Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

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Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Xudo » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:08 am

Today I looked on tank situation from the different angle.
In fact, when DPS doing dungeons, they not always keep their threat lower than tank. Good DPS can go for conscious risk of getting hit. For example by focusing some enemies to save healer when tank didn't manage situation. Some do CC.
Some just attack mobs in ranged combat, some already kite if possible.
In fact "tank" is just name for "party leader" role, who just take responsibility for assembling party for dungeon and running it? Someone to blame in things get bad or someone dies.
Is it possible to run organized group without leader? I don't think so. Even if there is no entitled leader, someone always coordinate actions.
Should the tank be always a party leader? I don't think so.
Good healer take same responsibility and become party leader. Being a leader isn't related to any class.

It turns out that we just caught in tank-healer-dps LFT model because it was copied from TBC/WoTLK. May be LFT should change?
For example, players in LFT should choose between:
- ranged combat
- melee combat
There should also be two buttons: "LFM" and "LFG".
If someone press LFG, he is put to queue and wait for someone to press LFM.
If someone press LFM, he automatically become party leader.
LFT should find:
  • 1 character of class Priest, Druid, Shaman with "ranged combat" option.
    If leader matches this criteria, search ends. Paladins should be able to choose "ranged combat" to help LFT identify them as healers.
  • 1 character of class Warrior, Paladin, Druid, Shaman with "melee combat" option. If leader matches this criteria, search ends.
  • 1 character of class Mage, Warlock, Hunter with "ranged combat" option.
  • more DPS. Preferably of classes not matching the ones who already in party. Preferably to make equal amount of melee/ranged combat characters.
If players don't like the party, they just leave it. Exactly like they do now.
This design of LFT will assume that all warriors and feral druids could potentially be a tank. But they are not forced to be party leaders. There will be some other guy to blame if things get bad.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Borefficz » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:14 am

I'd rather remove the automatic party forming and just have LFT as a tool to show other players what dungeons you want to run, and what roles you're willing to fulfill. And improve the LFT interface so you can see the signed players' names and classes without having to mouse over and using /who.

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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Xudo » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:32 am

You can gather party manually using just /who. Don't see reason to make it mainstream addon.

Ability to choose role "tank/healer/dps" actually means the choice "want to take responsibility/don't want".
Important part of proposal is to keep automatic party forming and automatically grant them some responsibility.
Warriors would not be able to queue and dodge responsibility to be a tank. They would always be invited as tanks first. They could constantly leave parties. But any automatic group forming will choose them as tanks anyway. In the end, they would accept this duty or stop using LFT.

Frodo has become ring bearer because he was put in situation where he was the best option. Not because he understood the responsibility from the beginning.
Xudo - tauren warrior 19 Sergeant armory.
I don't raid and rank, so you can not bother asking.
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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Pyrahead » Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:34 am

Borefficz wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:14 am I'd rather remove the automatic party forming and just have LFT as a tool to show other players what dungeons you want to run, and what roles you're willing to fulfill. And improve the LFT interface so you can see the signed players' names and classes without having to mouse over and using /who.
100% this. I stopped using the LFT tool alltogether, because as a tank, I don't want to end up with 3 hunters in my group or 3 ret palading. I manually look up who is in the queue, type /who [their name] and invite them or ask beforehand if they speak english. The problem is, the /who command now has a huge cooldown. It would be better to mouse over the DPS symbol and see their names with a small class icon and their level.

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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Ishilu » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:09 pm

Pyrahead wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:34 am
Borefficz wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:14 am I'd rather remove the automatic party forming and just have LFT as a tool to show other players what dungeons you want to run, and what roles you're willing to fulfill. And improve the LFT interface so you can see the signed players' names and classes without having to mouse over and using /who.
100% this. I stopped using the LFT tool alltogether, because as a tank, I don't want to end up with 3 hunters in my group or 3 ret palading. I manually look up who is in the queue, type /who [their name] and invite them or ask beforehand if they speak english. The problem is, the /who command now has a huge cooldown. It would be better to mouse over the DPS symbol and see their names with a small class icon and their level.
Fully agree with these guys. If it were up to me, the LFT tool would be removed from the game or at least replaced with a tbc-like bulletin board. /who and a little communication is much better.

About party leading: players of any class can lead, true. I rather have an experienced dps player set marks and call the tactics than an inexperienced tank.

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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Bahamutxd » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:39 pm

Good thing LFT is optional and theres a dedicated global channel for group finding.

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Re: Change LFT to reduce DPS queues

Post by Ww2304656 » Tue Sep 19, 2023 12:52 pm

i advise some china not use lft, so stupid hunter , i have said dismiss his pet,but he can not understeand my meaning. so sad!

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