaman - Ele)
Almandinite (Pally - Prot)

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Ataika » Thu Jan 25, 2024 6:19 pm

Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:11 pm
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:06 pm
Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.
You have no idea about basic economics do you.
Also the lasher farm is done a lot by the SEA people, which is just inherent behaviour to them.
Yeah I do, and I also have a pretty good idea of causation =/= correlation. Lasher farms have been done by everyone from every region on this server for years, so the argument that raw gold farm is contributing to inflation when all of a sudden there is 10,000 less people on the main server over the past 3 months is full of shit.
No you don't

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Thexdylldolan » Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:02 pm

This "no you don't" chain is cute and all but it doesn't actually rebut the point made, plus all of this is under the very wrong assumption that lasher farming is a raw gold farm, when they also provide herbs and disenchant materials, as well as the occasional world epic.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Biggfella » Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:33 pm

Bro I just wanted advice lol. Ya'll take your dong measuring contest elsewhere :)

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Drubarrymooer » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:03 pm

Biggfella wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 7:33 pm
Bro I just wanted advice lol. Ya'll take your dong measuring contest elsewhere :)
The server is pretty heated right now because of the economy. Between gold buys, scalpers, and lack of supply, people are on edge. Instead of acknowledging that it's a myriad of factors there are a very vocal few that keep harping that their reasoning is correct. Sorry you got caught in between it.

To answer your question, you can absolutely holy nova farm lashers as a priest. You don't need a ton of gear and can probably start around lvl 55.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Zvyrhol » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:09 pm

Not only SEA guilds progress through Naxxramas now, I would say they are marginal - most of Asian players left the server in the last months. I think generally new guilds that were formed in 2022/2023 pop peak farm Naxx and AQ40 now. At least this is the case in my guild. I doubt SEA players are majority in raiding scene. Despite population loss, the raiding acitivity on this server is the highest since launch.

Lasher farm indeed helps the market by allowing farmers to sell the herbs in AH which results in lower prices of desirable reagents for raiding consumables. It's a win-win situation - farmer gets money from farming herbs, the consumers get cheaper herbs in AH. This is the good site of this farm.
However, you can't deny that half of the money earned through lasher farm is a raw gold generated by selling gray items to vendor. Even if it's only half, it can potentially result in inflation in the future because it's gold created by nothing. As long as there are some good ways to sink gold in this game, we shouldn't worry much about.
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Tendies » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:35 pm

Dude, the GM of the largest SEA guild says there are 50 SEA Naxx groups right now, 20 of which are 15/15.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Norse » Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:46 pm


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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Zvyrhol » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:18 pm

Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:35 pm
Dude, the GM of the largest SEA guild says there are 50 SEA Naxx groups right now, 20 of which are 15/15.
Would be cool if you somehow prove it. Name all these 50 SEA guilds or whatever. My memory is bad, I can't even call single Asian guild.
The devil is in the detail.

Posts: 222

Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Tendies » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:23 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:18 pm
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:35 pm
Dude, the GM of the largest SEA guild says there are 50 SEA Naxx groups right now, 20 of which are 15/15.
Would be cool if you somehow prove it. Name all these 50 SEA guilds or whatever. My memory is bad, I can't even call single Asian guild.
You can literally just go to the official discord where the GM says it.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Drubarrymooer » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:25 pm

Hey everyone, let's remember the point of this thread. There are other discussion threads with the "what's causing inflation" topic where lots of us are going back and forth. We should try to keep it there rather than bringing new users into it and potentially fouling their two experience.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Xwolfi » Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:53 pm

Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 4:06 pm
Biteyou wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 3:48 pm
Nothing wrong with raw gold farms, there are people with 10s of thousands of gold on this server from time, exploits, RMT, whatever. At this point, if there are no raw gold farms, anyone new to the server is at a massive disadvantage. Quit peddling the raw gold farm inflates the economy crap. It has nothing to do with the current market prices, they have been around since before the recent inflation.
You have no idea about basic economics do you.
Also the lasher farm is done a lot by the SEA people, which is just inherent behaviour to them.
LOL... Everything that comes out of your mouth is bullshit... There will always be gold farms and theres nothing you can do about that. You're clearly just to lazy to farm for gold so have to shit on those who do...

Never seen a bigger idiot on this forum.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Zvyrhol » Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:28 pm

Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:23 pm
Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:18 pm
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:35 pm
Dude, the GM of the largest SEA guild says there are 50 SEA Naxx groups right now, 20 of which are 15/15.
Would be cool if you somehow prove it. Name all these 50 SEA guilds or whatever. My memory is bad, I can't even call single Asian guild.
You can literally just go to the official discord where the GM says it.
Sorry, I'm honestly too lazy to search the whole discord for GMs' statement. I just can't believe there are 50 Asian raid groups in Nordanaar but if I see some proof I would likely change my mind. Can you at least link or tell me the phrase I should look for in discord's search field?
The devil is in the detail.

Posts: 60

Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Queenoona » Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:11 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 10:28 pm
Tendies wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:23 pm
Zvyrhol wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:18 pm

Would be cool if you somehow prove it. Name all these 50 SEA guilds or whatever. My memory is bad, I can't even call single Asian guild.
You can literally just go to the official discord where the GM says it.
Sorry, I'm honestly too lazy to search the whole discord for GMs' statement. I just can't believe there are 50 Asian raid groups in Nordanaar but if I see some proof I would likely change my mind. Can you at least link or tell me the phrase I should look for in discord's search field?
Here you go, if you want more context/background. Theorycrafting Channel in Discord

Posts: 14

Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Ousng » Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:53 am

I strongly suggest GM to ban lasher farming in DME because it will make inflation undoubtly. Newbees can get gold through gathering herbs and ores and selling them in AH or clearing quests in high level areas after they hit 60.

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Atreidon » Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:38 am

Ousng wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:53 am
I strongly suggest GM to ban lasher farming in DME because it will make inflation undoubtly. Newbees can get gold through gathering herbs and ores and selling them in AH or clearing quests in high level areas after they hit 60.
Not every class can farm lashers, but most classes can one or two man the place. If dm would not exist, there are just other farmspots people would frequent. Having dme farmable easily is what keeps gromsblood and dreamfoil prizes low, as particularly the gromsblood is severely limited otherwise.

Diremaul is merely the most convinient goldfarm for people who dont yet have the gear or knowledge for alternative farmspots.

The real problem is that farming gold/materials is a heavy component to lvl 60 wow gameplay. So people do exactly that, farm what they need to play the game at 60. In an old game like wow, the knowledge is out that dme is just one of the best places to do so

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Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Ousng » Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:25 am

Atreidon wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:38 am
Ousng wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:53 am
I strongly suggest GM to ban lasher farming in DME because it will make inflation undoubtly. Newbees can get gold through gathering herbs and ores and selling them in AH or clearing quests in high level areas after they hit 60.
Not every class can farm lashers, but most classes can one or two man the place. If dm would not exist, there are just other farmspots people would frequent. Having dme farmable easily is what keeps gromsblood and dreamfoil prizes low, as particularly the gromsblood is severely limited otherwise.

Diremaul is merely the most convinient goldfarm for people who dont yet have the gear or knowledge for alternative farmspots.

The real problem is that farming gold/materials is a heavy component to lvl 60 wow gameplay. So people do exactly that, farm what they need to play the game at 60. In an old game like wow, the knowledge is out that dme is just one of the best places to do so
Farming herbs in DME is acceptable because that just makes gold circulation among ppls and no inflation. However farming DME is mostly for gray trashes and is making inflation gradually which is happening in live areas

Posts: 38

Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Xwolfi » Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:00 am

Ousng wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:25 am
Atreidon wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:38 am
Ousng wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 12:53 am
I strongly suggest GM to ban lasher farming in DME because it will make inflation undoubtly. Newbees can get gold through gathering herbs and ores and selling them in AH or clearing quests in high level areas after they hit 60.
Not every class can farm lashers, but most classes can one or two man the place. If dm would not exist, there are just other farmspots people would frequent. Having dme farmable easily is what keeps gromsblood and dreamfoil prizes low, as particularly the gromsblood is severely limited otherwise.

Diremaul is merely the most convinient goldfarm for people who dont yet have the gear or knowledge for alternative farmspots.

The real problem is that farming gold/materials is a heavy component to lvl 60 wow gameplay. So people do exactly that, farm what they need to play the game at 60. In an old game like wow, the knowledge is out that dme is just one of the best places to do so
Farming herbs in DME is acceptable because that just makes gold circulation among ppls and no inflation. However farming DME is mostly for gray trashes and is making inflation gradually which is happening in live areas

Again, you keep saying lashers farm causes inflation and it simply isn't true. Please stfu and go read a book. PEOPLE WILL JUST FARM GOLD SOMEWHERE ELSE.

If you nuke every gold farm then the entire economy dies... Nobody will buy your mats and crafts because nobody will have money.

You either dont play twow or you're a cupcake dad gamer who can only play 1 hour a day AND That's why you have a problem with people spending their time farming gold... Nothing to do with economics or inflation.

Posts: 14

Re: Dire Maul Lasher Farming

Post by Ousng » Sun Jan 28, 2024 12:58 am

Xwolfi wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 7:00 am
Ousng wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 3:25 am
Atreidon wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 11:38 am

Not every class can farm lashers, but most classes can one or two man the place. If dm would not exist, there are just other farmspots people would frequent. Having dme farmable easily is what keeps gromsblood and dreamfoil prizes low, as particularly the gromsblood is severely limited otherwise.

Diremaul is merely the most convinient goldfarm for people who dont yet have the gear or knowledge for alternative farmspots.

The real problem is that farming gold/materials is a heavy component to lvl 60 wow gameplay. So people do exactly that, farm what they need to play the game at 60. In an old game like wow, the knowledge is out that dme is just one of the best places to do so
Farming herbs in DME is acceptable because that just makes gold circulation among ppls and no inflation. However farming DME is mostly for gray trashes and is making inflation gradually which is happening in live areas

Again, you keep saying lashers farm causes inflation and it simply isn't true. Please stfu and go read a book. PEOPLE WILL JUST FARM GOLD SOMEWHERE ELSE.

If you nuke every gold farm then the entire economy dies... Nobody will buy your mats and crafts because nobody will have money.

You either dont play twow or you're a cupcake dad gamer who can only play 1 hour a day AND That's why you have a problem with people spending their time farming gold... Nothing to do with economics or inflation.
LMAO, the one who need to read a book is you. DME and somewhere else of farming gold both cause inflation, if you don't understand, just create a character in Blizzard living area. Mats and crafts will have lower prices and economy in the server still runs, if you don't understand, just creater a character in a new area.

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