I reported RMT behavior

Posts: 2

I reported RMT behavior

Post by Xishuazs777 » Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:57 am

I reported RMT behavior, 'Sunstry' shaman. His naxx equipment was purchased, and there is a merchant named 'moshoulaoding' on Xianyu app. This merchant has two accounts, one is the warrior 'Laodinglaiye' and the other is the hunter 'Fruitoranges'. The merchant uses these two accounts to establish teams and recruit other players on the China channel to fight the naxx monster group together. Once the shaman's equipment is released, it will be distributed to' Sunstry ',' Sunstry ' players pay RMB for this。
Last edited by Xishuazs777 on Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: I reported RMT behavior

Post by Xerilin » Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:18 am

Reports are usually done in private in game via ticket, not on the forums.

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Re: I reported RMT behavior

Post by Pepesmite » Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:56 pm

Xishuazs777 wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:57 am I reported RMT behavior, 'Sunstry' shaman. His naxx equipment was purchased, and there is a merchant named 'moshoulaoding' on Xianyu app. This merchant has two accounts, one is the warrior 'Laodinglaiye' and the other is the hunter 'Fruitoranges'. The merchant uses these two accounts to establish teams and recruit other players on the China channel to fight the naxx monster group together. Once the shaman's equipment is released, it will be distributed to' Sunstry ',' Sunstry ' players pay RMB for this。
Please submit the ticket in game with all this information.
Unfortunately, we do not accept such requests here on the forum.
Near your key ring there is a red question mark, press it to send an in-game ticket.
If you have pfUI and you don't have the micro-bar enabled, you can type /gm to open the interface.
You don't need to be online for tickets to be solved. Support will respond via in-game mail.
