Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

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Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Zappo » Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:13 pm


Hey, hey, Azeroth! It's the one and only Zappo Zapblast comin' atcha from Everlook Broadcasting Co., where the tunes are hotter than a freshly forged sword! Alright, my fine eared friends, we're crankin' up the dial on your feedback 'cause your words are as good as gold to us.

What's ticklin' your fancy on our waves? Got a yearning for more head-bangin' songs? Need a good belly laugh with some goblin humor that actually lands? Or maybe you're here for the kabooms – and trust me, we can go bigger, badder, and louder with those sound effects!

So tells us folks what do you like, dislike or would like to hear next on our radio?
Toss us your thoughts, in our suggestion box, or send it over via the swiftest goblin rocket!
Because this station's for you, the grand adventurers and mischievous misfits of Azeroth. So let's band together to make Everlook Radio the epicenter of audio awesomeness across the realms.

Our station has reached far beyond the Twisting Nether and can now be heard on something called "Youtube"... Beware, this place is probably made by gnomes. so tread lightly!


Zapblast signin' off – keep those dials locked, 'cause we're just gettin' started!
Everlook radio, we got the best songs anywhere!

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Akos1896 » Sun Dec 17, 2023 5:23 pm

As long as it can be done I'd add some classical music.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Thol » Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:27 pm

I love it all tbh. I like the song, the skits. I don't know if it inspired you but your radio makes me think of the three-dog's radio in fallout 3, it would be cool if like in that game you'd talk about some significant events happening in the community or new content in a roleplay way. A bit like sharing rumors.

[Edit] Forgot to add, I would like to be able to listen to it live on youtube.
Last edited by Thol on Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Caotic » Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:35 pm

hey im a big fan love the work yall do have you ever considered quest master its a dungeon synth producer really old school everquest vibes

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Wafflecrusher » Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:39 pm

More talk radio, I'd love a channel devoted specifically to that. WoW news from across the web or something to that effect.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Volkyte » Sun Dec 17, 2023 6:56 pm

I see 2 radio stations. Make one music only and the other maybe real time chronicle of raids and breaking news 🙂

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Adesta13 » Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:06 pm

It's already great, especially Tristram theme. But I think more rock, more diggy diggy hole. Maybe Elite Tauren Chieftain, if it's possible, and Fun Mode.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Kalyian » Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:18 pm

Easily one of the best "I didn't know I needed this till now" features you brought in game. The music variety is good, I remembering being pleasantly surprised at a few legion tracks and the Argent Tournament!

The skits are very fitting for in universe, and really reminds me of that comfy New Vegas radio and they're short and sweet so even hearing them multiple times... I don't mind!

Only thing I can think of is maybe have certain days have a special radio event at a time? That takes a lot of effort, but might still be cool!

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Queenoona » Sun Dec 17, 2023 7:29 pm

More music variety, especially stuff without lyrics. Having a better variety to just have in the background while you're playing would be great.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Wrathweaver » Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:10 pm

If there is a goblin radio NPC, it should be possible to kill him on certain events or days to turn off the radio and only hear dead air sound after a goblin death voice for some time.

Could be very hard to kill him, like a super boss.
Perhaps even have a fight sound " Looks like the studio is under attack" or something if its a genuine effort, less than half hp "this fight is hard, oooof" ect.
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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Imonobor » Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:41 pm

Can we please have one channel be ONLY music without the sketches and "ads"?
And include more nostalgic pieces from WC2 and WC1.
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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Dinoriel » Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:38 pm

I'd say it's all pretty good. Though if it hasn't been done already, maybe a more mixed shuffle of songs? I've heard the diggy diggy hole song maybe a thousand times, where I've only heard Lament of the Highborne on the radio only once.

I'm down for any WoW-related music, though. I think it'd be cool to add some of the ambient music from Northerend. The music in Dragonblight and Crystalsong Forest are really nice.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Plainbear » Sun Dec 17, 2023 10:05 pm

Less to no Sketches on one station, more ARPG music. Torchlight, Path of exile, ect.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Dicer » Mon Dec 18, 2023 1:51 am

If I had one nitpick it's the weather segments, they drag a lil bit...

Otherwise no complaints, if anything MORE commercials.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Harkus » Tue Dec 19, 2023 12:51 pm

Love the radio, the skits are the best :D my only complaint is that some music is played wayyy too often (especially the Cata goblin music)

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Majestik51 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:06 pm

we need a trivia who wants to be millionaire
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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Drubarrymooer » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:14 pm

Majestik51 wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:06 pm
we need a trivia who wants to be millionaire
Yeah, interactivity would be cool.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Majestik51 » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:15 pm

Drubarrymooer wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:14 pm
Majestik51 wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:06 pm
we need a trivia who wants to be millionaire
Yeah, interactivity would be cool.
ya man wuld be really cool, or some kind of treasure hunt with hidden bounties...

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Dec 19, 2023 1:29 pm

More Dwarf Metal!

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Rejectedgalaxy » Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:17 pm

Pretty great addition but some of the commercial break "voice actors" are pretty bad. I understand they're probably just friends or people just pitching in to help out but you guys make a decent amount of money from the Cash Shop. I'm sure you guys can find actual good voice actors to record a couple commercials, because honestly a lot of the commercials are just straight up immersion breaking from how bad the voice acting is. I could even do a better job than a lot of them honestly. The guy who does the Dwarf voice is pretty good but pretty much everyone else really sucks.

Also more metal pls thanks :)

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Bigsmerf » Tue Dec 19, 2023 9:56 pm

Rejectedgalaxy wrote:
Tue Dec 19, 2023 8:17 pm
Pretty great addition but some of the commercial break "voice actors" are pretty bad. I understand they're probably just friends or people just pitching in to help out but you guys make a decent amount of money from the Cash Shop. I'm sure you guys can find actual good voice actors to record a couple commercials, because honestly a lot of the commercials are just straight up immersion breaking from how bad the voice acting is. I could even do a better job than a lot of them honestly. The guy who does the Dwarf voice is pretty good but pretty much everyone else really sucks.

Also more metal pls thanks :)
As someone who was raised on games like oblivion, the voice actors sound fine to me.
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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Anadrol » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:26 am

If u put a Radio with lofi music i Will never log out

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Drpeyote1 » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:43 am

Maybe more songs that fit the thematic from wow like folk metal, dwarf metal, maybe some bardcore of popular game songs, there is also some cool lute music from john dowland that could fit the theme, but imo upbeat music or epic music is the best. Hearing more tunes from other blizz games like warcraft 2, or starcraft would be awesome, and maybe say which song it was after it ends, so people can become familiarized.

Maybe a section of random facts about the game in its alpha beta states would be cool. Or a section about lore would be awesome

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Remylebeau » Wed Dec 20, 2023 3:07 am

I would prefer much less talking and more music. I would like some 80's anthems or RetroWave music, but I'd understand if people think that is too modern or would bring copyright problems.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Boriumoreminer » Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:19 am

Thanks for reaching out.

I was really excited by this project when it arrived, and I think it has massive potential.

The elephant in the room for me is the voice acting and comedy sketches. One voice actor does a great dwarf, and the fey high elf guy isn't bad, but most of the horde VA sounds like weird growling and nothing like the original races to me. Zappo is a pretty good example of this, which sucks because he's a great person if you ever get to talk to him. Imo the ads themselves are pretty dry and unfunny for what is supposed to be a fun joke. I think there's a big opportunity here to tell new players about TurtleWoW exclusive features, history, events: "What's the DMF up to? What can I do with fashion coins? What's up with this seasonal event?" etc.

Regardless of how the comedy bits are performed, I experience a lot more "flow" and enjoyment from only music. Talking is a lot more attention-grabbing and when I was vibing on a good song, suddenly hearing three wet noodles growl their way through a limp script is a buzzkill and the #1 reason I don't really use the radio. If the bits aren't reworked I would solidly appreciate using the second channel as an instrumental-only station or with only the occasional host bumper.

Shoutout to all the volunteers and passion that went into the radio. Nobody can say you didn't deliver on a legit new feature to the wow community and that's never easy. Thank you.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Paw » Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:21 am

I'd have a radio channel advertised along global in game chat if you want to make it more interactive.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Tekamthi » Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:58 pm

Would be interesting to integrate it into the game world rather than just the client UI.. like an actual radio item earned via low level quest chain. Maybe this item/device also enables world and trade chat etc to fill in this lore gap of how we can all communicate so easily.

The music is enjoyable, as are the skits/ads. It does have a bit of an amateurish quality at times but I enjoy that, even if I can understand that others might prefer more polish

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Kuroihd » Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:13 am

I was trying to find out if this was intentional or not (i will get to it) as i am a new player. Literally started playing 2-3 days ago. The question being if the interruption of the lore by the ad's and messages is an intentional thing for comedic purposes.

I really like the lore stories but it kind of urked me personally because i like listening to those lore stories while playing and they tend to get interrupted by one of the ad's.

Now if it is an intentional thing, consider this post as non existent. This question is mostly for my "peace of mind" :)

Edit: i Forgot to mention the extremely important thing... As a whole i really appreciate the effort that has been and hopefully will continue to be put into this. I did end up catching one of your friday shows and i liked it. I enjoy the music the ads etc. It was a fantastic surprise when i found out this exists :D

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Slimthegrim » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:59 pm

Build a radio tower out on Blackstone, Goblin's out there get no radio signal (Telabim bug reported recently).

Two radio stations should not have same playlists. Maybe one could be long variety, music only on LofiGobbo 87FM? I like game music but zone music is too limited and want a channel from y'all for this for all game / twow added music.

Other station on NX78 should keep the full shows, skits, adverts, etc. Have a monthly or seasonal rotation to the playlist / adverts / news / info put out there. News would be nice in the form of rumors on NX78 such as flights out to Blackstone island pre patch? Or pre-winter veil information?

Where is DMF? Are they packing up and heading out? What about zepps or boats? Turtle wow exclusive add-ins would be helpful for new players and world enriching as more new things get added?

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Torta » Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:45 pm

The second tower is a physical broadcast relay for SEA realms. The radio feature has different connection speed from different regions IRL :)

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Lcbking77 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:56 am

尊敬的乌龟服您好!我是一名来自中国的玩家,我在乌龟服的亚服 霍格 服务器 ! 因为 我的8个游戏账户莫名其妙的被封禁。 我联系GM得不到任何回应,所以来到这想寻求你们的帮助。 GM 给我的封禁理由是我使用了脚本。 但是 我没使用过任何脚本 (只是偶尔双开,或者是 法师和猎人一起组队下副本)。 (因为我玩游戏 为了方便记忆 我的账号是 lcbking1 ,lcbking2,lcbking3,lcbking5,lcbking6,lcbking7,lcbking8) 仅仅是因为我喜欢 玩法师 仅仅是因为我用的账户名称是相同的, 就莫名其妙的把我8个账号全部封禁。 我联系不到GM . 在KOKO 论坛发消息也被管理员踢出频道。 声明一下 第一 我没有使用任何脚本 ,我承认 我双开,偶尔组队做任务。 第二 我不是工作室 不存在买卖账号。 第三 我的账户有交易金币(金额很小,只是给 小号的启动资金 30金 左右)的行为,也只是单纯的一个账户,可以单独封禁我一个账户,为什么把我的所有账户全部封禁。
我是热爱乌龟服的,但是 我真的很不理解 为什么GM会莫名其妙的封禁我的账户 。 而且我联系不到GM 得不到任何回复。所以想恳请你们 帮助我!
也希望 和我一起热爱 乌龟服的朋友们 看到了 帮忙联系一下GM 。谢谢

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Marafado » Sat Jan 13, 2024 10:15 am

The radio used in GTA games can be an inspiration for twow !
I still remember many years ago when iplayed GTA VC, the fun it was just listen the radio :)

Ps: since most of the "players" in pve server are asians (china and russia), makes sense to create some radios for them.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Danriviera » Sat Jan 13, 2024 12:36 pm

First of all, the feature is awesome, congratulations on it! <3

About improvements and suggestions, all I can think of is the different music radio channels other games such as Cyberpunk and GTA have, which you can select the kind of music you prefer hearing, and bringing remixes of blizzard music.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Scelus12 » Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:31 am

HUGE fan of the radio. One big suggestions comes to mind:

Organize the radio playlist a little more coherently. I'd love to be able to turn it on and see if the vibe fits with what I'm doing in game and decided whether I want to keep listening. Very often I love a song or two but it takes a jarring different direction and I turn it off. Just like real radio where a DJ will play a genre for an hour then pass off to another DJ to play a different genre. I would love that.

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Re: Everlook Radio wants your feedback!

Post by Grimseethe » Sat Jan 20, 2024 7:43 pm

Sorry to be negative but can we have an option to remove this, it serves no purpose and i cant understand why you made it.
It takes up minimap space where addons could be.
