Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

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Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Gnarbrok » Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:03 pm

I spend a lot of time on Tel'abim. I love this custom zone and overall I think it is very cool. However, the Highvale Gorillas/Elder Highvale Gorillas have a stun mechanic that is simply not fun to play against, for a variety of reasons:

1. The stun is very long. It lasts five seconds.
2. The gorillas cast the stun as soon as they are able (one or two seconds into combat).
3. The stun has a ten yard range. Combined with (2), this means that if you pull a gorilla on your 60% mount you are virtually guaranteed to be stunned and then probably knocked off your mount.
4. The stun cannot be removed in any way. Not by trinket, not by free action potion, not by anything.

As a result, this stun is only a huge headache with very little possibility for counterplay. It just makes the fight take 5 seconds longer (god forbid you pull a second gorilla). It also makes navigating the island a huge pain (especially for people with a 60% mount, but even on my 100% mount they get me sometimes). And I guess this is a subjective point, but the result from my perspective is that these gorillas are simply not fun to fight or encounter.

Probably not all of 1-4 need to be changed for the gorillas to be a bit more enjoyable to fight, but changing one or two of those points might make them a more enjoyable monster to fight. In particular, I would suggest:

1. Reduce the range of the stun to melee range. That would make navigating the island easier. (Why can a gorilla stun from 10 yards anyway?)
2. Make the gorillas cast the stun a couple seconds into combat. Opens up the possibility of zugging the gorilla. Risk/reward play.
3. Make the stun a stationary cast with a brief cast time. That way you can outrange the stun if you are quick. But if you pull a second gorilla and their casts are desynced, your life is made more difficult.

I think this would make the island overall more enjoyable to be on. It would also make the mob more engaging to fight and would reward good gameplay and being engaged in the game.

Posts: 38

Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Xwolfi » Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:10 pm

+1 I love tel'abim and I find the gorillas funny, but when you're trying to do the kill quest and have no way to prevent/remove the stun it's extremely toxic.

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Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by P1nznneedlz » Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:32 pm

Xwolfi wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:10 pm
+1 I love tel'abim and I find the gorillas funny, but when you're trying to do the kill quest and have no way to prevent/remove the stun it's extremely toxic.
“Toxic”? To describe a game mechanic, really?


Posts: 64

Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Dannyp92 » Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:39 pm

No. Games should stop coddling players too much. Some games should be somewhat punishing/unforgiving, so you have to come up with a way to deal with it. I'm tired of MMOs dumbing down the open world. Let there be some danger or mechanics that you have to deal with.

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Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Gnarbrok » Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:18 pm

Dannyp92 wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:39 pm
No. Games should stop coddling players too much. Some games should be somewhat punishing/unforgiving, so you have to come up with a way to deal with it. I'm tired of MMOs dumbing down the open world. Let there be some danger or mechanics that you have to deal with.
That is exactly what I'm suggesting - design the mechanic so there is a way to play around it. You can even make the mechanic more punishing as long as there is a way around it.

Currently you just get stunned and eat the stun. There is no danger - the gorillas do not even hit particularly hard. It is just tedious. There is no way to "come up with a way to deal with it". You get stunned on combat.

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Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Gantulga » Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:39 pm

It's been reported already. ... sues/4127/

The gorillas use a wrong skill ID.

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Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Gnarbrok » Thu Sep 14, 2023 3:09 pm

Gantulga wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:39 pm
It's been reported already. ... sues/4127/

The gorillas use a wrong skill ID.
This can't possibly be a bug though. It is a custom mob - they can't use the "wrong" spell since the "right" spell is whatever spell the devs chose. I'm suggesting they choose a different spell. (Well, I'm suggesting they rework the spell. Amounts to the same thing.)

You can see Balake effectively makes this point in his comment in the comment you linked when he says the mob should be given a different ability - he doesn't say they have the wrong ability.

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Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Gantulga » Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:42 pm

I assume the responsible dev just picked a random skill named "Bash" from the list thinking it's a normal bash. I don't think it was intentional.

Posts: 64

Re: Change Tel'Abim Highvale Gorilla Stun

Post by Dannyp92 » Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:35 pm

Gnarbrok wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 4:18 pm
Dannyp92 wrote:
Wed Sep 13, 2023 3:39 pm
No. Games should stop coddling players too much. Some games should be somewhat punishing/unforgiving, so you have to come up with a way to deal with it. I'm tired of MMOs dumbing down the open world. Let there be some danger or mechanics that you have to deal with.
That is exactly what I'm suggesting - design the mechanic so there is a way to play around it. You can even make the mechanic more punishing as long as there is a way around it.

Currently you just get stunned and eat the stun. There is no danger - the gorillas do not even hit particularly hard. It is just tedious. There is no way to "come up with a way to deal with it". You get stunned on combat.
There are ways to play around enemy CC. If you know a CC is incoming, you can pre-heal, pre-wall, use your CC first, back off, use a pot beforehand or after etc. etc. In Vanilla some mob CC can be avoided by stepping back; if their attacks have a short range (like the basilisks' stun).

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