I'm looking for a macro template that will let me use several ranks of a spell binded on one button using modifiers in the macro and heal on mouseover or heal myself automatically with said ranks if i'm not mousing over a raid frame or someones character.
The tbc onward version of said template would be:
/cast [nomod,@mouseover,help,nodead][nomod,@player] Spell
/cast [mod:shift,@mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift,@player] Spell(Rank 1)
/cast [mod:ctrl,@mouseover,help,nodead][mod:ctrl,@player] Spell(Rank 2)
/cast [mod:alt,@mouseover,help,nodead][mod:alt,@player] Spell(Rank 3)
I have no idea how to write such a macro for the 1.12 client.