Requested Quality of Life Changes

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Posts: 20

Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm

Hello, I would like to start off by saying I greatly enjoy Turtle WoW and feel it exists in continuation of the spirit of Vanilla which is in my opinion the best game I've ever played.

Drunken Effect in Zul'Gurub: The spider mobs in ZG put a debuff poison on player characters that causes their screen to change to simulate being drunk. I would request that this effect's duration be greatly reduced. The poison debuff is 2 minutes but the visual effect lingers for something like 30 minutes. I understand that a player can go into their visual settings and turn the effects off but I prefer not to have to lower settings then have to turn them back up later. I think a more reasonably change is to make the visual impairment match the duration of the poison, 2 minutes instead of 30 minutes.

Chromagus Bronze Debuff: This is a weekly nuisance. Request that either the Bronze debuff be reclassified as a magic or poison debuff so players can actively dispel/remove it or that you greatly increase the drop rate of Bronze Sand needed to remove said debuff. Bronze sand drops off of technicians so maybe have them drop 10 sand instead of 1 sand each time it drops. There's nothing more frustrating than having to do that fight almost permanently stunned because your raid did not get enough sand to justify you getting them. Bad timing on stuns can even lead to wipes even with geared raid teams that have BWL on farm.

Nightmare Fragments from the quest The Nightmare's Corruption: This is part of the Shifting Sands quest line. It is still in my opinion the best quest in the game. But the drop rate for Nightmare Fragments is abysmal. I can personally attest to killing dragonkins by the hundreds and thousands in order to get a single drop. There's no reason that this drop rate can't be adjusted to say 10%. If I clear the entire zone of mobs, I should see 1 quest item for my trouble. Fixing this will encourage more people to do this quest chain which again I still believe is the best quest chain ever put into the game.

I'm sure there are other examples that people can think of but these three in particular inhibit the enjoyment of otherwise great content. Turtle wow has already made changes to make the game more reasonable and I think these changes listed would do the same.

Posts: 144

Re: Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Wafflecrusher » Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:19 am

It would be life changing if they made the gems required for the Ubrs attunement a 70, 80, and 90% drop respectively.

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Re: Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Gantulga » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:09 am

Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Drunken Effect in Zul'Gurub: The spider mobs in ZG put a debuff poison on player characters that causes their screen to change to simulate being drunk. I would request that this effect's duration be greatly reduced. The poison debuff is 2 minutes but the visual effect lingers for something like 30 minutes. I understand that a player can go into their visual settings and turn the effects off but I prefer not to have to lower settings then have to turn them back up later. I think a more reasonably change is to make the visual impairment match the duration of the poison, 2 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
It may not be possible to tie the visual to the real duration as it's a clientside effect. Replacing the debuff with a copy that doesn't impair vision could work though.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Chromagus Bronze Debuff: This is a weekly nuisance. Request that either the Bronze debuff be reclassified as a magic or poison debuff so players can actively dispel/remove it or that you greatly increase the drop rate of Bronze Sand needed to remove said debuff. Bronze sand drops off of technicians so maybe have them drop 10 sand instead of 1 sand each time it drops. There's nothing more frustrating than having to do that fight almost permanently stunned because your raid did not get enough sand to justify you getting them. Bad timing on stuns can even lead to wipes even with geared raid teams that have BWL on farm.
The debuff is a part of the fight's mechanic. What should happen is a raid-wide pulse that removes the debuff once the fight is over, or perhaps a NPC that spawns once Chromaggus is defeated and removes it for you. Having to waste 10 minutes and seeing your consumables arbitrarily expire before pulling Nefarian is just idiotic.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Nightmare Fragments from the quest The Nightmare's Corruption: This is part of the Shifting Sands quest line. It is still in my opinion the best quest in the game. But the drop rate for Nightmare Fragments is abysmal. I can personally attest to killing dragonkins by the hundreds and thousands in order to get a single drop. There's no reason that this drop rate can't be adjusted to say 10%. If I clear the entire zone of mobs, I should see 1 quest item for my trouble. Fixing this will encourage more people to do this quest chain which again I still believe is the best quest chain ever put into the game.
Note that the drop isn't even raid-shared, it's personal instead which is just sadistic. The same applies to the draconic for dummies books by the way.

Posts: 20

Re: Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:25 pm

Wafflecrusher wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 1:19 am
It would be life changing if they made the gems required for the Ubrs attunement a 70, 80, and 90% drop respectively.
That's another good one. I had to run LBRS about 20 times before I finished it and the gem that took the longest dropped from the last boss.

Posts: 20

Re: Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Axe8305 » Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:35 pm

Gantulga wrote:
Mon Nov 13, 2023 3:09 am
Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Drunken Effect in Zul'Gurub: The spider mobs in ZG put a debuff poison on player characters that causes their screen to change to simulate being drunk. I would request that this effect's duration be greatly reduced. The poison debuff is 2 minutes but the visual effect lingers for something like 30 minutes. I understand that a player can go into their visual settings and turn the effects off but I prefer not to have to lower settings then have to turn them back up later. I think a more reasonably change is to make the visual impairment match the duration of the poison, 2 minutes instead of 30 minutes.
It may not be possible to tie the visual to the real duration as it's a clientside effect. Replacing the debuff with a copy that doesn't impair vision could work though.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Chromagus Bronze Debuff: This is a weekly nuisance. Request that either the Bronze debuff be reclassified as a magic or poison debuff so players can actively dispel/remove it or that you greatly increase the drop rate of Bronze Sand needed to remove said debuff. Bronze sand drops off of technicians so maybe have them drop 10 sand instead of 1 sand each time it drops. There's nothing more frustrating than having to do that fight almost permanently stunned because your raid did not get enough sand to justify you getting them. Bad timing on stuns can even lead to wipes even with geared raid teams that have BWL on farm.
The debuff is a part of the fight's mechanic. What should happen is a raid-wide pulse that removes the debuff once the fight is over, or perhaps a NPC that spawns once Chromaggus is defeated and removes it for you. Having to waste 10 minutes and seeing your consumables arbitrarily expire before pulling Nefarian is just idiotic.
Axe8305 wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:28 pm
Nightmare Fragments from the quest The Nightmare's Corruption: This is part of the Shifting Sands quest line. It is still in my opinion the best quest in the game. But the drop rate for Nightmare Fragments is abysmal. I can personally attest to killing dragonkins by the hundreds and thousands in order to get a single drop. There's no reason that this drop rate can't be adjusted to say 10%. If I clear the entire zone of mobs, I should see 1 quest item for my trouble. Fixing this will encourage more people to do this quest chain which again I still believe is the best quest chain ever put into the game.
Note that the drop isn't even raid-shared, it's personal instead which is just sadistic. The same applies to the draconic for dummies books by the way.
If it's client based, I'd prefer it was just outright be removed. I frequently just suicide my character to rid myself of the nuisance of it. There's no other intoxication effect that lasts even half as long as this one in ZG. I don't understand why game developers thought it needed a 30 minute duration.

I understand the bronze debuff is part of the encounter, but tying your ability to deal with said debuff through the drop of a consume where not enough ever drop was just stupid. Greatly increasing the amount of Bronze sand that drops is one possible fix. Or changing the nature of the debuff to allow players to deal with it is another. Make it a curse, mages will prio removing it on players. Make it a poison, druids/shamans will cleanse it. Make it a magic debuff and paladins and priests will remove it. You're right that after a kill on Chromaggus it's a forced 10 minute break when most people just want to finish the raid and move on.

I've done the Shifting Sands quest line in original, classic and I'm working on it now in Turtle. It would be so much easier to find people willing to work on this quest if there wasn't 3 major bottlenecks that make people never begin the thing. I don't mind working to complete the quest. I just think if I clear an entire zone of mobs, I should see one quest item drop. I want the drop rate changed to reflect that. So many more people would end up doing the quest and it's truly an epic quest chain with some pretty impressive loot for what it is.

Posts: 10

Re: Requested Quality of Life Changes

Post by Casualnerdity » Thu Nov 16, 2023 3:52 pm

The Intoxicating Venom adds 100 points of Inebriate, the same as downing 5 things of Strong Alcohol. The game reduces the Inebriate stat at a set rate, so it'd going to take a long while to work off that drunkenness effect. I do agree though, that the Inebriate effect should be lowered to something more reasonable, like 20, so it wears off faster. Or, add something like Black Coffee to the Survival profession as a way to remove any remaining Inebriate value and get the screen to return to normal.

I will agree that the Hourglass Sand could use a boost in the amounts dropped at once, but only from the current 1-3 up to, say, 2-5.

I agree, the Nightmare Fragments should have the drop chance doubled to 10% and should be a raid drop, not individual. Spending 4 hours to get enough drops for 6 people while taking a dozen players' time is not fun. As an extension, all of the drops in that Shifting Sands questline should be raid drops. I can only stand to fight Dr Weavil or the Twilight Corruptor a couple of times, not 8 times, each time, every few months.

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