New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

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New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Jammyxx » Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:59 pm

When I'm normally logged in during peak EU time theres about 8000 players on peak, most of the Chinese have gone to bed, the queues start at around 3am when the Chinese wake up, and it gets up to around 7K+ in the queue around 2pm.

So this tells us the obvious problem is the Chinese players, the European population is only like 35% of the Realm, the Chinese vastly outnumber us.... So what would the purpose be in creating a new EU Realm?

This will just split the Europe/NA players and goes against Turtles orignal design....
You make a new Europe realm and itll just be packed with Chinese who cant get into the SEA Servers.

The only server I would recommend doing for a second EU Server is a HC Only one... Then we dont have the problem of splitting the playerbase, as the HC Players cant even interact properly with the normal players, also then we dont have the issue of fighting over spawns with them. Also they can have their own LFT, and will just generally improve everyones gameplay IMO...

The problem in the past of doing two similiar servers is that people just choose the most popular server and the other just dies out.

The problem with a PVP Server is the fact that once a faction balance occurs , new players role the most popular faction and then it becomes a one faction server, again another bad choice.

Please dont let donations and greed distract from the original turtle experience. the OG players are not happy with this decision.

Maybe you should start reading these forums and listening to the players, Not to be rude but everyone told you that one SEA server would be nowhere near enough and look now even 2 are fully packed with 20k in the queue, but no , we definitely need a new Europe realm , because thats the problem.... duh
Last edited by Jammyxx on Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Shaman111 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:10 am

if the other server is eu only in name and not going to be region locked its just going to be a chinese server. they flock to westerners like flies to shit in hope to rmt to them

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Jammyxx » Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:12 am

Shaman111 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:10 am
if the other server is eu only in name and not going to be region locked its just going to be a chinese server. they flock to westerners like flies to shit in hope to rmt to them
Exactly, what is the point in creating a new 'Europe' *Cough* Chinese realm when itll just be full of Chinese players again, and then divide the actual EU/NA Players.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:38 am

I kinda agree with the op on the point that we don't rly need any new servers for non Chinese because we can't fill any server by ourselfes to cap and just pointlessly split ourslefes thin to have even more Chinese fill the gap that don't speak English. The queues are because of Chinese and I don't rly mind playing with the Chinese that speak English and feel like an international but those that stick to numbers in chat and /China, they are the majority, and they are the problem. Iam sorry but they just don't belong on an eu/na server if they don't speak English.

I have some cope left, so maybe the hanzi ban will wake them up. Do it now!

One big International hc realm would be great imo.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:41 am

And on the matter of pvp servers. If think they have been prpfen to be fun for 5 minutes and then just suck. Look at classic. They are not sustainable.

Instead pls implement ffa pvp flags and replace the pvp faction based flag completely with it. It would make way more sense with crossfaction and rly, cool and new concept no server had yet

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Shaman111 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:47 am

ffa pvp toggle would be cool. preferably with some outlaw flavour and reputation (syndicate anyone?) /rewards behind it. pvp server would be a joke in 2023. nobody really wants that. not even people who ask for it on the forums.

pvp server in 2023 = the ganked faction migrates to the other side. enjoy your 90:10 faction ratio

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Er12 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:04 am

I also agree with pure HC servers.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Charanko » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:39 am

...maybe people just are afraid more would play the pvp server, i know i would...but yea pvp server could steal feature cross faction grouping,just like here if u are warmode
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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Eric123 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:50 am

no, dont invest NEW servers anymore, the queue problem is not the large population itself but some Chinese working studios flood in, gold farmers, charater selling,leveling with paid, and even queue with paid,donation with paid, you west people can imagine that? The working studios will occupy most of the resource of server, they stay together and try everyting to squeeze the living space of normal players and make profit from their advantages,and the normal players will at last leave as no fun in the game . No matter how many new servers goin to created it can not help anything, they can muli-boxing, even they can play at 3 servers at same time, the queue problem actually you can consider it as malicious network attack

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:03 am

More servers means harder to police agaiant rmt

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Eric123 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:06 am

As a normal chinese middle aged player, I spent lot of time on WOW with my friends when in university , Im so missing the lost youth and just want to enjoy the game purely , I can accept donation but no RMT, no blood suckers ,I can not understand why so many Chinese people make living in a game, actually almost all large MMO games in China have such organized working strudios, no fun at all

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Er12 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:14 am

Facing cheaters...........
Rather wrong kills 1000, also does not bleed off one...

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Grandyman » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:27 pm

Splitting the english pop is a bad idea. It's a decision that's gonna age horribly and possibly kill off the 5 year twow server. Big spit in the face to the longterm players here.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Grizb37 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:18 pm

Grandyman wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:27 pm
Splitting the english pop is a bad idea. It's a decision that's gonna age horribly and possibly kill off the 5 year twow server. Big spit in the face to the longterm players here.
Yes turtle has always been about the journey and slow leveling.

Devs in the past have always said no to a fresh because it defeats the philosophy of the original intent of TWoW.

Fresh lovers just blaze through the content hate leveling and thrn once all phases are out they quit and whine for another fresh.... Completely spits in the face of the OG Players who helped them get where they are today.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Evilor » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:22 pm

We need a second EU server and we need it to be PVP.

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Re: New Europe Realm Isn't the Solution.

Post by Grandyman » Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:13 pm

Grizb37 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:18 pm
Grandyman wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:27 pm
Splitting the english pop is a bad idea. It's a decision that's gonna age horribly and possibly kill off the 5 year twow server. Big spit in the face to the longterm players here.
Yes turtle has always been about the journey and slow leveling.

Devs in the past have always said no to a fresh because it defeats the philosophy of the original intent of TWoW.

Fresh lovers just blaze through the content hate leveling and thrn once all phases are out they quit and whine for another fresh.... Completely spits in the face of the OG Players who helped them get where they are today.
Agree with you 100%. Just an all around bad idea and it's not going to be worth the damage it'll do.

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