it keeps alerts " account already online, plz try later"

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Posts: 8

it keeps alerts " account already online, plz try later"

Post by Keyeokeyeo1 » Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:30 am

Hi experts,

after most recent updates in Asia server, now whenver I disconnected from game for VPN or network or anything error . If I right then tried to logon, it jsut kept me out and keeps give the "account already online " error.

this REALLY disapponited me because that whenever network glitch happens , I am so eager to try to logon back to game because my character is in many times in the game still fighting with some mobs by himself. and the mechasim that keeps people disconnected away from logon is disapointing because it means my character had to be just killed by the mob . And if I am HC, that means I had to recreate a new character and everything starts from zero.

PLZ think about removing this suck feature. thanks

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