Are you Hardcore or not?

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Are you Hardcore or not?

Post by Mrhalcyon » Thu Nov 16, 2023 12:23 pm

If you chose Hardcore, it's not Hardcore to whine about character loss. I've lost...I don't know how many on how many different servers. That's the risk.

You are told beforehand that NOTHING will restore your character. No ganking, no griefing, no accidental pvp, no disconnect, no storm, no pc frying, no nothing. This is entirely at risk of anything and everything and you are doing it solely for bragging rights. There are no other perks or bonuses.

Reminds me of my CDL days and an example I had to tell my students: truck driver can park on the side of the road with emergency sudden diarrhea and run off into the trees with some baby wipes. An underage intoxicated driver in a stolen car with no license can smash into the back of that truck, it's STILL the trucker's fault. Why? Because he assumed the risk. He wasn't supposed to park there. Bathroom emergency or not. He was told in the beginning he assumes all risks of planning, that includes road AND meals. If he's sick, he needs to park it in an actual lot and wait til he gets over it. Point is, he assumed the risk, he assumed the responsibility, if he were a normal driver he would not be at fault. But he knowingly took on that responsibility and risk. I explain this example and then told my students that if they aren't willing to assume that possible risk, then they should NOT get their CDL and should find something else. Because once you get that CDL endorsement on your license, you are held to tighter restrictions and less forgiveness. Don't know if anyone here plans on getting one, but keep that in mind before you do.

When you roll a Hardcore character, you do the same - you are held to tighter restrictions and less forgiveness.

You assume the full responsibility and risk - even for things beyond your control. Even when it's TECHNICALLY not your fault, it's still your fault overall for rolling Hardcore in the first place and taking on that risk. That's the terms and conditions you accepted. "Yeah, but-" but nothing, you accepted the terms, you were warned of the risk, and you STILL did it. That's on YOU. You were told not to run by the pool and when someone else trips you up, you blame them, but you were told not to run and you still did. If you had listened and walked, wouldn't have happened. You didn't listen and you paid the consequence. Own up to your part.

Part of Hardcore is accepting and knowing all of this. If you cannot accept this, then you should not roll a Hardcore character. I don't know why you keep thinking you'll get restored like some special exception when you were told before you even did it that you would be given NO exception even if your dog pisses on your tower or the power company accidentally disconnects the wrong line or your cat chews your cables, or you spill a drink, or your router suddenly runs a firmware update, your bf/gf/wife/husband is a jealous controlling type and thinks you play too much so they unplugged you or took a baseball bat to the screen, etc, etc, etc. If your toon is gone, they're GONE. End of discussion. Not up for debate.

Just like the CDL example, if you aren't willing to assume that possible risk, you should NOT roll Hardcore or you should find something else.

I'll never understand people who GET TOLD straight up what the deal is and still try to get an exception. Get used to hearing "no".

Hardcore people accept these terms and keep going without asking for special exceptions because those were the terms they agreed to.

So....are you Hardcore or not?

You can always self-impose a Hardcore challenge onto yourself with a non-hardcore character in cases of accidental disconnect so you'll still at least be a ghost. Otherwise, if you want a challenge without perma-death by freak accident, there are multiple other challenge modes. With actual rewards, too. Point is, the Hardcore rules will not budge for you and your only choices are to A) Don't play Hardcore, B) self-impose a Hardcore on yourself and honorably stick by it (which is what I do with Phantasy Star Online and other games with no Hardcore mode...I delete and reroll no matter how attached I've become), or C) Deal with the Hardcore rules as written and stop asking for restores - it won't happen.

Posts: 6

Re: Are you Hardcore or not?

Post by Explorer101 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:18 pm

Agree 1000%. People want the title but seems some want an exception made when their efforts are lost. Your time investment can be lost at any time for reasons outside of your control and that's what you are signing up for. You are either HC or you aren't, I'm doing a HC playthrough soon and will be SSF only as well as being played under Linux. It's a risk but that's fun for me.

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Re: Are you Hardcore or not?

Post by Bigsmerf » Thu Nov 16, 2023 5:25 pm

Unbelievably, unrealistically, utterly, unfathomably, incredibly, genuinely, impressively, immensely, unbearably, intensely and completely...

Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

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