Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Posts: 20

Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:24 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 12:21 pm
Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:52 am
I've seen dozens of alchemy recipes drop from end bosses in raids. They get rolled off and I've seen them go to alts.
But we are talking about flasks, not other alchemy recipes. Flasks are the only consumables that require Alchemy Lab. Flask Recipes don't drop from end bosses in raids. Each recipe has a small drop chance from single mob in the game which are Raz Frostwhisper, General Drakkisath and Balnazzar in Scholomance, UBRS and Stratholme Live. I have already told you the prices of these recipes, some alchemist mains don't even own them not to mention alts.

Your arguments about vendors and flight points available everywhere are invalid because they concern the similar issue but on a different scale. Vendors and flight points concern 100% of playerbase and these services are super-common. Compare it to flask crafting which I estimate only 5-10% of playerbase is able to do because only alchemist with big money can afford it. And again, flasks are the most powerful consumables in the game.

I see your point that you want to lower the prices of flasks but your way won't change much - Black Lotus' price is still very high and flask recipes are big barrier of entry to flask market.
I'm talking about the price of anything and everything tied to herbs and alchemy. Flasks are included in that. More herb spawns like the idea I expressed regarding ES. Eliminate arbitrary barriers to the most the expensive consume in the game (gee I wonder why it's so expensive).

You got your prices wrong on the flasks by the way. Substantially wrong. Unless you're playing on the dead pvp server (if you are that says something about you for actually go there) most flask recipes go for about 550g right now, the titans is the most expensive b/c it's the rarest.

They changed the game regarding Black Lotus to where it can drop from any high level herb. That was a player suggested change to increase supply to ultimately reduce price and Black Lotus is significantly cheaper now than it was before the change. All I'm trying to do is make another couple suggestions that might have a similar effect.

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Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Yggd » Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:52 pm

Have only been on turtlewow for 6 months now and I can say that herb prices are absolutely ****ed right now. They need to fix them. The population is good on the server, but it's not in any way close to where the offer will ever beat the demand and prices will be decent. They need to balance this out right now because it's making the game not fun. I'd like to do something else than run circles in WPL or EPL or Felwood for 10 hours per week to gather about 25 plaguebloom total (because of bots and nodes that give you just 1), and then spend 200g on other consumes.

Before trolls flock in with no arguments, this is just an example. But multiply that for MSS, Blotus, Elemental Earth, etc, and then you end up that it would be a full-time job to gather enough mats for 1 week of raiding (raiding being defined as not getting carried, or just MC and BWL that each take 2hours to clear)

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Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Zvyrhol » Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:11 pm

Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:24 pm
You got your prices wrong on the flasks by the way. Substantially wrong. Unless you're playing on the dead pvp server (if you are that says something about you for actually go there) most flask recipes go for about 550g right now, the titans is the most expensive b/c it's the rarest.
Bro, the prices I showed you are taken from Nordanaar, you can check all current prices here I don't know what's the point of lying here, just check the data in a moment when I wrote this reply. Just accept the facts. Titans recipe costs 1289g, Supreme Power 650g, Distilled Wisdom 550g.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:24 pm
They changed the game regarding Black Lotus to where it can drop from any high level herb. That was a player suggested change to increase supply to ultimately reduce price and Black Lotus is significantly cheaper now than it was before the change.
I think you live in alternative world or have some serious problems with analysing data. As far as I know Black Lotus has never been as high as it is now. I started my game on this server one and half year ago, back then price of Black Lotus was like 15g. Now it's been 40g+ for 2 weeks, in recent months you could often see posts where people complain about consumable prices, especially flasks.
The devil is in the detail.

Posts: 20

Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:30 pm

Zvyrhol wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 6:11 pm
Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:24 pm
You got your prices wrong on the flasks by the way. Substantially wrong. Unless you're playing on the dead pvp server (if you are that says something about you for actually go there) most flask recipes go for about 550g right now, the titans is the most expensive b/c it's the rarest.
Bro, the prices I showed you are taken from Nordanaar, you can check all current prices here I don't know what's the point of lying here, just check the data in a moment when I wrote this reply. Just accept the facts. Titans recipe costs 1289g, Supreme Power 650g, Distilled Wisdom 550g.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:24 pm
They changed the game regarding Black Lotus to where it can drop from any high level herb. That was a player suggested change to increase supply to ultimately reduce price and Black Lotus is significantly cheaper now than it was before the change.
I think you live in alternative world or have some serious problems with analysing data. As far as I know Black Lotus has never been as high as it is now. I started my game on this server one and half year ago, back then price of Black Lotus was like 15g. Now it's been 40g+ for 2 weeks, in recent months you could often see posts where people complain about consumable prices, especially flasks.
There are no listed Titans recipes on the auction house at the moment. You're just making up numbers as you go along.

15g! for a Black lotus?! Dude I've been playing on turtle for like a little over 6 months and when I first looked up prices on the auction house, Black Lotus was around 100g. Right now today it's 47g, a substantial drop once the Black Lotus could be picked up from any high level herb.

The point still stands. Reasonable changes can be made to how things currently work to make the game more enjoyable and functional. 10g for a mongoose and 108g for a flask is not enjoyable.

Posts: 20

Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:31 pm

Yggd wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 5:52 pm
Have only been on turtlewow for 6 months now and I can say that herb prices are absolutely ****ed right now. They need to fix them. The population is good on the server, but it's not in any way close to where the offer will ever beat the demand and prices will be decent. They need to balance this out right now because it's making the game not fun. I'd like to do something else than run circles in WPL or EPL or Felwood for 10 hours per week to gather about 25 plaguebloom total (because of bots and nodes that give you just 1), and then spend 200g on other consumes.

Before trolls flock in with no arguments, this is just an example. But multiply that for MSS, Blotus, Elemental Earth, etc, and then you end up that it would be a full-time job to gather enough mats for 1 week of raiding (raiding being defined as not getting carried, or just MC and BWL that each take 2hours to clear)
I want to signal boost this post to the moon!

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Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Zvyrhol » Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:52 am

Axe8305 wrote:
Sat Jan 27, 2024 9:30 pm

There are no listed Titans recipes on the auction house at the moment. You're just making up numbers as you go along. ... tans-13519
The devil is in the detail.

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Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Calli » Mon Jan 29, 2024 9:47 am

Axe8305 wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 6:14 pm
Calli wrote:
Fri Jan 26, 2024 3:50 pm
I would restrict all potions to make where alchemy equipment available, like blacksmiths are bound to forges and anvils.
There is no problem with the labs in BWL. The flasks are expensive because of the required herb prices!
There are players that are herbalist/alchemist that have the materials to make flasks but don't do so very often because of the restriction. And when they do eventually get around to running a scholomance, it's not an enjoyable experience and that frustration gets reflected in the price they list the flask(s) they make and put on the auction house.

If you remove the barrier and make the process of creating flasks simpler, you will increase supply, drive up competition between sellers and ultimately reduce prices.
Have you ever heard of those guild runs where you can do many things,for example help undergeared guildmates to get better gear, scourgestones, reputations, recipes, ..., access the lab to craft flasks for the raiders, ...
This is a team game. The flasks were made to make your life easier at raids, not making profits. Acquiring them should be a teamwork.

Posts: 2

Re: Request Alchemy/Herbalism Changes

Post by Twinklefairy » Mon Jan 29, 2024 7:53 pm

Axe8305 wrote:
Thu Jan 25, 2024 8:44 pm
1. Please add alchemy labs to Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Put it behind a small quest wall or just make it so that only level 300 alchemists can make use of the alchemy lab.

2. Please add herbs to Emerald Sanctum.
I generally don't think the alchemy lab is a huge deal. It isn't terribly hard to find someone with a cleared BWL id to hop in with. Margins on flasks are generally high compared to other crafts vs lowest buy out price for all materials, but are still usually <10G. I think that's a fair cost to the buyer given the power of those particular consumes, and an incentive to "get ahead" and prepare the week before in your BWL lockout for the upcoming ones.

More herbs and reagents tho fr on god. Add some nightfin spawns to ES. Add some mining nodes and silversage to the first half of black morass, gravemoss in the second half. Add elemental earth to the mining drop tables Mithril+. Tweak the lotus bonus drop rate. Throw some mushrooms into kara crypts, and gromsblood into vaults. Add "trophy" drops to skinning tables and let them be exchanged for reagents. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. It takes far too many hours to get a full set of lockouts of raid consumes for a tank or dps at the moment.

You see the same people "afk" camping the same open world node for hours in EPL. Just look at materials that can be instance farmed: ACs, Large Brills, Dreamfoil, ect ect and compare that to materials that only spawn in the open world like silversage and (previously) plaugebloom. Adding more drops to instance farms works. (They do take policing though, so you don't see 3mages 2 druids botting stratholme like in classic.)

EDIT: Wanted to add that myself and many others liked playing on Twow for a very long time because the server was the antithesis of Classic in many ways. This is a server where right now consume prices (besides flasks) are inching up towards those Classic prices while at the same time Mages haven't been inflating the ever loving shit out of the economy with 250G+/hr ZG farms or 120G+/hr ZF or Mara farms. People play on this server because its supposed to be more casual. I shouldn't need a transmute army to have money for Mongooses. There definitely was a time on this server where casually grinding through some dungeons a couple nights a week would both buy your consumes and help gear up your homies.

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