Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

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Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Thecakeisalie » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:56 pm

I'm probably not alone in this frustration with the current state of TWOW, we have patiently waited with unreasonably long queues in recent months for the Turtles Team's solution of releasing additional realms for the Chinese playerbase to alleviate the situation.

Unfortuantely this has backfired, I guess we all were too naive and underestimated this challenge, which has instead brought in even more players (I've heard we're up to ~50K players?) and put all three realms in a laggy and unplayable state.

Before the influx of Chinese player, the EU/International server had a stable population and honestly lived in harmony (except for the occasional HC/non-HC dispute) with each other despite different cultural backgrounds.

My honest opinion is that we have to recognize the root problem, which is that the Chinese community is VERY large. I do not see in anyway that the EU/International playerbase have caused the current situation in any way.

Therefore I disagree with the Turtle Team's handling of the situation and frankly speaking think they've dropped the ball here and turned a CHINESE problem into everyones problem. In order to not offend any part/party of the Turtle community, the Turtle Team has naively proposed solutions that I believe won't solve the problem.

For example the recent announcement of a second EU server is a move in the wrong direction and goes against Turtle's initial philosophy of one server. The move would split an already small/average size EU population and the rules in its current state would just make any future server into a Chinese server, because of low queue times.

Unfortunate as it is, I believe harsher enforcement must be applied to return the original TWOW server to the international playerbase.

Proposed Solution EU:
My proposal for the original server is the enforcement of a Hanzi ban now, a temporary region block on China, and force transfer any accounts from China with no level 60 character to one of the new SEA servers. Chinese players with a level 60 char may choose to either adapt to english or transfer to a SEA server. The temporary region block on China is to prevent any influx of new Chinese players and encourage them to instead start their journey on a SEA server.

Proposed Solution SEA:
No offence to my fellow Chinese players but there is just too many of you, for better or for worse. I believe you just have to sit tight and wait for the release of more SEA servers, hopefully the Turtle team can launch them more rapidly now that they have some more experience. I also suggest an adjustment to the rules on those servers as well, for example prohibiting multiboxing in any shape and form to decrease congestion.

As it stands now, my patience and I assume many others are running rapidly thin, and the current situation is ruining the original playerbase's experience. After spending many years in TWOW I had hoped it would be my home for many more, but at this rate it is truly becoming an epoch waiting room...

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Gantulga » Mon Sep 11, 2023 4:59 pm

I agree with you. Something has to be done quick, and not just a slap on the wrist.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Thecakeisalie » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:03 pm

The temporary region block on China is for the registration of new accounts*

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Xwonka » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:11 pm

I agree, they destroy their own work

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Faustorgo » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:38 pm

IM SO SA GUYS, Torta is making wrong desitions, they need to Ban Hanzi now, im agree with you, just looks outside of the stormwind gates, full Multiboxing chars, and chinese players selling in Yens, that so sad for me, they dont enforce their own rules, maybe someday Torta will see the Light again, hope s not to late :(

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Scaryn » Mon Sep 11, 2023 5:41 pm

I wanted to say something about this situation myself but you basicaly said what I want.

What will happen if they release another EU server? They will not just split community that even with playerbase from North and South America is around 5-6K in peak and I count HC players too, but SEA player base will come to this new EU based server too and we will have problems we queues once again. Its not a solution, propably just short term one, but it will only hurt in long run to main server that suffers from large queue already. Not a solution.

Devs basically chew much bigger portion then their mouths and now they are without sorry screwed. I understand idea that they want to make another EU realm so people from EU can finally play the game. Reality is that it will propably become another SEA server with EU mark, like main one.

I would suggest, like you, to make more SEA servers, even that it will cost a ton of money. If they don't want to have SEA playerbase only, its necessary thing to do. More SEA servers I hope would divide their community evenly and problems with queues there should be bearable.

I don't have nothing against SEA players, they are trying to just playing a videogame, because they don't have access to official one. But the numbers make main server unplayable. Every few weeks its worse and worse and slowly killing veteran community and community overall that created everything that is on main server.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Hamalam » Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:40 pm

Exactly what you said. Sadly saying this will get you kicked, muted and banned from both the TWOW server and the discord server. I stand with your and also my statement.
Greetings from Ham(da)(the)... (warr) (getter) (etc..)


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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Bahamutxd » Mon Sep 11, 2023 6:59 pm

I'm fairly new around here but I totally agree with your post and I believe there is a matter that is not being mentioned and still very important.

This is a private server that used to run a few thousand players just a year ago. Now it has as many players as actual trendy AAA games. Not only this popularity may backfire legally but it may also take a toll on the staff as growing this fast is the perfect recipe for disaster.

Anyway - I hope all the best for the community/staff and I also want to thank TWoW for being this open with us about it.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Idontcareatall » Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:04 pm

Game has been literally unplayable for weeks now unless you can afford to login at "abnormal" EU hours, meaning you need to have no life/no job basically, and even then you might want to sleep on a regular schedule.

Strict EU IP should be enforced on main EU server. Realistically, most of the Asian players won't pay a VPN just to play on EU servers, when they can play regularly on SEA/CN servers for free.

I genuinely want Turtle WoW to succeed, but you're just killing your game right now. I mean, we literally can't even play it. How worse can it get, right.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Panklaza » Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:13 pm

dont make new eu server, just ban chinese languages in eu server

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Grandyman » Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:15 pm

Yea the new EU server is a horrible idea, especially with Torta on reddit saying there will be no transfers. The EU/NA playerbase is large, but not large enough to justify splitting the population.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Mynamewastaken » Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:51 pm

I don't like the idea of a new EU server. Need a restriction on registering new accounts for EU server from China. Those already created will gradually transfer their characters to China.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Jammyxx » Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:05 pm

The new Europe server should be a HC server only.

It wouldn't make sense to split the small Europe / na player community because Chinese out number is 4 to 1.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Borefficz » Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:23 pm

Jammyxx wrote:
Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:05 pm
The new Europe server should be a HC server only.
Agreed, a HC realm with an option to transfer to a normal realm at 60.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 3:53 am

Here is how I would solve the current situation.

Make it that you have to link your account to a discord account on twow discord in order to play on eu servers.

Chinese that dotn have vpn and aren't on the official discord are likely those that don't speak English and aren't integrated into the international community. exactly the ones we want transfered.

Additionally you can Bann on all platform for convenience. In game cheaters csn be discord banned aswell.

Lastly, this will force all eu community players to actually be on discord where all the official info are posted.

Set up some kind of discord bot to automate this process. Yiu need to react to something to link account on discord to your wow account. Players than don't speak English might fail this barrier of entry and go play on Chinese sever instead.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Lahire » Tue Sep 12, 2023 5:06 am

I agree with OP and am convinced the real solution is to ban non-occidental IP from connecting to the original server ; and symmetrically to ban non-russian IP form the russian server, and non-chinese IP from the chinese server.

To force players with a regional lock.
Main: Whitemare

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Thuman0 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:47 am


"wuguifu is good! i like this fuwuqi!"
"xiaomeinv luan ROLL ME!he is a TMD bitch!every one dont play with him!"
"[quest link]come people!3=2!"
"AH kai team! come T N DD!"
"baofeng come longtou plz!"


Hello, I am a player from China.
I don't know English, so I'll just say Chinese, but I'll google translate what I'm saying and post it below
After reading your post, I am very sympathetic to what happened to you.
However, you may not realize the magnitude of the problem, and the solutions you have proposed, if they are achieved, will not be of any use.

There are too many Chinese that will bypass all network restrictions and link to really good content, like CHATGPT
The only use of these restrictions is to produce the need to bypass technical restrictions, and the merchants who provide the corresponding services,
This has in turn boosted the development of business in China.
Restricting Chinese character input will also not help, and after this measure takes effect,
Maybe you'll see more "ENGLISH" on the world channel that you don't understand
Like this:
"wuguifu is good! i like this fuwuqi!"
"xiaomeinv luan ROLL ME!he is a TMD bitch!every one dont play with him!"
"[quest link]come people!3=2!"
"AH kai team! come T N DD!"
"baofeng come longtou plz!"
What else can you do, you can no longer ban the English alphabet

I think the only way to really work is to ban all Chinese translations of NPCs, quests, and plots by the client.But I don't know if it's technically possible.
I hope you are happy and I hope the turtleWOW is better.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:03 am

If you could detect theocsl settings then it shoidl be possible to ban according to that. It's the natural next step after hanzi chat ban. Hanzi ingame language setting han for ui, quest Text, etc.

Chinese woukd be forced to learn English or play with on screen translation which is very annoying

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Foobs » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:08 am

Thuman0 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:47 am

"wuguifu is good! i like this fuwuqi!"
"xiaomeinv luan ROLL ME!he is a TMD bitch!every one dont play with him!"
"[quest link]come people!3=2!"
"AH kai team! come T N DD!"
"baofeng come longtou plz!"


Hello, I am a player from China.
I don't know English, so I'll just say Chinese, but I'll google translate what I'm saying and post it below
After reading your post, I am very sympathetic to what happened to you.
However, you may not realize the magnitude of the problem, and the solutions you have proposed, if they are achieved, will not be of any use.

There are too many Chinese that will bypass all network restrictions and link to really good content, like CHATGPT
The only use of these restrictions is to produce the need to bypass technical restrictions, and the merchants who provide the corresponding services,
This has in turn boosted the development of business in China.
Restricting Chinese character input will also not help, and after this measure takes effect,
Maybe you'll see more "ENGLISH" on the world channel that you don't understand
Like this:
"wuguifu is good! i like this fuwuqi!"
"xiaomeinv luan ROLL ME!he is a TMD bitch!every one dont play with him!"
"[quest link]come people!3=2!"
"AH kai team! come T N DD!"
"baofeng come longtou plz!"
What else can you do, you can no longer ban the English alphabet

I think the only way to really work is to ban all Chinese translations of NPCs, quests, and plots by the client.But I don't know if it's technically possible.
I hope you are happy and I hope the turtleWOW is better.

Where there is a will there is a way. You might be many and market hungry. But you will be stopped. If Twow would only take off the kid gloves and do what needs to be done. But they don't want to offend a huge source of , shall we call it "sustainability". Twow suffers from the same ailment that every growth driven establishment on this planet suffers from when dealing with chinas potential to bring "sustainability". Once Twow stops worrying about its gains and returns to its core values it started from then it will stop this mess. Until then its more of the same.
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Raxk » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:13 am

Second EU server is the worst idea possible. There's not enough EU/US players to fill this severs, but there are too many Chinese players filling them. There should be only ONE EU/US server but it needs to be blocked from Chinese players. Nothing against Chinese players, and i've met some awesome Chinese people in Twow but YOU ARE TOO MANY.

Makin Sea servers just officially legitimized the new influx of Chinese players. The original Twow server was a niche. Right now Twow just opened the doors to hundreds of millions of Chinese players.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:16 am

Addons csn detect what language you are playing in already and use localising for translation. Surely twow can use the very same method to make playing in Chinese impossible and force them into English as another motivation to move

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Tuhaoi » Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:42 am

I am a Chinese player. I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2005! This game has become the spiritual sustenance of many Chinese players! Because the Chinese region after the suspension of service produced a large number of "Warcraft refugees"! Although some of them went to Asian clothes, most of them chose to boycott it, so they didn't go to Asian clothes! The reason is Blizzard's arrogance! This time, the "tortoise suit" opened the Asian suit, so that all Chinese players know that there is such a conscience team as "tortoise suit"! So almost all the "refugees of Warcraft" have come here! But our base is too big, and two servers can't bear it at all, which leads to some "refugees" flooding into European servers! I think the best way to solve the problem that you can't play games normally now is to open more than three new servers for 10,000 people! Maybe this is not enough, but then those Chinese players won't go to Europe specially!

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 8:55 am

Tuhaoi wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:42 am
I am a Chinese player. I've been playing World of Warcraft since 2005! This game has become the spiritual sustenance of many Chinese players! Because the Chinese region after the suspension of service produced a large number of "Warcraft refugees"! Although some of them went to Asian clothes, most of them chose to boycott it, so they didn't go to Asian clothes! The reason is Blizzard's arrogance! This time, the "tortoise suit" opened the Asian suit, so that all Chinese players know that there is such a conscience team as "tortoise suit"! So almost all the "refugees of Warcraft" have come here! But our base is too big, and two servers can't bear it at all, which leads to some "refugees" flooding into European servers! I think the best way to solve the problem that you can't play games normally now is to open more than three new servers for 10,000 people! Maybe this is not enough, but then those Chinese players won't go to Europe specially!
You need a global company as big as blizzard on a legal basis to offer enough servers for all the Chinese. Imo it's not possible for a private sever small team. At the end they might open 10 server but unable to moderate all of the and overwhelmed.

We are kinda salty that the rest of the world has to suffer now with the server overtaken by majorly non English speaking Chinese segregating away with different way of chatting and behaviour in game. The massive Chinese pop kinda ruined things that were great.

Opening the gates by official welcoming all chinese was probably too much to handle

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Steveliu1 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:34 am

As long as Turtle is trying to to fulfil the void left by Blizzard in China, this pain remains till Blizzard reopen its servers in China.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Gordongu » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:14 am

Some of the questions you mentioned are correct, and I think your suggestions are not valuable. Firstly, everything must be considered from the perspective of economic interests, and secondly, hobbies or interests.

1. Prohibit Chinese players from registering, so that players around the world can see the original intention of the Tortoise team in creating games. No matter which server, or even more servers, they must be fair and let players around the world choose for themselves. Do you suggest considering it for the sake of indigenous people? Is this the value level and pattern of turtles? I don't agree.
2. Adding more servers can causeThe increase in operating costs, do you know that Tortoise is really just considering the donation model now? Obviously not, if so, why is there a store system in the game? Since a large number of foreign players come to bring more economic benefits to the turtle, why are they treated unfairly? So your suggestion was thoughtless
3. The Tortoise team clearly made a very smart decision, in an open and win-win ecosystem, to allow everyone to enjoy the joy of the Year of Wow Vanilla as much as possible. The arrival of foreign players will give the Tortoise team more capital, allowing it to provide players with more and faster content. So increasing external services and orderly guiding players to stable servers is a good choice. Finally, I wish Blizzard an early destruction

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Wowplaya69 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:23 am

> keep launching servers
get too big = get shut down

> block chinese characters (hanzi)
easy to work around

> block chinese ip
easy to work around

> "No Chinese Allowed"... did you use pinyin once, etc
racism + World of Warcraft TM = get shut down

> make server invitation only
> issue invitations to most veteran active players to distribute when population needs boost
best solution to control server pop, everyone wins

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Ingameacc12345 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:28 am

Wowplaya69 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:23 am
> make server invitation only
> issue invitations to most veteran active players to distribute when population needs boost
best solution to control server pop, everyone wins
Everyone except the team, since clearly more players = more $$$

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by James240 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:34 am

Do you know how quickly "NA/EU/SEA" get removed from games such as Blue Protocol and other Asian locked games.

And thats just a "few hundred" which dont even impact things the way the Chinese are currently doing to turtle wow.

So yes if roles were reversed we would of ALL been banned/removed long long ago lol.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Thecakeisalie » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:37 am

Gordongu wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:14 am
Some of the questions you mentioned are correct, and I think your suggestions are not valuable. Firstly, everything must be considered from the perspective of economic interests, and secondly, hobbies or interests.

1. Prohibit Chinese players from registering, so that players around the world can see the original intention of the Tortoise team in creating games. No matter which server, or even more servers, they must be fair and let players around the world choose for themselves. Do you suggest considering it for the sake of indigenous people? Is this the value level and pattern of turtles? I don't agree.
2. Adding more servers can causeThe increase in operating costs, do you know that Tortoise is really just considering the donation model now? Obviously not, if so, why is there a store system in the game? Since a large number of foreign players come to bring more economic benefits to the turtle, why are they treated unfairly? So your suggestion was thoughtless
3. The Tortoise team clearly made a very smart decision, in an open and win-win ecosystem, to allow everyone to enjoy the joy of the Year of Wow Vanilla as much as possible. The arrival of foreign players will give the Tortoise team more capital, allowing it to provide players with more and faster content. So increasing external services and orderly guiding players to stable servers is a good choice. Finally, I wish Blizzard an early destruction
My suggestion was to TEMPORARILY prohibit registrations from China for the EU server, not for the SEA servers. Currently there are 3 Chinese servers and any future ones will be flooded with Chinese players as well.

I am simply requesting that one server be dedicated to the EU/International playerbase, who has been here and supported the project for many years, and to launch new servers to meet the Asian demand.

I could even go so far as to say "reverse uno card" and say that the EU/International playerbase are being discriminated, there are 3 Chinese servers now, where is the EU one?

No offense to the Chinese playerbase, the Turtle Team will launch more servers for you, but can the international users have/keep one?

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Satirical » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:38 am

James240 wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:34 am
Do you know how quickly "NA/EU/SEA" get removed from games such as Blue Protocol and other Asian locked games.

And thats just a "few hundred" which dont even impact things the way the Chinese are currently doing to turtle wow.

So yes if roles were reversed we would of ALL been banned/removed long long ago lol.
Thats why I find if funny when they complain because they know if the roles was reversed not only would they have told us to go away, they wouldn't even have considered opening a new server.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by James240 » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:45 am

Its rather unfortunate for whatever reasons the team behind TW are just letting things drift and tolerate it.

Its a very simple and easy fix.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Dachengzi » Tue Sep 12, 2023 10:48 am

I don't feel bad about TWOW, I don't Deny It's a great game, and if you're sad about the Chinese players coming in, I'll tell you, in real life, some of us have to put up with the destruction of the environment by other bad people

Therefore, we need to solve this problem, the root is that Chinese players like to use more than one account, unreasonable players to implement the ban, delete. To be tough, to be Eye for an eye, to try hooligans in a hooligan way

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Geojak » Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:38 am

Someone told me 1 gold goes for 2 yuan. Considering 1 Euro is around 7.5 Yuan and you csn farm 150g /h fro crocodiles. Sorry but that's just inane profit, especially, if jotted, but even profitable if just done manually as, full time job.

We can't beat the Chinese gold farmers when prices are like this. They benefits are too great for the to be motivated.

Its pure insanity.

I support the invitation model.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Jammyxx » Tue Sep 12, 2023 12:34 pm

Raxk wrote:
Tue Sep 12, 2023 7:13 am
Second EU server is the worst idea possible. There's not enough EU/US players to fill this severs, but there are too many Chinese players filling them. There should be only ONE EU/US server but it needs to be blocked from Chinese players. Nothing against Chinese players, and i've met some awesome Chinese people in Twow but YOU ARE TOO MANY.

Makin Sea servers just officially legitimized the new influx of Chinese players. The original Twow server was a niche. Right now Twow just opened the doors to hundreds of millions of Chinese players.
I'll keep bumping this until they cancel that second server idea hopefully sense can prevail over greed. Making a new server fresh will bring in way too many players the last thing we need.

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Re: Frustration over the current situation of TWOW

Post by Sicvikki » Tue Sep 12, 2023 1:50 pm

I think cutting off a ties to China for the time being is the way to go. It will stabilize the main server and give devs time to work on the dozen or so SEA servers it will need to support the demand. If they don't do that, then we are stuck with 4 hour+ queues for the forseeable future.

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