Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

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Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Casanova » Wed Oct 10, 2018 6:45 am

Hey everyone, i know that i already put this on the discord but just for the people that doesnt know or probably miss the message. The current state about the bg ques is very... Desolated above 10+ since almost (or everyone) is doing the 1-9 bracket, i really like the feature to doing bgs since level one (and it's pretty hilarious) but above that no one ques battlegrounds when they hit 10+ (They are even people that have 7 hours in the que and not even a single pop).

Reason to do this: Well i understand that this is vanilla but the Cross-Faction system is a real thing in retail to (since WoD) and i know that the population is still growing up (And i hope for good) but at the moment the people that really wants to try pvp just can't. So in my opinion everyone is enjoying the slow leveling and no need to rush, but sometimes you wan't to take a break about those things and maybe have some fun doing some bgs and fighting other players and since this is a RolePlay server too i think this is going to make shine the characters that are neutral or they dedicated to the "Soldier of Fortune" life(Considering that in vanilla the Alliance and Horde are more in a "Cease of fire"). That is my opinion and i think that everyone is going to win with this feature (Obtain the set for utility or roleplay and all that good stuff)

PD: Sorry if my english is not that great

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Parcival » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:37 pm

This seems the same as the idea for "cross-faction questing", on which my stance was no, because especially at this time of the lore, there's emphazis on the rising threat of both factions: "The drums of war thunder again." (Tyrande voice actor, Vanilla Intro Cinematic, 2004) - but, I was pointed at the turtles wandering around.

Not being much of a PvP player and frankly, I don't even have any idea regarding the % of A and H players on this server (would be awesome to have, hint, hint) so I'm going to base the next argument off of your estimation.

I've played some time ago on a wotlk pserver, back when MoP was on the rise and my love for Pandaren just didn't help my hand reach the wallet. Because the population was so low, everything was cross-faction; Action House, guilds, dungeon groups (since quests weren't, but you could do dungeons) and BG's. It was interesting, when you were the only Alliance in a Horde group, running dungeons. It helped the community alot - we were actually able to do something, instead of rellying just on your faction (which was horribly undermanned - I'm talking max 15 people online). So I don't see anything bad with this decision - it might open up some interesting events.

It could even make the whole server even more cozy!

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Gabrielesani » Fri Oct 12, 2018 7:29 am

I'm not a pvper myself, but I think it would be a really interesting idea! Since the population is so low (and, judging by your experience, not many people are pvping) it would also speed up queues.

Moreover, most people I've seen around RPing are some sort of mercenary, so it would perfectly fit in there.
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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Rosheen » Fri Oct 12, 2018 11:38 am

That would be great, considering the population of the realm. I'd like cross-faction system implemented for dungeon groups also (and it would be nice to have an opportunity to mail stuff from my alliance toons to my little hordies :) ).

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Frostfang » Fri Oct 12, 2018 4:14 pm

I think one of the population issues is that it is split pretty evenly between NA and EU. This makes the server noticeably emptier on the weekdays than weekends and I think it’s certainly a problem because later in the evening, I don’t even get into BG for the 1-9 bracket

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Potatoknight » Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:06 pm

I'm generally in favour of opening up the factions to eachother. I'll still scorn em for RP Reasons! (Except the tauren, they're cuddly).

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Owondyah » Tue Nov 06, 2018 12:49 pm

omg... I come in and see lv1 riding a mount and uninstall

Come back, try to give server another shot and ppl cry about xfaction...

I might just finaly dump this...

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Qesley » Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:51 pm

Owondyah doesnt think people should be allowed to discuss things they want. Notice that this is just one guy just throwing an idea out there, it doesnt mean it will be accepted. You dont seem like much of a community member to me so goodbye, you wont be missed.

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Re: Cross-Faction/Mercenary Mode for Battlegrounds

Post by Xdrazen » Mon Nov 19, 2018 5:19 am

Btw. Lvl1 mount is the turtle which is the same or worse than only walk
About the crossfaction would work for dungeons raid and even bgs. Not for guilds and others.
Only for now, when the population would grow up and be more sustentable this cross faction maybe only in events

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