Shaman Ideas for changes

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Posts: 28

Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Fixaren1 » Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:31 pm


I find Enhancement shaman to be one of or the weakest PvPer and PvEr. So i have thought out some changes that might bring them to same lvl as some other classes.

Main idea is giving shaman Aspect same as hunter has but deep in talent trees, depending on spec and fight/role.

Make Bloodlust baseline spell/passive.
Bloodlust: On critical(Heal, Melee, Spell) hit increase your and one party member(Random) attack/casting/range attack by 5-10% for 10sec with 10 Cooldown.
StormStike Baseline spell change: 12sec cd, 100% weapon dmg and next shock spell do 10% more damage, get at lvl 4-6, no or low mana cost.
Mana Tide Totem Baseline but nerfed by 25%.

Talent change.

Restorative totem 1/1
Increase the effect of you Mana Spring, Healing stream totem by 25% and Mana Tide by x%(if needed over 25%)

Switching Totemic Focus and Ancestral Knowledge.

Totemic Focus: 5/5
5 points will give 50% reduced mana cost and 40yards.
talents reduce mana cost of your totems by 10%.
and increase range by totem by 5 yards.

Ancestral Knowledge 5/5
5 points will give 10%.
Increase mana by 2%.

31 talent in Enhancement tree you get 3 aspects Fire, Earth, Frost. (Bloodlust Talent removed)


Aspect of Fire: Auto attack normal physical dmg and X amount(small amount of shamans attack power or weapon dmg) as fire dmg on target and two of the closes targets up to x-yards.Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
Storm Strike changes into Fire/Lava Strike and Flame Shock do same effect but the damage overtime do AOE dmg x yards.

Fire/Lava Strike: 12sec cd, Give x amount mana based(small amount with good gear, close to nothing with blue or less gear) on attack power, Do 100% physical damage and detonate FlameShock hitting 2targets for full dot dmg instantly.

(Single Target PvE)

Aspect of Earth: Auto attack normal physical and X amount (based of shamans attack power or weapon dmg)as Nature dmg and dbuff target with 2% increase nature damage stacking 10 times,Earthshock extra threat removed and lowering your threat by a small amount, making the enemy less likely to attack you.

Storm Strike in Aspect of Earth:12sec cd, Do 120% weapon dmg as Nature damage, Give x amount mana based(small amount with good gear, close to nothing with blue or less gear) on attack power and increase spell hit and crit by 10% for 12sec.

(PVP/Tank Aspect)

Aspect of Frost: Auto attack normal physical and X amount Frost damage (small amount) and dbuff target with 10% attackspeed, casting speed, movement speed.
You gain X amount armor based of Melee attack max damage.(Or Just flat amount or based on other stat)
In Aspect of Frost shaman Storm Stike change into Frost Strike and Frost Shock have a chance to freeze target to the ground for 1-2sec.

Frost Strike: 12sec cd, hit for 100% of weapon damage physical and Give x amount mana based(small amount with good gear, close to nothing with blue or less gear) on attack power,or if effected by Frost shock / New on hit dbuff 120% of weapon damage as Frost damage and taunt.

But you see the Idea.
Last edited by Fixaren1 on Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:01 am, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Burunduk » Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:22 pm

1.Mana Tide totem will never be nerfed, classic version of this totem is the weakest, so it needs to be buffed.
2.Baseline Bloodlust on one random party member?
It doesn't sound powerful, it's like we have Bloodlust at home.
3.New totem? There are many totems in spellbook, no need to make one more.
4.No combined totems, they are different on purpose.
5.Aspects? No comment...

Posts: 28

Re: Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Fixaren1 » Wed Dec 13, 2023 8:52 am

Burunduk wrote:
Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:22 pm
1.Mana Tide totem will never be nerfed, classic version of this totem is the weakest, so it needs to be buffed.
2.Baseline Bloodlust on one random party member?
It doesn't sound powerful, it's like we have Bloodlust at home.
3.New totem? There are many totems in spellbook, no need to make one more.
4.No combined totems, they are different on purpose.
5.Aspects? No comment...
1. Dont see any nerf to Mana Tide, its a buff if you think about it.
2. Yes bloodlust everytime you crit on random party member and yourself, this is a lot stronger than now.
3/4. Removed.
5. Shouldn't be called Aspect just work like it.

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Re: Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Burunduk » Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:05 pm

Mana Tide totem can't be baseline, it's spesial totem only for healers, so Restorative Totems talent for Mana Tide is useless.
It's easier to have buffed TBC version of this totem.
Bloodlust is strong iconic spell, but with this changes it will look like set bonus.
Turtle is something between Classic and TBC so we will never see new aspects, strikes and other strange things.

Posts: 15

Re: Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Gdawg45 » Fri Dec 22, 2023 3:07 pm

What about changing spirit link to displace damage using a physical characteristic instead of spell dmg? The shaman could use stoneskin to mitigate dmg instead of chain healing or using healing stream. This would free up the water totem for other things like poison/disease dispels, mana spring, or fire resist making the shaman more versatile with totems during an encounter for a dungeon.

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Posts: 18

Re: Shaman Ideas for changes

Post by Kagarin1 » Wed Jan 10, 2024 3:01 am

Just give me an actual taunt please so I can tank raids :(
Long live the glory days

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