Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Vimm » Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:06 pm

Looks really cool. I'm usually not into pvp realms, but I'll give this one a shot.

I also enjoy the fact I'm seeing posts from people saying how 'everyone will play alliance because of paladins', and 'everyone will play horde because of original av map'. =cP Both of which apparently ignoring how there will be faction creation restrictions.

Speaking of which...I hope there's a grace period before those restrictions are put in place. I don't want to see the same thing that happened with the latest Felmyst server, where they put in faction restrictions almost instantly. Friends couldn't make characters with their friends. Guilds got split up. So players just ended up saying 'The Hell with this' and bailed.

Also, it would be nice to get an exact time of the day the server goes Live.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Jolikmc » Wed Oct 18, 2023 8:53 pm

Sharonmarsh wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 6:14 pm
No need to get snippy. I'll explain my stance.

If the new realm had new content, I could understand wanting to jump in with both feet on opening day. However, the only unique features the realm has are a couple of weekly titles and automatic PvP in Level 20+ zones. Beyond that, the new realm is kind of a downgrade from the existing RP realm in a lot of important ways. But, that's entirely by design. You can't very well have cross-faction things enabled and try to push people into PvPing.

In any case, you go ahead and log in so you can get your uninspired name, and you go ahead and /yell "First!!" in your starting zone of choice. I don't get it and I don't want to, but don't let me or anyone else stop you.
Not currently playing. Just skulking and snarking~

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Mativh » Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:59 am

I'd like to propose to make the realm RP-PvP and suggest some turtle-friendly features.

Making faction conflict more relevant isn't necessarily incompatible with the focus on the levelling (rather than endgame), on open world activities, immersion, warcraft lore, roleplaying, community, on the vanilla experience.

Personally, I plan to stay on the original realm, but Slow and steady wil be something I'll definitely pick if I make a character there at one point with which I'll focus more on pvp.

Twink Characters:
I propose enchantments being applicable to +- their adequate level, instead of to any item, with new lower level enchants or low level equivalents, or there being some penalty (similar to how spell power coefficience is decreased by 3% each level below 20), in order to enhance the levelling as well as twink pvp experience. If overpowered enchants are a possibility, noone wants a nerf to their power, but if they are not included by basic, the content of that level bracket becomes much more relevant, and twinks will be adequately rewarded for their extra effort, they will appreciate more what their level offers and find it more rewarding to engage in pvp, at the same time they won't be nigh unbeatable by non-twinks. It'd be better for everyone.

Unless there is a plan to open a hardcore realm in the future, it'd be interesting to involve the challenge in this brutal setting.
There could be hardcore-only arenas/battlegrounds, with 10x honor/rep reward to compensate for the risk, and hardcore-only rank titles.
A trinket called "Flag of Yielding" (with a white flag icon) that would allow the player to join a battleground with 1 death excused that kicks the player with a debuff and triggers the trinkets CD, and/or allow not dying against non-hardcore players and instead yield like in a duel, prompting the enemy to spare or kill, or after yielding apply a long lasting debuff.

Making arenas rated would be definitely interesting, not only for max level, but for each level bracket, it would be in line with the non-max lvl focus of twow. The rewards could be thematically tied to the levelling zones of each bracket.

Open world non-instanced arenas;
Having an NPC to whom the participants talk, they receive an item/buff, and an invisible barrier appears in the designated area, and only players can go through who have that buff or item in the inventory, other players could be live spectators, they could bet gold on who will win between each other.

And there could be hardcore players doing arena where once killed the same happens as in duels, but at that moment the crowd would be prompted with a message whether to let live or allow to kill the hardcore participant, if majority chooses to allow to kill, the hardcore player enters into combat again, then it would depend on the opponent.

Also pvp rewards that reduce the resist chance against higher level players would make sense, so the level difference doesn't play such a significant part in world pvp (for those that effort to decrease that difference).

Anything that is integrated in the open world is much more immersive than instanced gameplay, it enhances the roleplaying aspect of WoW. Open world activities are closer to the essence of Vanilla/Turtle WoW and Warcraft.
Open World PvP should be definitely encouraged.

Quests ment to encourage pvp, being seemlessly part of levelling quests, it would reduce the gap between the player and the world.
From lore perspective, an orc is an orc, whether controlled by an ai or a player.
Things like the use of an item on a player or an item looted from the corpse of a player, for example a head.
But anything that involves hostile NPCs can be applied on hostile players of someone from a specific rank, or race, or class.
Class specific quests, like rogue pickpocketing quest items from players, undead priest testing devouring plague on various races, paladin killing undead players etc.
There could be shared quests between factions that trigger an event, that would be automatically announced in the chat, the objective of one faction could be killing an NPC, simultanepusly of the other faction would be escorting it.
Or one side would try to steal an item/the other side protect an item.
Conquer something/while the other faction defends it.

Which brings me to a more advanced idea;
In the spirit of the foundation of the warcraft franchise (faction conflict, bases built, defended and destroyed, resources being tapped into etc.), there could be pvp events; attacks against any Horde or Alliance town, with adequate rewards, one could join the NPCs of their faction that are carrying out the attack or defense.
There could be repeatable quests ment to reach a collective objective - for example to fortify the towns, each player could contribute to reach the final cost (gold/materials) of for example building a (destroyable) watchtower that would shoot at attacking players, similar to the Warcraft 3 towers, different based on the race, constructing a building that trains and equips the NPCs (granting them buffs) or other collective costs inspired by Warcraft 3 gameplay.
Some buildings could be attacked and would need to be repaired.
Towns could be occupied and would need to be reconquered. It'd reduce the gap between players and NPCs, make the game feel much more alive and dynamic.
Professions would gain more significance.
Capital Cities would be like PvP raids, while Towns and Settlements would be like PvP dungeons.
The collective effort to upgrade the Towns/friendly NPCs, and attack/defend your factions settlements would incentivize socializing and would increase immersion. and bring more of Warcraft into WoW.
Tying together open world PvP, PvE and RP.

The warcraft base building/defense/conquest brought into WoW via town/city events/quests as mentioned above is quite an ambitious feature, to make it worth considering more, I'd like to contrast it with an even more ambitious one happy_turtle that I believe would also fit very well on a rp-pvp server that is expected to have a high population;
An option to take on a role of hostile mobs in the world that are not necessarily affiliated with the horde/alliance:
New Non-Alliance/Horde Race: play as a Mob/NPC
Last edited by Mativh on Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:49 pm, edited 9 times in total.
All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Zulnam » Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:04 am

On one side, not crazy about breaking up the community.

On the other, new server boiiiii!

Game is most fun imo when everyone is leveling and then at 60 there's nobody in full Tier-3 to ruin your battleground.

Looking forward to it.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Jc473 » Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:22 am

Mativh wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:59 am
Which brings me to a more advanced idea;
In the spirit of the foundation of the franchise (faction conflict and bases built, defended and destroyed, resources being tapped into etc.), there could be pvp events; attacks against any Horde or Alliance town, with adequate rewards, one could join the NPCs of their faction that are carrying out the attack or defense. There could be repeatable quests ment to reach a collective objective - for example to fortify the towns, each player could contribute to reach the final cost (gold/materials) of for example building a (destroyable) watchtower that would shoot at attacking players, similar to the Warcraft 3 towers, different based on the race, constructing a building that trains and equips the NPCs (granting them buffs) or other collective costs inspired by Warcraft 3 gameplay. Some buildings could be attacked and would need to be repaired. Towns could be occupied and would need to be reconquered. It'd reduce the gap between players and NPCs, make the game feel much more alive and dynamic. Professions would gain more significance.
Capital Cities would be like PvP raids, while Towns and Settlements would be like PvP dungeons. The collective effort to upgrade the Towns/friendly NPCs, and attack/defend your factions settlements would incentivize socializing and would increase immersion. and bring more of Warcraft into WoW.
Tying together open world PvP, PvE and RP.
I've had similar thoughts.... just waiting/hoping for some devs to recognise the opportunity. I think if every contested zone had these kinds of mechanics, it would be very popular. Even if the rewards were only cosmetic/buffs/prestige, I still think this would be amazing. Imagine if these zones were like a constant war (like a DOTA game) with additional mechanics like you suggested and players could freely join to help their side push for dominance!

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Heimdallr » Thu Oct 19, 2023 11:19 am

I would really encourage people to do some sort of themed pvp based, so instead of corpse farming people that rather kill online, we could see elven defenders of ashenvale, orcs raiding Redrige and so on. With proper world pvp, people doing guarding work and countering raids of enemies, instead of bunch of rogues camping newbs, we could have normal healthy pvp fights over regions.

Based on that it would be dope to see some more custom items and enchants that empower world pvp, which is the best type of pvp in any game(all the arena and BG things are always there, even on pve servers so...)

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Bimbombo2 » Thu Oct 19, 2023 12:19 pm

Slow and steady please :D

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Bigsmerf » Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:18 pm

Who wants to put together a guild aimed at hindering alliance levelling progression? The horde will need the upper hand in the battle to come.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
Anbone 34 Shadow Priest (Planned secondary main)
Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Dejafuuu » Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:38 pm

Beard wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:51 am
What time does it release that day??
Could anyone answer this question please? Saw that no one had replied yet and am curious to know what time the server will open up next friday.

Posts: 13

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Equalrites » Thu Oct 19, 2023 2:45 pm

Please remove all raids and add some faction-lock zone that can flip sides depending on PvP objectives in each adjacent regions. Add special PvP drop from factions chiefs to emphasize that system.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Sebbakus » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:15 pm

Torta wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:55 pm
  • No leveling challenges: Slow & Steady, Vagrant's Mode, War Mode, and Hardcore Mode do not align well with the brutal reality of PvP realms.
I don't see why to disable the use of Slow & Steady, Vagrant's and Hardcore. I feel doing Hardcore and Slow and Steady could incentivize the challenge even more with how much more difficult it is, would it definitely be more challenging and unfair, yes. But I don't see why to disable the option if people wanna go through that hellpit.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Adunai » Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:51 pm

I ought to tell you, just today, I've been daydreaming about the pinnacle of my hopes, what I might ask our upcoming AI overlords about. And after Warcraft 4, the close second would definitely be WoW open world PvP with a ruleset à la Turtle-WoW!

Words cannot describe how hyped I am. I'm getting it effectively two years earlier now! The only unfortunate thing is that I will have to play Undead as High Elves don't cut it for a Blood Elf enjoyer such as myself, but hey, more people to kill for an underdog faction! (And the Warlock changes are rad.)

I can only imagine the obscenity that the Turtle administration must have been showered with, considering how it's breaking their traditional stance on the issue. But hey, I'm not complaining for my dreams coming true! Aug 27th - 15k concurrent players, October 27th - the Return of the Monke.
The Sin'dorei reign supreme! © Grand Astromancer Capernian

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Brandwacht » Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:04 pm

Mativh wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 6:59 am
Personally, I plan to stay on the original realm,
I didn't read the rest of your message. what do you care about pvp server settings?

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Brandwacht » Thu Oct 19, 2023 4:08 pm

Sebbakus wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 3:15 pm
Torta wrote:
Tue Oct 17, 2023 6:55 pm
  • No leveling challenges: Slow & Steady, Vagrant's Mode, War Mode, and Hardcore Mode do not align well with the brutal reality of PvP realms.
I don't see why to disable the use of Slow & Steady, Vagrant's and Hardcore. I feel doing Hardcore and Slow and Steady could incentivize the challenge even more with how much more difficult it is, would it definitely be more challenging and unfair, yes. But I don't see why to disable the option if people wanna go through that hellpit.
add all three challenges with only one common glyph

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Adunai » Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:38 am

Harkus wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:31 pm
No of course not. Everyone is welcome on Turtle. I am simply worried that the recent changes to Turtle will exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate it. Surely you understand that making the new server PvP and fresh will draw even more new people in rather than just spread the load between the old and the new realm? Having lots of (donating) players is going to draw the ire of Blizzard, especially when they are going to announce a very similar project to Turtle's.
Draw the ire of Blizzard? You understand that Blizzard have not shut down a single WoW private server since arguably WoW-Scape in 2008? They are literally a non-factor.

As to the PvP server - this has been my absolute dream for Turtle. I simply got bored out of my mind levelling on the PvE realm, apologies. The amazing work put in just felt wasted.

By the way, what's up with the half a dozen realms mentioned here? I've checked the forum, and the only other server is the Chinese one?
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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Xerilin » Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:41 am

Adunai wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:38 am

By the way, what's up with the half a dozen realms mentioned here? I've checked the forum, and the only other server is the Chinese one?
There are five (?) Chinese realms by now.

Posts: 23

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Kingswiftietv » Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:26 pm

Adunai wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:38 am
Harkus wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:31 pm
No of course not. Everyone is welcome on Turtle. I am simply worried that the recent changes to Turtle will exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate it. Surely you understand that making the new server PvP and fresh will draw even more new people in rather than just spread the load between the old and the new realm? Having lots of (donating) players is going to draw the ire of Blizzard, especially when they are going to announce a very similar project to Turtle's.
Draw the ire of Blizzard? You understand that Blizzard have not shut down a single WoW private server since arguably WoW-Scape in 2008? They are literally a non-factor.
Cheers to hoping Microsoft acquiring them doesn't change that!

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Isvya » Fri Oct 20, 2023 4:39 pm

Vimm wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:06 pm
Looks really cool. I'm usually not into pvp realms, but I'll give this one a shot.

I also enjoy the fact I'm seeing posts from people saying how 'everyone will play alliance because of paladins', and 'everyone will play horde because of original av map'. =cP Both of which apparently ignoring how there will be faction creation restrictions.

Speaking of which...I hope there's a grace period before those restrictions are put in place. I don't want to see the same thing that happened with the latest Felmyst server, where they put in faction restrictions almost instantly. Friends couldn't make characters with their friends. Guilds got split up. So players just ended up saying 'The Hell with this' and bailed.

Also, it would be nice to get an exact time of the day the server goes Live.
Would be nice to enable char creations a few days in advance so that they can see whatsup and react accordingly.

Posts: 131

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Marafado » Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:14 pm

hehehehee im not interested in the pvp realm, but maybe ill create a few toons just for fun of take some names of the fresh pvp crew ;p ----> legolass and legolasses are top hehe
no sleep, no school boys stay near the pc for fast name grab ;p

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Leyna » Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:36 pm

Adunai wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:38 am
Harkus wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:31 pm
No of course not. Everyone is welcome on Turtle. I am simply worried that the recent changes to Turtle will exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate it. Surely you understand that making the new server PvP and fresh will draw even more new people in rather than just spread the load between the old and the new realm? Having lots of (donating) players is going to draw the ire of Blizzard, especially when they are going to announce a very similar project to Turtle's.
Draw the ire of Blizzard? You understand that Blizzard have not shut down a single WoW private server since arguably WoW-Scape in 2008? They are literally a non-factor.

As to the PvP server - this has been my absolute dream for Turtle. I simply got bored out of my mind levelling on the PvE realm, apologies. The amazing work put in just felt wasted.

By the way, what's up with the half a dozen realms mentioned here? I've checked the forum, and the only other server is the Chinese one?
I agree with you so badly, since I got into turtle WoW I hoped for a PvP server, more so a fresh one with all the custom content everyone running around fresh leveling in one of if not the biggest community in WoW right now... It sounds like a fucking blast tbh. I only have trouble deciding faction.

People having that doomer attitude about it are heavily weird, if you want HC go to the og server, if you don't want PvP go to the OG server, if you don't want fresh... go to the OG server... STOP complaining... You all mad cause the PvP server is gonna be the full one from now on, but in time both servers will be huge, stop throwing stones just cause you're grumpy pffft.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Valmora » Fri Oct 20, 2023 8:49 pm

I would like to reiterate my point on this thread: I see no valid reason for excluding the slow and steady challenge on the new realm. I would love to take the time to enjoy WPvP while leveling without missing any of the new content. Retaining it would be just functional to make the whole experience even more rewarding for me.

Edit: "enjoy" as in "making it more scary and consequential"

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Adunai » Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:15 pm

Leyna wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:36 pm
I agree with you so badly, since I got into turtle WoW I hoped for a PvP server, more so a fresh one with all the custom content everyone running around fresh leveling in one of if not the biggest community in WoW right now... It sounds like a fucking blast tbh. I only have trouble deciding faction.

People having that doomer attitude about it are heavily weird, if you want HC go to the og server, if you don't want PvP go to the OG server, if you don't want fresh... go to the OG server... STOP complaining... You all mad cause the PvP server is gonna be the full one from now on, but in time both servers will be huge, stop throwing stones just cause you're grumpy pffft.
The faction question is a difficult one. Vanilla in the 2000s? Alliance? Vanilla in the 2010s? Horde. Vanilla on Turtle? Alliance. Aesthetics-wise? Alliance. Gameplay-wise? Horde.

Personally, I tried Alliance purely because of the discount Blood Elves, and in my calculation, it's just not worth it when I can't play a warlock. So my time on the PvE server was useful for something, at least. Even though playing an Undead always made me sad. But the bonus is that there will be even more Alliance to kill! ...Unless the Horde dominates because of the FRESH crowd...Oh well.

As regards the philosophical questions of Turtle identity - it's all probably been said on Discord (which is annoying to navigate so I haven't read it, even though, granted, I'm less inhibited than before), but I do agree with the detractors somewhat. To play devil's advocate, democracy is a lie, and people are too silly to do what's in their interest. Sure, there are a lot of people such as myself clamouring for a Turtle PvP experience, yet I will concede that making another realm is a betrayal of the original values.

But then again, what are those "values"? Mainly, a server which will exist until the AI apocalypse in 2025. Where everyone can return after an indefinite break. Technically, a PvP server wouldn't destroy that community - honestly, most people on Turtle won't even care about PvP.

I will admit that it is indeed going to split the community - that tiny minority of people who already PvP on Turtle will be the biggest losers in this scenario, unfortunately. But they are hard, and they will understand (and they're probably over the moon anyway due to this new realm, lmao).

Of course, there are other dangers - such as any of the realms dying "after the initial hype wave cools off", but... is the hype going down? It's been growing steadily for two years now, look at the population graph, enough is [never] enough. This is Nostalrius 2.0, just without the white flag at the end.

P.S. I agree with the idea of enabling the slow & steady mode XP (x0.5?), it would have no bearing on the PvP, and it's nice for those who like a slow, teasing trickle of XP with frustrating small losses on death.

P.P.S. I opposethe idea of any cross-faction whatsoever, yes, especially cross-faction battlegrounds - I will be the first to call out lore, but Paladins and Shamans being faction-specific is cool and not homogenised.

P.P.S. Is dropping Infernals in low-level zones going to be forbidden in the Harambe server? Please, clarify.
The Sin'dorei reign supreme! © Grand Astromancer Capernian

Posts: 20

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Leyna » Fri Oct 20, 2023 10:37 pm

Adunai wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 9:15 pm
Leyna wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 6:36 pm
I agree with you so badly, since I got into turtle WoW I hoped for a PvP server, more so a fresh one with all the custom content everyone running around fresh leveling in one of if not the biggest community in WoW right now... It sounds like a fucking blast tbh. I only have trouble deciding faction.

People having that doomer attitude about it are heavily weird, if you want HC go to the og server, if you don't want PvP go to the OG server, if you don't want fresh... go to the OG server... STOP complaining... You all mad cause the PvP server is gonna be the full one from now on, but in time both servers will be huge, stop throwing stones just cause you're grumpy pffft.
The faction question is a difficult one. Vanilla in the 2000s? Alliance? Vanilla in the 2010s? Horde. Vanilla on Turtle? Alliance. Aesthetics-wise? Alliance. Gameplay-wise? Horde.

Personally, I tried Alliance purely because of the discount Blood Elves, and in my calculation, it's just not worth it when I can't play a warlock. So my time on the PvE server was useful for something, at least. Even though playing an Undead always made me sad. But the bonus is that there will be even more Alliance to kill! ...Unless the Horde dominates because of the FRESH crowd...Oh well.

As regards the philosophical questions of Turtle identity - it's all probably been said on Discord (which is annoying to navigate so I haven't read it, even though, granted, I'm less inhibited than before), but I do agree with the detractors somewhat. To play devil's advocate, democracy is a lie, and people are too silly to do what's in their interest. Sure, there are a lot of people such as myself clamouring for a Turtle PvP experience, yet I will concede that making another realm is a betrayal of the original values.

But then again, what are those "values"? Mainly, a server which will exist until the AI apocalypse in 2025. Where everyone can return after an indefinite break. Technically, a PvP server wouldn't destroy that community - honestly, most people on Turtle won't even care about PvP.

I will admit that it is indeed going to split the community - that tiny minority of people who already PvP on Turtle will be the biggest losers in this scenario, unfortunately. But they are hard, and they will understand (and they're probably over the moon anyway due to this new realm, lmao).

Of course, there are other dangers - such as any of the realms dying "after the initial hype wave cools off", but... is the hype going down? It's been growing steadily for two years now, look at the population graph, enough is [never] enough. This is Nostalrius 2.0, just without the white flag at the end.

P.S. I agree with the idea of enabling the slow & steady mode XP (x0.5?), it would have no bearing on the PvP, and it's nice for those who like a slow, teasing trickle of XP with frustrating small losses on death.

P.P.S. I opposethe idea of any cross-faction whatsoever, yes, especially cross-faction battlegrounds - I will be the first to call out lore, but Paladins and Shamans being faction-specific is cool and not homogenised.

P.P.S. Is dropping Infernals in low-level zones going to be forbidden in the Harambe server? Please, clarify.
Very well explained, I can understand your points both ways. I personally play Horde most of the times but I lowkey wanna try the Paladin, just wish they could add Tauren Pallys and Dwarf Shamans.

I understand that in a way it may seem like a betrayal, but the server it's been here since 2018 for what I know, I always played turtle WoW from time to time in the background exploring the new quests and stuff and thinking to myself... Damn, a fresh PvP server would be a dream in a server like this.

It's very very complicated for new players to deal with full geared people in BG's and it's also very difficult to level in Warmode since you face a lot of twinks ganking you (This happened to me in damn Barrens xD) Everything is very ahead of you. I felt like it was not worth it to play it even tho this is probably the best version of WoW I played since OG vanilla.

World PvP is a BIG thing for many people, the feeling of unfair danger and random battles/drama that could be boosted with new zones/objetives in a server like this. Many people that prefer the OG server will stay and MANY new people will come to the server (Including me, which I only played casually so far)

I think this server is mainly for these new people that are very thirsty for an awesome and new fresh experience and as a bonus everyone on the OG server that dosen't like it has the chance to try and see for themselves. Sometimes is good to change your mind and betray your ''values''. You may find yourself having a blast.

Splitting the community in this case may be positive, as everyone will play were they feel comfortable and it will be more clear were people want to play in time.

As for the challenges people mention, I don't see why they couldn't be in this server, they do not interfere with anything at all (I personally don't care cause I don't wanna hurt myself like that but- xD) for the people that enjoy it let it be.

Posts: 43

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Mikeyhong » Fri Oct 20, 2023 11:36 pm

Will the honor system and battlefield be opened immediately or will they be launched in a few weeks?

Posts: 15

Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Aljava » Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:59 am

"There will be no chat, grouping, (...) guilds between factions"

Thank you for this, made my decision so clear: i'm out!

RPVE for me all the way!

Edit: ponctuation

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Beard » Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:35 pm

Is there still no posted time as to when this will release on that day?

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Vaikaris » Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:17 pm

Hardcore on pvp should absolutely be up in my opinion as well.
Even more - I propose that a player can play hardcore in the pvp realm. And if he gets to level 60 and kills at least 6 enemy hardcore players in a duel (or just kills them) he gets instant rank 14 and something like "The Highlander" title.
Obviously it's brutal and unlikely anyone will get it, but WoW vanilla was always cool because of those unobtainable things like Ashbringer or w/e, it'll be cool just to have it as a thing.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Forbearance » Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:03 am

Vaikaris wrote:
Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:17 pm
Hardcore on pvp should absolutely be up in my opinion as well.
Even more - I propose that a player can play hardcore in the pvp realm. And if he gets to level 60 and kills at least 6 enemy hardcore players in a duel (or just kills them) he gets instant rank 14 and something like "The Highlander" title.
Obviously it's brutal and unlikely anyone will get it, but WoW vanilla was always cool because of those unobtainable things like Ashbringer or w/e, it'll be cool just to have it as a thing.
Nah, better to keep the hardcore community centralized on one server (the EU PvE server). Otherwise the hardcore population might get spread too thin.

Also, hardcore people would put in too many tickets about getting ganked in PvP if they were on the PvP server.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Javdett » Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:51 am

Forbearance wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:03 am
Also, hardcore people would put in too many tickets about getting ganked in PvP if they were on the PvP server.
You have never played hardcore have you? "Put ticket for HC death". Ludicrous.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Xerilin » Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:39 am

Javdett wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:51 am
Forbearance wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 6:03 am
Also, hardcore people would put in too many tickets about getting ganked in PvP if they were on the PvP server.
You have never played hardcore have you? "Put ticket for HC death". Ludicrous.
That's what they mean. People don't read the rules and then complain about dying. I agree that this would happen a lot on the pvp realm...

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Charanko » Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:21 pm

Adunai wrote:
Fri Oct 20, 2023 1:38 am
Harkus wrote:
Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:31 pm
No of course not. Everyone is welcome on Turtle. I am simply worried that the recent changes to Turtle will exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate it. Surely you understand that making the new server PvP and fresh will draw even more new people in rather than just spread the load between the old and the new realm? Having lots of (donating) players is going to draw the ire of Blizzard, especially when they are going to announce a very similar project to Turtle's.
Draw the ire of Blizzard? You understand that Blizzard have not shut down a single WoW private server since arguably WoW-Scape in 2008? They are literally a non-factor.

As to the PvP server - this has been my absolute dream for Turtle. I simply got bored out of my mind levelling on the PvE realm, apologies. The amazing work put in just felt wasted.

By the way, what's up with the half a dozen realms mentioned here? I've checked the forum, and the only other server is the Chinese one?
Same here i got to 60 anyways, but…was my first time lvling on a pve server(with warmode on ofc) but boy … it just wasnt it. Pvp realm is gonna be epic!
Overlord of Orgrimmar ; Sulfuron Champion

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Breezy » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:17 pm

Bigsmerf wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:18 pm
Who wants to put together a guild aimed at hindering alliance levelling progression? The horde will need the upper hand in the battle to come.
I hope this becomes a thing. I'm looking forward to the hardships of rolling Horde on the new realm.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Jolikmc » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:28 pm

Honestly, I'd love to see a PvP realm that actually focused on PvP over progression – or rather, making progression as truly difficult as possible. I know the game is still about the race to Level 60 and all, but I think it could benefit from a little more chaos and frustration. At the very least, it'd be funny. Especially when people whine about it on the forum.

"Hey. You're the one that wanted a PvP realm. (:"
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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Bigsmerf » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:34 pm

Breezy wrote:
Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:17 pm
Bigsmerf wrote:
Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:18 pm
Who wants to put together a guild aimed at hindering alliance levelling progression? The horde will need the upper hand in the battle to come.
I hope this becomes a thing. I'm looking forward to the hardships of rolling Horde on the new realm.
Same sentiment here, the only issue here is I've been banned for a week under the claim (It's an accurate one, I'm very sure I broke the rules) that I violated chat terms. So any advantage I could have gotten by starting on the first day has gone completely out the window.

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Re: Tel'Abim (PvP) — New EU Realm!

Post by Ninetyone » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:24 pm

will i find the pvp realm just under realms as i would log on normally to turtle?
