New race for future ?

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New race for future ?

Post by Marty1980 » Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:27 pm

Not saying near future but far one ,

I never understood why there was no Ogre on horde side , they have been playable in warcraft since warcraft 2.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dannyp92 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am

If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Akos1896 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:02 am

Would say worgens but Gilneas is way too high-leveled for an early leveling zone. Space foat time or panda time?
Last edited by Akos1896 on Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Bahamutxd » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:02 am

Dannyp92 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am
If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?
Lost Ones/Brokens/Old Draenei - that or some human variation. Would say elf too but theres already 2 so..

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Reploidrocsa » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:04 am

Bahamutxd wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:02 am
Dannyp92 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am
If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?
Lost Ones/Brokens/Old Draenei - that or some human variation. Would say elf too but theres already 2 so..
Screw draenei.


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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Springboards » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:54 am

draenei/eredar would be good...

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Whalemilk » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:13 am

Dannyp92 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:11 am
If Horde gets Ogres, what should Alliance get ?
Blood elves.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Ashstache » Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:57 am

Examine why Draenei were added in TBC:

-Big and powerful, with a broad, tall silhouette
-Fit the mold of the traditional "good guy"
-Give players the opportunity to explore a new sort of identity
-Race that could justifiably be shaman
-Provided a perspective in Draenor for the events of TBC

We can disregard the first two for obvious reasons (unless...?). To focus in, we want something new, that largely fits the Alliance's aesthetic, and is a bigger, burlier race.

More than anything, most suggested races don't fit the Alliance's aesthetic. Whatever you pick, you have to imagine wandering through Goldshire and not being completely outlandish. Additionally, your choice can't conflict with existing lore and factions, and it also has to work as a character model, and be able to fit existing gear.

Furbolg doesn't work; they don't fit the aesthetic, and the existence of Timbermaw as a faction precludes them as well. Naga doesn't work for myriad reasons, but there's no reasonable way to fit gear on them or have them mount up.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Ashstache » Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:40 am

Ashstache wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:57 am
Examine why Draenei were added in TBC:

-Big and powerful, with a broad, tall silhouette
-Fit the mold of the traditional "good guy"
-Give players the opportunity to explore a new sort of identity
-Race that could justifiably be shaman
-Provided a perspective in Draenor for the events of TBC

We can disregard the first two for obvious reasons (unless...?). To focus in, we want something new, that largely fits the Alliance's aesthetic, and is a bigger, burlier race.

More than anything, most suggested races don't fit the Alliance's aesthetic. Whatever you pick, you have to imagine wandering through Goldshire and not being completely outlandish. Additionally, your choice can't conflict with existing lore and factions, and it also has to work as a character model, and be able to fit existing gear.

Furbolg doesn't work; they don't fit the aesthetic, and the existence of Timbermaw as a faction precludes them as well. Naga doesn't work for myriad reasons, but there's no reasonable way to fit gear on them or have them mount up.
Making this a separate post because this is appreciably different. All that said, my suggestion is something both brand new as a playable race (at least I assume this hasn't been done in retail), but also moves Turtle's lore and story forward without inventing things wholesale.


Create a "sleeping" race of titanic creation as one of the next steps of the whole "Discs of Norgannon" storyline, Uldum, and the dwarven obsession with titanic lore. Given the titan's connection to the Dragons and the Emerald Dream, this could tie into the story in Hyjal as well. Make them one and a half times the size of humans, and give different skins like marble/bronze/iron, beings that look like statues when they're still. Use the Vrykul models and animations, give them a starting area along the lines of a titanic facility that's been breached by the Alliance, and give them some space in Ironforge. Warrior, Hunter, Mage, and Druid (Eonar is the Life-Binder, and responsible for the creation of the Emerald Dream, after all).

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Kefke » Sat Oct 21, 2023 5:00 am

My stance in the past has been to give Ogres to the Horde, and to have Goblin as an option that both factions can choose. After all, Goblins aren't loyal to the Horde, they're loyal to gold. They're opportunists and businesspersons. They do business with both factions, and they open their cities to both factions. So you could have the Durotar Labor Union on the Horde side, but then have a separate group - call them the "East Kingdom Company" since I can't say where they'd best fit - that is working with the Alliance in a similar fashion. Just a different group of Goblins, who saw an opportunity and formed their own competing business.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Galendor » Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:19 am

Akos1896 wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:02 am
Would say worgens but Gilneas is way too high-leveled for an early leveling zone. Space foat time or panda time?
Existence of Lupine Coven is a great opportunity to playable worgens. Just have in mind that playable race could start in a separate location as their story will have place after the plot of Gilneas.
For example, fresh worgens characters could start as a part of a group that sails in Stormwind as Liam's emissaries. But their ship was ravaged by the storm, so they crashed on Crestfall (or Havenswood).
But the team could alvays do what they did for high elves/goblins - pick a little corner of Gilneas for new characters and make a little plot here.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Sylveria » Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:28 am

I know some did Not Like 'em, but i actually Liked the TBC-Draenei with their russian accent. :D
(Pleasent memories of our Lootmaster who imitated that russian accent of her draenei Shaman while distributing the Loot. xD)

Obviously, to keep the faction uniqueness, you'd Take shamans away from 'em. And I'm sure there would be a better way to implement 'em (lorewise). Like: When TWoW opens the Dark Portal we might find an intact and uncorrupted Draenei Village that will serve as their starting Zone. And their First Quests is all about defending and evacuating the Village, so the few remaining Draenei may leave Outland for good.

Just an Idea though.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Philandros » Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:21 am

Would much rather have some kind of worgen/ druid of the pack over space goat people for alliance. Maybe even a dryad or keeper of the grove.

I would have agreed ogres should have gone to Horde before goblins, but the goblin sapper teams were a horde unit in wc2 along with the ogres. And that ship has sailed.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Gladeshadow » Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:33 am

Ogre for horde is the definitive answer.

Alliance is a bit harder, but some aren’t good options for various reasons.
Draenei would be possible in the “broken” (or cannon) version but certainly not TBC. However, there’s not any existing lore to justify such an Alliance.
Worgen are a Cataclysm bad dream. Worgen are supposed to be gothic horrors, not furries wearing dresses. Them being friendly rather than rampaging carnivores goes against the whole Scythe of Elune and their lore anyway.
Furbolg have been proposed before. It makes sense because there is precedence for an alliance based on their connection with the night elves. Could be weird to see them in substantial clothes, same as the worgen.

Thankfully, there’s not a real need for more races. I could even say just add ogres to Horde and Alliance don’t get another race to support not only lore but to also help even out the alliance-horde player population.
Last edited by Gladeshadow on Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Harkus » Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:12 am

Ogres for Horde, pandas for Ally :D
Horde blood elves and TBC draenei are lore abominations. Actual draenei for the Alliance could be cool but it would be a little convoluted. Worgen should remain enemy NPCs, they are supposed to be insane

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Drubarrymooer » Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:19 am

I would totally play an ogre mage.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Ishilu » Sat Oct 21, 2023 10:43 am

Broken draenei would be cool.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Mativh » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:42 pm

Horde - Ogres for sure
Alliance - 1st by far Nagas, 2nd best Broken (not TBC Draenei), 3rd Vrykul, by far the least Pandas, no Furbolgs, no Worgen


If there was going to be a new race, Ogres are by far the best candidate.

There has been some datamining that indicates that Activision-Blizzard is copying Turtle WoW (superficially), and they'll make a sad attempt at an alternative timeline expansion starting from vanilla, where one doesn't go to outland, the alliance gets high elves and the horde gets ogres.
Of courses this will not include any deepening of the vanilla experience nor be in line with it's essence, the only reason they do it is because twow became popular, and it will be butchered like retail is, since it is the same team working on it. The same one that was asking chatgpt for creative advice...

My point is; they try to copy the work of private servers without insight, whatever, but we could make use of some of the things they might do with their resources, and make something good out of it.

Here it'd be Ogres being developed into a viable race.
They will make females, adapt all the item models to their bodies etc.
Once it's done, Ogres could join the Horde on twow.

Two headed Ogre Mages would be interesting.

The Twilights Hammer Old God worshiping Ogre Priests that became the theme for all Priests is a cataclysm retcon that should not be included.

the Alliance:

When vanilla came out, there were these races that were considered but didn't make it: Goblins, Nagas, Demons. In cataclysm, Ogres were considered instead of Goblins.

From that the only reasonable option is Naga for the Alliance, here are the mental gymnastics that would make it make sense:

- a faction of Naga either broke off from Illidan, or emerged from the depths upon his call but never joined him. and were left behind lost and alone

- they'd be a less evil group of nagas the same way the darkspear tribe is supposedto be a less savage/vile group of trolls, which is why they were at odds with other stranglethorn trolls and ended up being able to join the horde, and same way the Forsaken are different to any other undead that are generally considered as evil as the necromancer that controlls them, or mindless monsters when on their own, unlike the forsaken
- Garithos despised non-humans and locked up the blood elves for affiliating with the naga, but he is dead and the high elves didn't become resentful blood elves in twow

- the night elves dislike the naga since they joined Illidan, but they also dislike the high elves that did in the past what illidan did, but on a greater scale, they also dislike humans dwarves and gnomes for being industrious, deforestating and in general not as much in harmony with nature as themselves, they were as hesitant to join the human led alliance against the burning legion in warcraft 3 as they were to join the orcs led horde, they were their own faction and that was a temporary cooperation of 3 otherwise hostile factions against illidan - alliance horde and sentinels. But they ended up being "absorbed" into the Alliance... compared to that, a broken off faction of the naga joining seems not so unthinkable

- the alliance rejected the forsaken... who are the forsaken? lorewise the foundation of the alliance, that got rejected because of prejudice and aversion against undeads, the forsaken first attempted to join the alliance but they were met with hostility, the tauren were the only ones seeing through their condition and having hope in curing them (although the forsaken generally seek more revenge than cure), they convinced Thrall to allow them in the horde, who did so also for strategic reasons, the Forsaken are not truly united with the Horde either, and rather see them as brutes and means to their own end. They are what could be made into a playable race from the fourth W3 faction, the Scourge. Considering the vast thematic differences between the forsaken and the Horde, and their relation to the alliance, the Naga joining the Alliance doesn't seem so far fetched

- the naga are thematically unique and with a potential for a rich lore (definitely richer then the gnomes got, unfortunately for the gnomes)

- some murlocs could be part of the naga society, used as workers

- the nagas, night elves and high elves share a common ancestor, and they evolved in unique ways because of the well of eternity and the great sundering, this unites them, the same way the other 3 alliance races are united by being "devolved" Titan creations.

- one big counter argument is their anatomy; they cannot equip boots and pants, which would cause itemization imbalance. The existing pants and boots should be either equippable, how? Once you equip something, it becomes soulbound anyway, so if a Naga wants to equip these pieces, they'd have to take it to a specialist that reshapes it, dismantles the same material, and adapts the shape to the Naga, while preserving it's qualities (armor, stats). It could be included in Alliance professions, tailoring resizing clothes etc.
Alternatively, pants and boots could be disenchanted and what they provide turned into an exclusive buff for the Naga, one at a time per piece.
Or perhaps they shouldn't be able to equip them at all, and they could have little stronger racials to compensate for it, I prefer this option

- Other counter argument is mounts; they obviously would excell under water, could it compensate for the lack of a mount? no, but it could for the lack of acessible mount variety, they of course couldn't ride something that has a saddle made for a bipedal rider, however they could have a mount that accomodates their anatomy
Better solution; a one person charriot, attachable to any mount in the game.

Considering these points, I think Nagas are the best option for a new Alliance race.

Other options;

Something I would highly dislike, something that appeared W3 as a hireable mercenary hero, that I have never seen as a serious part of the lore but more as a comedic relief, something that was riddoculously retconned and turned into a major part of the lore sith its own continent only because that Goblin Bobby Kotick thought it'd help tap into the Chinese market;
Pandaria is an abomination in my honest opinion.
They could be though, as a not so significant race as in MoP, added to the Alliance, a group of Pandaren explorers from far away lands that got entangled in the local conflict. They fit the Alliance more than the Horde, but I still prefer them not being added.

Only if they were the original Draenei, the Broken from Warcraft 3. Which are very different from what they were turned into in TBC.

Then there is Vrykuls;
I'd like to see these shamanistic viking-themed humans (that are not Orcs) that have ties to the Titan lore, added to the Alliance. Might be a WotLK retcon, but for me the third favorite after the Nagas and Broken.

They are not humanoid enough, they are barely on the level of tribalism, and don't wear clothes. They make sense in the game the way they are right now.

Cataclysm completely retconned the Worgen lore, they weren't humans that could simply change appeareance at will and that's it, they were an alien race first of all, being a worgen implies psychological traits incompatible with being allied with the alliance, anyone familiar with their pre-cataclysm lore is well aware of that. Even Night Elf Druid Worgen feral form makes more sense than a standalone race.
Last edited by Mativh on Sat Oct 21, 2023 8:58 pm, edited 14 times in total.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Dannyp92 » Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:50 pm

Mativh wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:42 pm

Something I would highly dislike, something that appeared W3 as a hireable mercenary hero, that I have never seen as a serious part of the lore but more as a comedic relief, something that was riddoculously retconned and turned into a major part of the lore sith its own continent only because that Goblin Bobby Kotick thought it'd help tap into the Chinese market;
Pandaria is an abomination in my honest opinion.
They could be though, as a not so significant race as in MoP, added to the Alliance, a group of Pandaren explorers from far away lands that got entangled in the local conflict.
You do know that there is a Brewmaster in Ratchet handing out Horde quests referencing Chen Stormsout, in Vanilla ? :P His kegs can be found everywhere in the Barrens. Blizzard even considered adding Pandaren in TBC before they were bought by Activision, but scrapped it as they didn't figure out how they would fit into the TBC-story.

Personally I'd rather have the races fit the aesthetics of the factions. So where Horde is more of a "beast" or "misfit" faction, Alliance should have Human-, Dwarf- or Elf-like races. Vrykul, or sub-groups, such as Kul Tirans, Stromgardians, Wildhammer Dwarves or Gilneans could maybe be it.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Somni » Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:14 pm

m u r l o c
[tr][/tr] AM Ū R Ł O Ç

S P O R R E G A R battle mage
Imagine casting as a spogger mage tank level 12

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Naonak1945 » Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:01 am

New races and too many is what wrecked live.
Improve on what is best about classic.
Add Tauren Priest to the horde

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Kefke » Sun Oct 22, 2023 7:22 am

Nagas are basically unworkable as a player race. I stand by what I said. The Alliance should just get a different Goblin corporation. It might be underwhelming, but it's fitting to lore, (relatively) easy to implement, and still allows for Horde to have Ogres, like they should have gotten alongside High Elves.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Eversongwoods » Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:56 am

Nobody wants to play as a ogre and thats why it has never been done, its just that simple. Draenei have hooves which fits in with the horde so make up a story for that and also give alliance worgen, i think this makes the most sense and wouldnt take too much work.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Naonak1945 » Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:39 pm

Play Ever Quest or a emulated server if Ogre interests you

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:24 pm

Worgen(ally) VS Broken(horde)
makes a good duality hear me out.

a alliance race that deals with anger
a horde race that deals with lost pride/bitterness
-R word-
1.both races should get -reputation debuffs and get high reputation
2.broken because they are aliens for the orcs but (more) alien for aliance party broken goes to the horde and get -reputation being
2.1: Hostile to orcs at start(lorewise makes sense)
2.2: Neutral at start to undead.
2.3: Unfriendly for others races but undeads(they can empathize with broken)
3. Worgen gets treated the same with the aliance
3.1: hostile for humans("a werewolf!!"-ally karien screams in fear)
3.2: neutral to NF(lore wise fits +they empathize)
3.3: they get unfriendly with the other races.

what do you guys thing of this? new 2 races that change the way you play in your faction through reputation mechanics.

-(crazy thoughts)-
Perhaps players can choose not to try to increase their reputation with the initial faction and with daily missions(attacking patrols/settlements/caravans + pvp aka killing lowlies(jk btw) become friendlier to the other faction.thus becoming a criminal for their initial faction and a friend to the opposing faction during leveling + mercenaries in battlegrounds fits the theme of the new races.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Kefke » Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:44 pm

Eversongwoods wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 9:56 am
Nobody wants to play as a ogre and thats why it has never been done, its just that simple. Draenei have hooves which fits in with the horde so make up a story for that and also give alliance worgen, i think this makes the most sense and wouldnt take too much work.
Nobody wants to play as an Ogre? Guess that's why they sell the Ogre illusion. For nobody to buy.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Tutorial » Sun Oct 22, 2023 8:22 pm

I like the idea of playing as an unaffiliated "monster" race like a kobold, ogre or gnoll that is not aligned with either faction initially and must build reputation to be accepted by either. You'd have to do mostly neutral quests to level so hubs like Ratchet, Gadgetzan and Booty Bay would be filled with them.
Not sure if the game could really support a playstyle like that though.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:34 pm

Made a post About new races idea

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:52 pm

Mativh wrote:
Sat Oct 21, 2023 2:42 pm
Horde - Ogres for sure
Alliance - 1st by far Nagas, 2nd best Broken (not TBC Draenei), 3rd Vrykul, by far the least Pandas, no Furbolgs, no Worgen


If there was going to be a new race, Ogres are by far the best candidate.

There has been some datamining that indicates that Activision-Blizzard is copying Turtle WoW (superficially), and they'll make a sad attempt at an alternative timeline expansion starting from vanilla, where one doesn't go to outland, the alliance gets high elves and the horde gets ogres.
Of courses this will not include any deepening of the vanilla experience nor be in line with it's essence, the only reason they do it is because twow became popular, and it will be butchered like retail is, since it is the same team working on it. The same one that was asking chatgpt for creative advice...

My point is; they try to copy the work of private servers without insight, whatever, but we could make use of some of the things they might do with their resources, and make something good out of it.

Here it'd be Ogres being developed into a viable race.
They will make females, adapt all the item models to their bodies etc.
Once it's done, Ogres could join the Horde on twow.

Two headed Ogre Mages would be interesting.

The Twilights Hammer Old God worshiping Ogre Priests that became the theme for all Priests is a cataclysm retcon that should not be included.

the Alliance:

When vanilla came out, there were these races that were considered but didn't make it: Goblins, Nagas, Demons. In cataclysm, Ogres were considered instead of Goblins.

From that the only reasonable option is Naga for the Alliance, here are the mental gymnastics that would make it make sense:

- a faction of Naga either broke off from Illidan, or emerged from the depths upon his call but never joined him. and were left behind lost and alone

- they'd be a less evil group of nagas the same way the darkspear tribe is supposedto be a less savage/vile group of trolls, which is why they were at odds with other stranglethorn trolls and ended up being able to join the horde, and same way the Forsaken are different to any other undead that are generally considered as evil as the necromancer that controlls them, or mindless monsters when on their own, unlike the forsaken
- Garithos despised non-humans and locked up the blood elves for affiliating with the naga, but he is dead and the high elves didn't become resentful blood elves in twow

- the night elves dislike the naga since they joined Illidan, but they also dislike the high elves that did in the past what illidan did, but on a greater scale, they also dislike humans dwarves and gnomes for being industrious, deforestating and in general not as much in harmony with nature as themselves, they were as hesitant to join the human led alliance against the burning legion in warcraft 3 as they were to join the orcs led horde, they were their own faction and that was a temporary cooperation of 3 otherwise hostile factions against illidan - alliance horde and sentinels. But they ended up being "absorbed" into the Alliance... compared to that, a broken off faction of the naga joining seems not so unthinkable

- the alliance rejected the forsaken... who are the forsaken? lorewise the foundation of the alliance, that got rejected because of prejudice and aversion against undeads, the forsaken first attempted to join the alliance but they were met with hostility, the tauren were the only ones seeing through their condition and having hope in curing them (although the forsaken generally seek more revenge than cure), they convinced Thrall to allow them in the horde, who did so also for strategic reasons, the Forsaken are not truly united with the Horde either, and rather see them as brutes and means to their own end. They are what could be made into a playable race from the fourth W3 faction, the Scourge. Considering the vast thematic differences between the forsaken and the Horde, and their relation to the alliance, the Naga joining the Alliance doesn't seem so far fetched

- the naga are thematically unique and with a potential for a rich lore (definitely richer then the gnomes got, unfortunately for the gnomes)

- some murlocs could be part of the naga society, used as workers

- the nagas, night elves and high elves share a common ancestor, and they evolved in unique ways because of the well of eternity and the great sundering, this unites them, the same way the other 3 alliance races are united by being "devolved" Titan creations.

- one big counter argument is their anatomy; they cannot equip boots and pants, which would cause itemization imbalance. The existing pants and boots should be either equippable, how? Once you equip something, it becomes soulbound anyway, so if a Naga wants to equip these pieces, they'd have to take it to a specialist that reshapes it, dismantles the same material, and adapts the shape to the Naga, while preserving it's qualities (armor, stats). It could be included in Alliance professions, tailoring resizing clothes etc.
Alternatively, pants and boots could be disenchanted and what they provide turned into an exclusive buff for the Naga, one at a time per piece.
Or perhaps they shouldn't be able to equip them at all, and they could have little stronger racials to compensate for it, I prefer this option

- Other counter argument is mounts; they obviously would excell under water, could it compensate for the lack of a mount? no, but it could for the lack of acessible mount variety, they of course couldn't ride something that has a saddle made for a bipedal rider, however they could have a mount that accomodates their anatomy
Better solution; a one person charriot, attachable to any mount in the game.

Considering these points, I think Nagas are the best option for a new Alliance race.

Other options;

Something I would highly dislike, something that appeared W3 as a hireable mercenary hero, that I have never seen as a serious part of the lore but more as a comedic relief, something that was riddoculously retconned and turned into a major part of the lore sith its own continent only because that Goblin Bobby Kotick thought it'd help tap into the Chinese market;
Pandaria is an abomination in my honest opinion.
They could be though, as a not so significant race as in MoP, added to the Alliance, a group of Pandaren explorers from far away lands that got entangled in the local conflict. They fit the Alliance more than the Horde, but I still prefer them not being added.

Only if they were the original Draenei, the Broken from Warcraft 3. Which are very different from what they were turned into in TBC.

Then there is Vrykuls;
I'd like to see these shamanistic viking-themed humans (that are not Orcs) that have ties to the Titan lore, added to the Alliance. Might be a WotLK retcon, but for me the third favorite after the Nagas and Broken.

They are not humanoid enough, they are barely on the level of tribalism, and don't wear clothes. They make sense in the game the way they are right now.

Cataclysm completely retconned the Worgen lore, they weren't humans that could simply change appeareance at will and that's it, they were an alien race first of all, being a worgen implies psychological traits incompatible with being allied with the alliance, anyone familiar with their pre-cataclysm lore is well aware of that. Even Night Elf Druid Worgen feral form makes more sense than a standalone race.
Nagas literaly a old god touched evil being.can be aliance

Worgen a human cursed with anger issues. cant be aliance

NF lore + scyther of elune being found in the last patch is the best way to introduce worgen in aliance now.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Equalrites » Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:56 pm

Why does it have to be symmetric ?
Seeing how Horde player-base is much lower than Alliance's, I would suggest to only bring a new race to Horde.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Skumbanana » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:07 pm

Making all warcraft races playable WHEN?

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Avagormertw » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:43 pm

Hogger as a race leader! Make Elven forest great again!

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Sylveria » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:53 pm

Ogres and Draenei are to me the only ones i can imagine, Since Draenei were an almost untold tale prior to TBC, so their story can mostly be rewritten (No Velen, No Exodar-Spaceship and stuff..).

No Naga - They're Old-God-Touched, and have a rather.. not so pleasent history with the Night Elves.
No Worgen - They're literally a walking curse, a plague that might spread across their faction. Too great risk to take 'em in.
No Murlocs - Just No.. seriously.. They're basically animals.
No Blood Elves - That door's basically closed due to the High Elves. High Elves are not so eager to meet their Blood Elf relatives, since they're in league with demonic powers... and Blood Elves would neither side with the Horde. Seriously? Siding with a) the Trolls, who are their mortal enemies, and b) with the Orcs, who devastated their Homeland during the Second War? (Elves do not care "if they are different orcs than the one who invaded 'em".)

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:55 pm

Equalrites wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 2:56 pm
Why does it have to be symmetric ?
Seeing how Horde player-base is much lower than Alliance's, I would suggest to only bring a new race to Horde.
i think the safe bet is just put worgen(gilneas human) for both factions
tauren(druids) and NE(druids) could be used as race intermediaries for them to be part of each faction.

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Re: New race for future ?

Post by Hyrag » Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:59 pm

Mavbyte wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:53 pm
Ogres and Draenei are to me the only ones i can imagine, Since Draenei were an almost untold tale prior to TBC, so their story can mostly be rewritten (No Velen, No Exodar-Spaceship and stuff..).

No Naga - They're Old-God-Touched, and have a rather.. not so pleasent history with the Night Elves.
No Worgen - They're literally a walking curse, a plague that might spread across their faction. Too great risk to take 'em in.
No Murlocs - Just No.. seriously.. They're basically animals.
No Blood Elves - That door's basically closed due to the High Elves. High Elves are not so eager to meet their Blood Elf relatives, since they're in league with demonic powers... and Blood Elves would neither side with the Horde. Seriously? Siding with a) the Trolls, who are their mortal enemies, and b) with the Orcs, who devastated their Homeland during the Second War? (Elves do not care "if they are different orcs than the one who invaded 'em".)
turtle devs already open the lore for worgen when the scyther of elune is found...
just bring Tauren and NEs/druids+gilneas new zone+scyther of elune= worgen(aka Gilneas cursed humans) new race for both factions.

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