New race for future ?

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Sylveria » Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:51 pm

Hyrag wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:59 pm
Mavbyte wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:53 pm
Ogres and Draenei are to me the only ones i can imagine, Since Draenei were an almost untold tale prior to TBC, so their story can mostly be rewritten (No Velen, No Exodar-Spaceship and stuff..).

No Naga - They're Old-God-Touched, and have a rather.. not so pleasent history with the Night Elves.
No Worgen - They're literally a walking curse, a plague that might spread across their faction. Too great risk to take 'em in.
No Murlocs - Just No.. seriously.. They're basically animals.
No Blood Elves - That door's basically closed due to the High Elves. High Elves are not so eager to meet their Blood Elf relatives, since they're in league with demonic powers... and Blood Elves would neither side with the Horde. Seriously? Siding with a) the Trolls, who are their mortal enemies, and b) with the Orcs, who devastated their Homeland during the Second War? (Elves do not care "if they are different orcs than the one who invaded 'em".)
turtle devs already open the lore for worgen when the scyther of elune is found...
just bring Tauren and NEs/druids+gilneas new zone+scyther of elune= worgen(aka Gilneas cursed humans) new race for both factions.
regardless of the scythe of elune, they're a risk nonetheless. just see the questline from ashenvale, that leads to duskwood.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Philandros » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:09 pm

Orgre for Horde. Good luck making a female model, or just make 1 head and 2 head.

Dryad/grove keeper for alliance. Have them start in the Nelf starting zone and also give them plainsrunning.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:17 pm

Bahamutxd wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:02 am
Dannyp92 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am
If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?
Lost Ones/Brokens/Old Draenei - that or some human variation. Would say elf too but theres already 2 so..
The said the Draenei will no be a playable race NEVER, same as the Blood Elves.
That was a terrible mistake from Blizzard, same as the paladins on the Horde.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dracarusggotham » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:20 pm

Dannyp92 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am
If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?
Well, that's a good question, some Furbolgs maybe, they're allies of the Night Elves.
With the High Elves the Alliance of Lordaeron is complete again, now they need to create another race or take one and give them a lore that fits with the Alliance.
I personally prefer they keep expanding the lore of the races instead of add more.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Jombo » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:01 pm

Kefke wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:00 am
My stance in the past has been to give Ogres to the Horde, and to have Goblin as an option that both factions can choose. After all, Goblins aren't loyal to the Horde, they're loyal to gold. They're opportunists and businesspersons. They do business with both factions, and they open their cities to both factions. So you could have the Durotar Labor Union on the Horde side, but then have a separate group - call them the "East Kingdom Company" since I can't say where they'd best fit - that is working with the Alliance in a similar fashion. Just a different group of Goblins, who saw an opportunity and formed their own competing business.
Totally agree with this.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Reploidrocsa » Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:29 pm

For alliance? Hmmm...

Kul tirans

Or some gnomish robotic creation, basically a reskin of a previous race (mecha elves, mecha dwarves or whatever).
Mecha goblins as a gnomish invention could be a big mockery for the real fleshy goblins

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Galendor » Tue Oct 24, 2023 7:44 am

Mavbyte wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:51 pm
Hyrag wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:59 pm
Mavbyte wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:53 pm
Ogres and Draenei are to me the only ones i can imagine, Since Draenei were an almost untold tale prior to TBC, so their story can mostly be rewritten (No Velen, No Exodar-Spaceship and stuff..).

No Naga - They're Old-God-Touched, and have a rather.. not so pleasent history with the Night Elves.
No Worgen - They're literally a walking curse, a plague that might spread across their faction. Too great risk to take 'em in.
No Murlocs - Just No.. seriously.. They're basically animals.
No Blood Elves - That door's basically closed due to the High Elves. High Elves are not so eager to meet their Blood Elf relatives, since they're in league with demonic powers... and Blood Elves would neither side with the Horde. Seriously? Siding with a) the Trolls, who are their mortal enemies, and b) with the Orcs, who devastated their Homeland during the Second War? (Elves do not care "if they are different orcs than the one who invaded 'em".)
turtle devs already open the lore for worgen when the scyther of elune is found...
just bring Tauren and NEs/druids+gilneas new zone+scyther of elune= worgen(aka Gilneas cursed humans) new race for both factions.
regardless of the scythe of elune, they're a risk nonetheless. just see the questline from ashenvale, that leads to duskwood.
Lupine Coven in Gilneas could argue with you insidious_turtle

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dannyp92 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:57 am

Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:20 pm
now they need to create another race or take one and give them a lore that fits with the Alliance.
I personally prefer they keep expanding the lore of the races instead of add more.
Agreed. While Furlbolgs are allied with the Nelfs, they are more beast-like and don't really fit the aesthetic of the Alliance. If Horde get Ogres the Alliance could get Wildhammer Dwarves, Stromgarde Humans or something like that, just to keep in line with aesthetics.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Galendor » Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:17 pm

Dannyp92 wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:57 am
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:20 pm
now they need to create another race or take one and give them a lore that fits with the Alliance.
I personally prefer they keep expanding the lore of the races instead of add more.
Agreed. While Furlbolgs are allied with the Nelfs, they are more beast-like and don't really fit the aesthetic of the Alliance. If Horde get Ogres the Alliance could get Wildhammer Dwarves, Stromgarde Humans or something like that, just to keep in line with aesthetics.
What is "aestetic of the Alliance"? How does night elves and their deep connection with nature & wild gods fit to human chivalry, dwarven mining and gnomish engineering?
Maybe now, when races of the old Alliance are united under one banner once more, we need species connected with night elves?

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:20 pm

Worgen for both factions tho...

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Angryelf0101 » Tue Oct 24, 2023 11:15 pm

You know what we really need?

More gnomes!!!! ;DDDDDDDDDDDD

(if we're being serious though, I vote cow; imagine being a cow in game...)

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Lasershadow » Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:59 am


This thread pops up from time to time. My answer is still:
Alliance: Blood Elves, Worgen
Horde: Ogres, Brown Orcs/Mok'nathal

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Kefke » Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:55 am

Galendor wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:17 pm
Dannyp92 wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:57 am
Dracarusggotham wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:20 pm
now they need to create another race or take one and give them a lore that fits with the Alliance.
I personally prefer they keep expanding the lore of the races instead of add more.
Agreed. While Furlbolgs are allied with the Nelfs, they are more beast-like and don't really fit the aesthetic of the Alliance. If Horde get Ogres the Alliance could get Wildhammer Dwarves, Stromgarde Humans or something like that, just to keep in line with aesthetics.
What is "aestetic of the Alliance"? How does night elves and their deep connection with nature & wild gods fit to human chivalry, dwarven mining and gnomish engineering?
Maybe now, when races of the old Alliance are united under one banner once more, we need species connected with night elves?
Furbolgs who have accepted the need to take up arms and armor in the wake of their tribes being corrupted/wiped out would be a fit for that.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Garrabaffalus » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:29 pm

If a new race should be added it should be Ogres for the Horde 100% which then completes the original Horde, but the Alliance is not so easy as the component factions of the original Alliance are already brought back together again.

I do not agree with any notions of adding Worgen, or Vrykul; Turtle WoW is rooted in Warcraft games before any WoW expansions, and it should stay that way. Vrykul on their own are already lame as is. Pandaren are also a silly joke and should remain as a sort of easter egg, the fact they ever got as far as they did on retail is just a shame.

Furbolgs are not needed; Quillboar the same, Gnolls, Murlocs, all of the ugly demi-human races should be disqualified immediately. Giants and the children of Cenarius seem cool, but aren't really "a people", and the Worgen are alien monsters basically.

The qualities of the alliance races are rooted in their penchant for heroic acts, you can also say that is the same as the Horde but I disagree that is the focus. The Horde are more qualified by their redemption compared to the alliance, each of the component factions of the Horde are all looking to improve their lot and come away from their harsh past/conditions.

The case for the Draenei (as they were in WC3) is a strong one and Akama could still serve as a leader, giving the Alliance a shifty distrusted race that specializes in stealth would be neat, and they have an easily recognizable choice for a racial leader, and are humanoid enough. I think they would be the most likely to join the Alliance or be sympathetic due to their history of fighting with the Orcs and Demons for so long. The regret of Akama helping Illidan can still be motivation for him joining the Alliance, especially if Illidan is dead in this world and Vashj and Kaelthas are on their own now. Actually Akama doesn't even need to regret helping Illidan if he is canonically dead, he could be singing his praises, but since he was the lynchpin of convenience between him working with the Naga and Blood elves, his debts are clear.

The case for the Naga is also easy, however Vashj as an iconic character is not as accessible I think even with Illidan dead, and there are not any big named Naga that really fit, one would need to be created. I think that is more important than the argument of a foot slot (literally the skin of the boot slot could just be applied as like a sort of tail bracer or something no need to change the character sheet at all for them), just the same all female Naga have been shown as having multiple arms, that to me seems way more important a detail to miss in regards to a monstrous race, though we can just easily say these females are special with 2 arms. I also can't really think of a time the Naga could be considered doing anything heroic, or meaningful they have always been antagonistic or an underling race. I think that disqualifies them from the alliance, you can argue they're in a cursed form, but again the path of redemption is better suited for a Horde story.

I would suggest that Naga still work best as an advanced enemy race much like the undead are, and hope that they are developed that way.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Oomentaloo » Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:31 pm

I don't think Naga would work with things like mounting, I think player races have to be a biped.
Visually Alliance would need a bigger race to match the size of Tauren and Ogre.

I don't think Pandaren are a joke, some artwork for them is from 1999 so way before WoW release.
I don't like the pandaren models from Cata though. But I don't see Turtle WoW creating models from scratch.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dracarusggotham » Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:46 pm

The only race with sense that I see is the Pandaren.
The Pandaren was the original race for be added before the devs in retail changed to the Draenei.
And fits perfectly with the original idea of turtle wow what is use the discarded content of Blizzard and bring the story in a different way.
The original expansion before changing the direction to The Burning Crusade was "World of Warcraft: The South Seas". Was more focused in exploring Azeroth, instead of going to Outland.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Studbucket » Tue Jan 09, 2024 9:57 pm

There have been a lot of thoughtful threads on race expansions, I'd recommend searching for those as well. Searches for "ogre" and "naga" will likely give some good results.

Personally, I think it's fine to add an additional race for Horde without adding a corresponding race in Alliance. It's an "imbalance" that doesn't actually impact game balance, and the data has shown that people generally don't play "ugly" races like goblins, so it's not like I expect it to throw things off meaningfully.

Any other possible alliance "races" would sort of be stretches to add anyway, whereas Horde has a somewhat clear option like Ogres.
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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Pauloricardo » Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:05 pm

3º)Blood Elves
2º)Broken or Draenei
We do not have more possibilities than that.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Pauloricardo » Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:21 pm

Kefke wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 5:55 am
Galendor wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:17 pm
Dannyp92 wrote:
Tue Oct 24, 2023 8:57 am

Agreed. While Furlbolgs are allied with the Nelfs, they are more beast-like and don't really fit the aesthetic of the Alliance. If Horde get Ogres the Alliance could get Wildhammer Dwarves, Stromgarde Humans or something like that, just to keep in line with aesthetics.
What is "aestetic of the Alliance"? How does night elves and their deep connection with nature & wild gods fit to human chivalry, dwarven mining and gnomish engineering?
Maybe now, when races of the old Alliance are united under one banner once more, we need species connected with night elves?
Furbolgs who have accepted the need to take up arms and armor in the wake of their tribes being corrupted/wiped out would be a fit for that.
Sounds good.In your opinion, What tribe could they be?For me is the Barkskin or Stillpine...

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Oomentaloo » Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:17 pm

Furlborgs are way too primitive for a playable race.
Their understanding of armor is basically some feathers and a loincloth...
Pretty bad idea.
If you want a Nelf ally in the alliance, dryads or keeper would be a neater choice.

Better no new race, then a hacky one.
With Pandaren they could introduce the melee priest spec aka monk. lol

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Drenari » Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:26 am

Another Alliance contender could be Tuskarr. They were neutral hostile mobs in Warcraft 3. There faction mount could be a turtle. They could have a starter island in the north that preludes to a larger zone for Northrend. Classes warrior, priest, hunter, mage maybe others.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Galendor » Wed Jan 10, 2024 4:50 am

Oomentaloo wrote:
Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:17 pm
Furlborgs are way too primitive for a playable race.
Their understanding of armor is basically some feathers and a loincloth...
Pretty bad idea.
If you want a Nelf ally in the alliance, dryads or keeper would be a neater choice.

Better no new race, then a hacky one.
With Pandaren they could introduce the melee priest spec aka monk. lol
Tribalism isn't an obstacle. Vanilla draenei are pretty tribal, but people want them. Understanding of armor is just a Vanilla limitation of models. In WC3 furbolgs had armor.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dinoriel » Wed Jan 10, 2024 5:08 am

Races such as Naga, Worgen, Blood Elves, and Furbolgs are majorly corrupted by Fel or some other forces that make them hostile to both the Horde and Alliance. While there could be lore justifications for less morally ambiguous clans/groups of these races, adding in a race that doesn't have any corruption attached to it would make the most sense.

The reason Ogres weren't added in TurtleWoW are likely due to issues with some armors (helmets are first to come to mind). Goblins, despite their own glitches, were probably easier to implement.

If Ogres were added to the Horde, I think the best solution for an Alliance race would be Dryads. I understand there are a lot of technical issues with adding them in as well (especially when it comes to things such as boots/leg armor), but they do share a lot in common with Ogres that could balance things out.

- Involved with a major race of the Horde (Orcs)
- Not corrupted in a way that could pose a risk to their faction
- Only male models exist

- Involved with a major race of the Alliance (Night Elves)
- Not corrupted in a way that could pose a risk to their faction
- Only female models exist

Of course there's probably other things I could add to this list. Plus, it would take a great deal of work to implement both races. Yet if they decide to add new ones in the future, I still think this is the best option. Don't get me wrong, I'd be just as happy to see Blood Elves, Naga, and more. I just don't see how either faction would trust them (or at least a majority of them).

Edit: wasn't paying attention and realized this was kind of already said. Sorry about that.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Jfvaldesster » Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:17 am

I don't see ogres as a playable race because they don't have a female gender.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dracarusggotham » Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:01 pm

Jfvaldesster wrote:
Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:17 am
I don't see ogres as a playable race because they don't have a female gender.
They have a female gender, how you think they born then? From eggs?
Plus, if they don't want to make a female model, only disable the option in the interface and, in exchange, make them full customizable.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Thelleria » Wed Jan 10, 2024 6:48 pm

For the Alliance:
  • Windhammer Dwarfs
  • Kul'Tiras Humans
  • Gilnean Humans
  • Dalaran Humans
  • Lordaeron Survivors Humans
  • Sin'dorei (depending on how the story plays out)
  • Dryards/Keepers of the Grove
The Problem with Alliance is that most Races I can think of are only variants of already existing once.
Of cause the Wildhammer Dwarfes as an additional Dwarfen clan. Of cause Humans from the different Human nations. Depending on how the story goes the Sin'dorei might become part of the Alliance as well. But for that to happen, some big plot points need to be adressed first. But they are all reskins.

The biggest actually new addition I can think of are the Dryards/Keepers of the Grove. Since they are a part of the Kal'dorei as a fraction, they are basicly already part of the Alliance. The bigger problem is how gear is suposed to fit them. I guess that is the point that is not gonna work.

For the Horde:
  • Ogers
  • Mog'Nathal (if we go to Outland)
  • Untainted Orcs (if we go to Outland)
  • Forest Trolls
  • Undead Quel'dorei (dark rager style)
  • Undead Dwarves
  • Undead Gnomes
  • Undead Troll
  • Undead Orcs
On the Horde side the undead fraction has the most potentail, since reskins of existing races that are already playebel and that were living in teretorys the Scurge invaded. Giving a lot of possibiletys for the forsacen that lorewise kind of fit. If you consider the Forsaken as fitting into the Horde that is...

On top we have more traditional Horde races, like the forest Trolls or the Oger Clan that Rexxar became cheaftain of, as well as Rexxars Clan the Mog'Natal (half Orc and half Oger) if we go to Outland. If we go to Outland untainted Orcs are also an option.

That beeng said, a lot of the mentioned variants are already availebel as skins from the store.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Pauloricardo » Thu Jan 11, 2024 2:33 am

Oomentaloo wrote:
Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:17 pm
Furlborgs are way too primitive for a playable race.
Their understanding of armor is basically some feathers and a loincloth...
Pretty bad idea.
If you want a Nelf ally in the alliance, dryads or keeper would be a neater choice.

Better no new race, then a hacky one.
With Pandaren they could introduce the melee priest spec aka monk. lol
They are primitive but not stupid.They are not so different to the Taurens before they meet the Orcs.Dryads/Keeper of Grove could be only druids and hunters and they really don't use armour.They were very present in WC3 and the Barkskin tribe fought alongside Ne,Alliance and the Horde(and the Shadowtooth clan).

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Galendor » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:47 am

Speaking of Furbolgs, I'd like to share my thoughts about their possible story.
Playable Furbolgs start their adventure on Silvermyst Isle - a peaceful land southwest of Teldrassil. It wasn't affected by corruption that tainted Kalimdor during the Third war, and furbolgs here are free from their kin's madness. Their capital is Ursonar - a great lair where, according to the legend, twin gods Ursoc and Ursol slept before the Sundering. But recenlty moonkins of Silvermyst become more agressive, Bristlelimb Village remains strangely silent, and something dark lurks in barrow dens…


So, yes, this is a reimaging of Azuremyst from TBC before the Exodar crush. I hope you like it!
Last edited by Galendor on Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Ataika » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:50 am

Horde - ogres/murlocks
Alliance - draenei

Naga does not fit alliance as all, pandarns are boring af

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Majestik51 » Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:23 am

i wuld say: Horde - More Orc and Troll clans variety, and maybe Ogres
Alliance - Broken or Draeneis

we should get some new classes also if is possible...
Necromantis - 60 lvl Warlock

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Czasku » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:41 pm

Ogres for the Horde with city in Dustwallow Marsh
Krokul for the Alliance with city in Swamp of Sorrows
Say NO to worgen furries.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Ataika » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:46 pm

Czasku wrote:
Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:41 pm
Ogres for the Horde with city in Dustwallow Marsh
Krokul for the Alliance with city in Swamp of Sorrows
Say NO to worgen furries.
How do you implement their city in dustwallow, its contested area 35+

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Czasku » Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:55 pm

Ataika wrote:
Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:46 pm
Czasku wrote:
Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:41 pm
Ogres for the Horde with city in Dustwallow Marsh
Krokul for the Alliance with city in Swamp of Sorrows
Say NO to worgen furries.
How do you implement their city in dustwallow, its contested area 35+
There is plenty of empty space north from Mistyreed Strand and east from The Wyrmbog.

Ogre Leveling route 1 - 15 lvl new location, 15+ The Barrens.
Krokul Leveling route 1 - 15 lvl new location, 15+ Redridge Mountains.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Pauloricardo » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:30 pm

Galendor wrote:
Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:47 am
Speaking of Furbolgs, I'd like to share my thoughts about their possible story.
Playable Furbolgs start their adventure on Silvermyst Isle - a peaceful land southwest of Teldrassil. It wasn't affected by corruption that tainted Kalimdor during the Third war, and furbolgs here are free from their kin's madness. Their capital is Ursonar - a great lair where, according to the legend, twin gods Ursoc and Ursol slept before the Sundering. But recenlty moonkins of Silvermyst become more agressive, Bristlelimb Village remains strangely silent, and something dark lurks in barrow dens…


So, yes, this is a reimaging of Azuremyst from TBC before the Exodar crush. I hope you like it!
Could be possible...

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Pauloricardo » Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:47 pm

Majestik51 wrote:
Thu Jan 11, 2024 9:23 am
i wuld say: Horde - More Orc and Troll clans variety, and maybe Ogres
Alliance - Broken or Draeneis

we should get some new classes also if is possible...
The only Repeated race possible for the Horde is Revantusk tribe(Forest Trolls).Their classes would be(hypothetically speaking):Warrior/Hunter/Shaman/Priest/Warlock/Druid.
In the Alliance could be Gilnean Worgen(I don't care if they look like Cataclysm appearance or Vanilla) and Broken or Draenei.But Warsong Orcs/Wildhammer Dwarves/Kul Tiran Humans will be more of same and we have a limited quantity of races.

P.S.:Ogres will be the best choice for the horde now...

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