EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

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EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Whalemilk » Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:05 pm


Is there any possibility that the EU2 PVP server will be released prior to Greymane Wall release?

I’m waiting for the server to launch before I start playing again.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Charanko » Thu Sep 21, 2023 10:26 pm

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Daedric » Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:18 pm

Same x2. Love the server and vision the developers have, & a PVP server is what I spent 100% of my time on back in OG WoW days.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Geojak » Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:20 pm

They are already struggling to keep their posted schedule of opening sea transfers, another sea server and the patch on the 3. Oct.

Better ask after they finished their plan

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Isvya » Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:20 am

No. And its not even confirmed to happen anytime in the future.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Crunshy1512 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:34 am

In a discord post it was 'confirmed' to be announced within weeks. That was weeks ago. So eat that

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Charanko » Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:42 am

Was confirmed multiple times tbh
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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Geojak » Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:30 am

Was confirmed and cussed a shit storm. So now they refocused on acutally fixing the Chinese overpopulation and non English speaker sitsrion before rolling out eu2. It was quite controversial when the EU1 server isn't even full of you minus the Chinese that hopefully move to sea.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Charanko » Fri Sep 22, 2023 8:59 am

To be honest i dont mind waiting… let them finish the sea servers situation first… them roll put the patch so that everything works … then im down for a pvp server :)) … because i know that will atract a shitton of new players again 😅
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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Harkus » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:15 am

A new server really is not necessary... the server is already playable again and the SEA transfers have not even started yet. All a new (PvP) server will do is attract even more people. And because Turtle has class changes they will whine about PvP, about paladins, about Horde paladins until they get what they want and dictate class changes for the original RPvE players... Turtle does not need the F R E S H or PvP crowd, these players are the antithesis of the Turtle spirit.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Mikeyhong » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:30 am

Many people is waiting theEU2,including so much English speakers.we love pvp and we wanna a new start,because the old realm is good but nearly everyone have their own group.hard to enter as a new gamer . For turtle wow,is also a new start for the new situation.the server is famous enough all around the a new EU2 should be a new trying and new start too. Btw is better to open EU2 before next dlc,better after the Chinese people are move to Asian

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Wafflecrusher » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:45 am

I disagree. There are a few very loud voices that want the second EU server, but when it was announced initially the backlash was tremendous. So tremendous in fact that the team basically took a step back from "it's coming" to "we're considering it". The reality is there is not a high enough EU/NA population to justify a second server.

I also disagree that it's hard to integrate with the community as a new player. In-Fact, statistics show that the vast majority of players started the game in the last few months, the majority of players are new. I've attached the respective population graph below. The spike reflects pre-sea realms, the dip post. I suspect the population will continue to decline until all of the SEA stuff is sorted and the population becomes more stable.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Crunshy1512 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:35 am

Eu2 when?

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Fresharugula » Fri Sep 22, 2023 11:59 am

EU2 idea has been walked back since originally being announced and isn’t even guaranteed at this point.

Hopefuly they are smart and don’t release it all , because splitting the English speaking population when the issue is Chinese over crowding is just short sighted and stupid

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Feetlover444 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:18 pm

I quit playing my toon entirely when they anounced a new fresh pvp server my whole motivation to level on the pve server left immediately, Im just waiting for its release before investing my time agajn. Would be sad if they end up not releasing it because a few loud pve scrubs cried about it. If they werent sure about it they shouldnt had anounced it in my opinion, very demotivating for those that desire a pvp server.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Vadibudalu » Fri Sep 22, 2023 1:44 pm

Eu2 when? For godsake please release PVP fresh, thousands of players are waiting for it.
Why are PVE players so agressive, just stick to you PVE server and enjoy it.
Let us pvp enjoyers have place too on this server.
We enjoy experiance full game as the original devs intended, wow is at its core PVP and PVE game combined.
There is not better than leveling experiance in vanilla 1 to 60 with WPVP.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Reploidrocsa » Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:20 pm

Problem with standard pvp servers is that they get old very quickly, the oposite spirit of turtle wow: take your time, play a bit, take a long break, return and you character is still where you left it.

If you want to open a turtle pvp server it needs to allow this type of chill gameplay.

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Crunshy1512 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:51 pm

only place ull find chill is in your grave, cya on pvp server

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Re: EU2 prior to Greymane Wall release

Post by Marafado » Fri Sep 22, 2023 5:47 pm

heheh the fresh pvp hype have killed so many pirate servers in the past, and you ask for it again ! ;p

but...but can makes sense!!! streamers, min-maxers,spell cleavers and other exotic species allways give good entertainment :)
and after the hype, the swarm move to another fresh pvp, torta waites a few months and start a fresh "turtle" v2.0 insidious_turtle

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