24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

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Posts: 13

24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:40 pm

AI Translation
I will always update the poor performance of the Asian server administrators
I am a Hogwarts player on the Asian server, and today I am going to expose how terrible the management of the Asian server is!
The public channels of Asian servers are filled with advertisements for a long time, including the recruitment information of NAXX reset refreshing team and reputation team.They occupy public resources and abuse game resources to obtain benefits.Player A reported the information to the administrator, but was retaliated by others.They maliciously reported player A, resulting in player A's account being frozen.Player A reported the information to the administrator, but the problem was not solved, instead, player A respected their execution.The perpetrators did not receive punishment, and the player who reported them was frozen account.

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Sun Oct 29, 2023 6:54 pm

Asia Server MC Event on October 21, 2023

The team members forcibly occupied the legendary equipment (Windrunner's Imprisoned Head). Team members provide feedback on the event to management. The management did not freeze individuals who violated the treaty according to the game terms. The item was only deleted, but the violator was not dealt with, and the victim's rights were deprived by the administrator
Last edited by Lfhwei on Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:03 pm

Illegal behavior of server managers in Asia on October 13, 2023

On October 13th, a player reported that a GM had abused administrator privileges by adding equipment items to their account.

The management personnel of the Asian server have been dismissed, and their permissions and accounts have been banned.

If this GM player only added the necessary items for production, would anyone still notice?

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:12 pm

October 21, 2023

An Asian server player refreshed his reputation with a robot and obtained a large amount of legendary equipment. The next day, he contacted the management and told them that he had violated the game terms and used the robot.

After a 5-hour inspection, the management personnel told this player that we don't like players like you who are joking!

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Sun Oct 29, 2023 7:20 pm

The next message is an image. Sorry, I don't know how to upload the image here. If it is not blocked, I will send out a link.

Interested friends can view the transaction information above through translation

https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a2 ... t=9#detail

There are many such transactions, I only selected one of them

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:33 pm

I am pleased to inform you that the management personnel of Asian servers have finally begun to impose penalties on the violators of Dire Maul. But the bad news is that they seem to have forgotten something. Some people are still alive, while others are already dead. 70% of the living are AI, and those who died have forgotten Dire Maul, they dare not enter here. This place is full of curses.

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Wed Nov 01, 2023 7:43 pm

November 2, 2023

Insert the next message. SM, everyone knows it. But what you don't know is that 38lv AI can occupy this place. You only need to pay 20 USD! 20-45LV achieved! When you want to challenge yourself to complete AI operations, congratulations on entering the administrator's frozen list!

Don't ask me where the AI is, he/she may have already started the next order.

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Thu Nov 02, 2023 10:20 am

November 2, 2023

A Tauren player has activated a race skill, which is considered an acceleration software by GM and has been frozen for 7 days.

I think it's necessary to popularize knowledge to GM.

Posts: 13

Re: 24-hour updates on the poor performance of Asian server administrators

Post by Lfhwei » Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:53 pm


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