Donation Shop Suggestions

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Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Nallkun » Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:13 pm

Good Morning!

Just a few thoughts for the donation shop and its items..

- Clickable Item links so we can See/Preview what we are about to buy.
- Example: Illusions, sometimes seeing if it holds the weapon or not makes a differance if i buy one or not.
- Which illusions work with mounts and which dont should be noted. Example - The Panda Illusion seems to work but others dont.
- Mounts, seeing the model in 3D would definitely influence additional purchases and its unclear on size/color etc.

Illusions for the standard Races. (Tauren, orc etc)
- I For one would love to buy a Tauren Illusion or Undead illusion.

- Mailbox Summon Duration OR Recast adjustment
Currently the mailbox duration is super short AND has a long recast.. would LOVE to see either adjusted.
yeah yeah.. its lazy.. i get it.. A man can make an observation/dream right?

- Add a note to the backpacks about being able to use multiple
- when buying the backpacks it wasnt clear if you can "only have 1" of each size or multiple of the same.
Obviously, I found out you CAN buy multiple of the same but it was a "im not sure.. leap of faith" kinda thing when planning the donation spend.

Item "Glow" Effect similar to enchants with No stats
- I'd personally love to have an item that adds a choosable (word?) or varied glow or particle effects to weapons without investing in a enchant for every new weapon i get.. especially at lower levels where you switch weapons nearly every level. yea yeah.. its NOT important.. but guaranteed to sell and boost donations.. We like our glowy stuff.
Mimic "Weapon Impact - X" or "Fiery" or "Icy" or Crusader

you can wear over or on your armor. Just a White T with a Turtle Logo on it?
Id buy it... Maybe a T-Wow Baseball hat you can wear.. cool little branded things.. like the turtle mount..

Odd or Silly Weapon Illusions.
Saw a Gnome running around with Two chicken Drum stick weapons... a Tauren with the giant wooden totem.
Existing items are ok.. just "Odd, cool or funny" items..

I'll add some more to the thread when they come to mind...
Side note.. Thanks GMs.. I know its a "Thankless job" but we enjoy it.. you see that Discord General chat the INSTANT the server is down LOL... so thanks! turtle_in_love

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Foobs » Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:39 pm

Raise the quantity of (edited: fashion coins) to 20. Right now it is 10 and not worth 20 USD in my opinion.

Or make fashion coins set all modified transmorgs at once.


Once all your selections have been made and your ready to call your outfit finished. You apply your changes and only use one coin. Same thing would apply if you only choose one item to transmorg.

This would encourage individualism and not make your character stale and bland. Encourages different looks and would make the 20 dollar purchase for 10 fashion tokens much more satisfying. Also the donation stays high but is much more worth it during the 50 percent discount times. Win win for twow when not on sale and win for players when on sale.

Love this version of twow. Let's keep the dream going for another 40 plus years. turtle_in_love
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Bawanaruto » Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:51 pm

I like that idea of weapon illusions and glow affects. 👍 cheers.

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Vimgreen » Mon Sep 18, 2023 7:20 am

Foobs wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:39 pm
Raise the quantity of (edited: fashion coins) to 20. Right now it is 10 and not worth 20 USD in my opinion.

Or make fashion coins set all modified transmorgs at once.


Once all your selections have been made and your ready to call your outfit finished. You apply your changes and only use one coin. Same thing would apply if you only choose one item to transmorg.

This would encourage individualism and not make your character stale and bland. Encourages different looks and would make the 20 dollar purchase for 10 fashion tokens much more satisfying. Also the donation stays high but is much more worth it during the 50 percent discount times. Win win for twow when not on sale and win for players when on sale.

Love this version of twow. Let's keep the dream going for another 40 plus years. turtle_in_love
Oooh! Love those ideas in particular! turtle_in_love_head
Officer of Dancing Boars
Hunter Main

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Geojak » Mon Sep 18, 2023 8:32 am

All I need is 48 size bags for bank slots or soulbound items only. New patch is coming and my bag is already busting. Playing hybrids and a tually collecting all dps tan and heal gear plus pvp trinkets plus all the resistance gear you need to tank/heal/DD (fire nature, I don't even have space for frost)

Pls, the 36 bags don't cut it anymore. Sent help even if it cost me a fortune

Posts: 28

Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Nallkun » Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:56 pm

Bawanaruto wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:51 pm
I like that idea of weapon illusions and glow affects. 👍 cheers.

Still would LOVE to buy a Tauren Illusion ^_^

Also i noted the "change appearance" description doesnt tell you if it allows Gender change.. or race or what the limitations are. Some people said it changes gender.. others dont know..
Worth updating the tooltip at minumum.

Posts: 6

Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Tinax » Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:58 am

Race changes has been disabled for a year now but they said they would bring it back... Someday
I am eager to provide this service too.
Will it return in 1.17.0?

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Mynamewastaken » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:00 am

Nallkun wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:13 pm
- Mailbox Summon Duration OR Recast adjustment
Currently the mailbox duration is super short AND has a long recast.. would LOVE to see either adjusted.
yeah yeah.. its lazy.. i get it.. A man can make an observation/dream right?
Especially this 👍

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Lithonil » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:14 am

Give us an abomination illusion while at it. Braindead rp as a big chonker would be funny.

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Geojak » Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:33 am

Tinax wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:58 am
Race changes has been disabled for a year now but they said they would bring it back... Someday
I am eager to provide this service too.
Will it return in 1.17.0?

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Faidonied13 » Sat Sep 23, 2023 1:45 pm

Foobs wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:39 pm
Raise the quantity of (edited: fashion coins) to 20. Right now it is 10 and not worth 20 USD in my opinion.

Or make fashion coins set all modified transmorgs at once.


Once all your selections have been made and your ready to call your outfit finished. You apply your changes and only use one coin. Same thing would apply if you only choose one item to transmorg. This would encourage individualism and not make your character stale and bland. If you are looking for a way to earn money for donations, here are several possible options. Encourages different looks and would make the 20 dollar purchase for 10 fashion tokens much more satisfying. Also the donation stays high but is much more worth it during the 50 percent discount times. Win win for twow when not on sale and win for players when on sale.

Love this version of twow. Let's keep the dream going for another 40 plus years. turtle_in_love
Agree, that would be great!

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Ponchitowo » Mon Jan 01, 2024 9:18 pm

I would love a Golem illusion to RP as a dark iron machine or smth

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Irhideine » Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:21 am

Nallkun wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:13 pm

- Clickable Item links so we can See/Preview what we are about to buy.
- Example: Illusions, sometimes seeing if it holds the weapon or not makes a differance if i buy one or not.
- Which illusions work with mounts and which dont should be noted. Example - The Panda Illusion seems to work but others dont.
- Mounts, seeing the model in 3D would definitely influence additional purchases and its unclear on size/color etc.
I badly want to preview items, especially modifications to my character and fashion items.

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Elesion » Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:21 pm

Nallkun wrote:
Thu Sep 07, 2023 4:13 pm
you can wear over or on your armor. Just a White T with a Turtle Logo on it?
Id buy it... Maybe a T-Wow Baseball hat you can wear.. cool little branded things.. like the turtle mount..
"Shirts you can wear over your armor" are called tabards, and there is a TWoW logo tabard already - - it's the reward for completing the Slow & Steady challenge though.

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Adorlastus » Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:04 pm

I would add:
- portable stable for hunters
- arrows in the repair bot

Posts: 28

Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Nallkun » Wed Jan 03, 2024 12:38 am

Geojak wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 8:33 am
Tinax wrote:
Thu Sep 21, 2023 2:58 am
Race changes has been disabled for a year now but they said they would bring it back... Someday
I am eager to provide this service too.
Will it return in 1.17.0?
Agreed - We need Race Changes back.

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Re: Donation Shop Suggestions

Post by Thelleria » Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:35 pm

Since the service companions like vendor, bank and auctioneer are so essential quallety of life and prices are kind of high, I'd love them to be account wide. They'd feel like a far better investment that way. Yes I understand the need for good rewards otherwise some might not donate, but rebuying the same thing for multiple characters does not feel as good as an accountwide unlock.

Bysides having different variants that fit your character might make some players rebuy the same service with a different skin. Like the Kodo for Horde and the Mule for Alliance characters. TESO does that and it seems to sell.

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