Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

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Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Tamamo-no-Bae » Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:03 pm

Merry Holidays everyone, I am Tamamo-no-Bae!

You've probably heard whispers about me and my patch work and today as a present I thought I'd announce some of the upcoming features with the first client side patch! Rest assured that the game will remain Vanilla mechanically, any new features will be designed with the vanilla philosophy in mind, and any lore will be written based on Vanilla and Warcraft 3. Prior to this Turtle WoW has used existing Wow assets from 1.12 and any addition was server-side, this severely limited what was possible. With a client side patch literally anything is theoretically possible, since I joined I have been working on preparing a patch adding things that will enrich the server and help further the vision of the team!

Please note that some of this content will not be available immediately upon the release of the patch as it'll have to be developed, the patch contains the assets, maps and mechanics in order for this to be developed. Without further ado, here's a list of some of the content that you may look forward to:

1. All Objects Spawnable: This means our staff will be able to spawn any ingame building or object. Want to live in a Human house? Now it's possible! Want to build your own keep with your guild? Theoretically it's all possible. This feature will be available immediately upon the patch launching but the mechanics for player spawning will need to be designed.

2. New Models: New models have been implemented to be used in future content. This includes things such as: Lore character models from TBC, The Infinite Dragonflight, Unused vanilla models that weren't coded in, Custom models made in the vanilla spirit, and upgraded models such as a custom vanilla Sylvanas and the TBC Rexxar, furthermore voice lines from Warcraft 3 have been used for some units. This feature is likewise available immediately upon the release of the patch.

3. New Items: An array of new items have been developed, some are unused in vanilla such as the hotpants, while others come from TBC or are custom. Likewise a lot of item display bugs have been fixed, and a full array of city tabards have been added. Forexample, want to show your Gnomish pride for Gnomeregan? A Gnomeregan Tabard is present now. Other tabards include: A Scourge Tabard, Wildhammer Tabard, Silvermoon Tabard, Cenarion Circle Tabard, etc. These will be earnable either through events, by being native to the tabard's city, or by reaching exalted with the tabard's city.

4. New Reputations: New Reputations have been added. It's possible to properly gain reputation with an array of factions for roleplay purposes. Forexample the Scarlet Crusade, everyone starts as hated but it is possible to gain reputation with them. Another example is the Silvermoon Remnant and Theramore removed in 1.6.1, alongside the Revantusk Trolls.

5. New Events: With these additions it'll be possible to develop many new events. An example of this would be an event dealing with the Thalassian Elves...Quel'thalas has been destroyed and overrun by the Scourge, the Thalassian Elves are struggling to survive in lodges, likewise the Revantusk allies of the Horde are in a bind. Perhaps they will be grateful if you assist them and willing to offer you unique gear?? These events will be available in the near future.

6. New zones/instances and fixed zones/instances: Vanilla had many zones in the works during it's development, many that were scrapped, these unused zones have been completed. Forexample: Hyjal has music and ambient sound now, so does the Caverns of Time zones, Minimaps work in GM island, and the Emerald Dream textures no longer glow neon green. Likewise entirely removed zones have been readded, such as the Kalidar Battleground. Caverns of Time is slated for release soon, the rest is in an indeterminate future. Furthermore another major piece of content is being planned, namely Karazhan and...

7. Old Outland: Old Outland was planned to be in Vanilla, originally being the 50-60 zone. I have worked to completely repair the unfinished zone, alongside writing new lore for it. Old Outland will feature both the Burning Legion, the Illidari and Maiev's wardens. The Illidari and the Wardens are at odds, players may choose whether the ends justify the means as they side with the Illidari to do what must be done, or whether justice must be served as the Wardens strive to bring Illidan to justice for his crimes. Old Outland will be an entirely new zone, with entirely new questlines, new mobs, new factions, and new rewards. The rewards from Old Outland will not exceed those of AQ40, furthemore the zone will be for lv 60 players and will be tuned for players that have at least a few epics. Old Outland is a lot of work and the patch allows this work to properly commence. So it is planned to be available in the distant future.

Once the patch is released there will be a detailed connection guide to help you install the patch!
I hope your holidays will be pleasant!

Of course we'd love to hear any feedback from you! :)

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Illidari Demon Hunter at Illidari point in Outland Custom Wow Alpha house recreation by Intra Unused Vanilla cow model in Outland

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch announcement

Post by Kazgrim » Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:23 pm

Chieftain of the Dreadskull Clan

Check out my patches in the modding section!

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch announcement

Post by Torta » Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:25 pm

I knew this day would come... More work.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Sinrek » Tue Dec 24, 2019 7:15 pm

Brace yourselves! The turtle winter is zoomin'!
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Korkis » Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:01 pm

What about new recipes? new professions?

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Badling » Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:05 pm

i back this with everything i got, would be awesome to see it implemented!

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Papasocke » Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:18 pm

turtle_in_love_head you are fantastic

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Pfwg » Tue Dec 24, 2019 9:20 pm


Bravo and Merry Christmas!
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Gifted."

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Claboth » Tue Dec 24, 2019 9:25 pm

This is awesome!
Sacredone, Tauren Druid.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Tamamo-no-Bae » Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:22 am

Korkis wrote:
Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:01 pm
What about new recipes? new professions?
Some new recipes are planned.
Cooking gets Pizza forexample!

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Kalocsa » Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:00 am

I'm absolutely so teased I WANT TO GO OLD OUTLAND!
"Even the biggest mouth clam on a thread, can enclose a goldern pearl."

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Mercyheal86 » Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:58 pm

First and foremost, thank you Tamamo for efforts to bring new life into the server and give its players a glimpse into things once implemented, planned to be implemented but scrapped and new custom content; I appreciate the info you've shared so far, it's pretty exciting stuff; I am also looking forward to seeing the work you've done in developing brand new quests and lore in Old Outland.

One thing I'm also very interested in seeing is the addition of new buildings, but to be more specific, seeing what will come about regarding some of the different guilds we have on the server and what they will eventually choose to have for their own purposes. I know we've got a plethora of role-play enthusiasts, and it will be a good thing for them to be able to shape the world in ways which will enrich their role-play experience and tailor it to their particular story-lines. Kudos, Dev Team on your work to integrate such things!

I think it goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway, that I'm thrilled at the prospect of new factions as well as the chance to obtain new gear from them. I also like the fact that you're implementing the new tabards from the different factions for folks that want to show their love for said factions. It's a good addition, and I appreciate it.

I am also curious regarding these new models you mentioned, but specifically I'm wondering if that entails to making the Thalassian elves look not so horrid--I really think Blizz did those particular npcs a disservice in terms of aesthetics, they look really-really bad. Lol!

All in all, with these new revelations, it seems Turtle-WoW has an even more promising future for its community and perhaps it will attract some new blood into the fold. Thank you all once again for all of your efforts to make this server a unique and entertaining experience for us, Dev Team.

-- Much love. Gracemourn <3
"I've come to Arthas this land!" insidious_turtle

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Tamamo-no-Bae » Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:38 pm

Mercyheal86 wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 12:58 pm
First and foremost, thank you Tamamo for efforts to bring new life into the server and give its players a glimpse into things once implemented, planned to be implemented but scrapped and new custom content; I appreciate the info you've shared so far, it's pretty exciting stuff; I am also looking forward to seeing the work you've done in developing brand new quests and lore in Old Outland.

One thing I'm also very interested in seeing is the addition of new buildings, but to be more specific, seeing what will come about regarding some of the different guilds we have on the server and what they will eventually choose to have for their own purposes. I know we've got a plethora of role-play enthusiasts, and it will be a good thing for them to be able to shape the world in ways which will enrich their role-play experience and tailor it to their particular story-lines. Kudos, Dev Team on your work to integrate such things!

I think it goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway, that I'm thrilled at the prospect of new factions as well as the chance to obtain new gear from them. I also like the fact that you're implementing the new tabards from the different factions for folks that want to show their love for said factions. It's a good addition, and I appreciate it.

I am also curious regarding these new models you mentioned, but specifically I'm wondering if that entails to making the Thalassian elves look not so horrid--I really think Blizz did those particular npcs a disservice in terms of aesthetics, they look really-really bad. Lol!

All in all, with these new revelations, it seems Turtle-WoW has an even more promising future for its community and perhaps it will attract some new blood into the fold. Thank you all once again for all of your efforts to make this server a unique and entertaining experience for us, Dev Team.

-- Much love. Gracemourn <3
I'm aware of how bad vanilla Thalassian elves look, the plan right now is to use reskins with new gear and such. In the future it may be possible to port the TBC Alpha Blood elves and use those instead, it is just a lot of work. We will see! ^^ Thank you for your feedback!

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Loupoker » Tue Dec 29, 2020 6:30 pm

Greetings, this "alpha-house" is gonna be replace a human house or added like a new object?
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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Roxanneflowers » Tue Dec 29, 2020 7:46 pm

Tamamo-no-Bae wrote:
Wed Dec 25, 2019 4:38 pm
In the future it may be possible to port the TBC Alpha Blood elves and use those instead, it is just a lot of work. We will see! ^^

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Donchujano » Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:44 am

Bravo, you guys are heroes, i have no words how much i appreciate your work cuz its very close to my ideas which i never done, im playin since tbc and was such a nerd into game so ive literally studied lore making own maps, private server same in wc3 and stuff and in those days make my own expansion based on lore which add just original new stuff was my dream because for when i look back on lore updates what Blizzard produce nowadays i think i could try something, today im just tryin get back into feeling what i had playin your vanilla stuff and when i see this ive almost burst into tears for a milisec. 😀 Keep it up, you workin on my dream job which i once had i wish you all the best.

After a little introduce you could a lil bit imagine my interest i guess😀 that i dont wanna make orcish old horde invading from alternate timeline or make azeroth face burning legion attacking by spaceships or vampires from shadowlands realm like Blizzard done since activision rape them

So if you would atleast think about some content which id like to offer you from vanilla / pre tbc
And give me response i will be glad as fck because of love to wow which still last

I thought that when you are like free handed on this very expansion, you can make new patches which are based on epic questline which after finishing give player idk like whole new epic set?:O new custom weapon or even Legendary item, its up to you im wanna really share this idea with you , imagine storylines in quests like vanilla wow comics (Logosh story, Garona Halforcen and Medan, Chogal and Twilight hammer and Cthun, Centaur rebelion, Aegwynn and Cycle of Hatred book story) i would do a Medan one like a extremely hard so can be ended by a legendary item i wouldnt fear it cuz i maked quest in which you muat colect a thousand pieces of something or etc 😀 ANYTHING from this isnt very hard to make, its locations and mostly npcs which are ALREADY in game so up to you would be just to spawn them and make quests add some effect like cast something and apawn some object new maybe, thats all i think so much from abaolutely nothing

I would be extremely happy even for your answer ive got this on my ❤️ when i saw your idea so i MUST share this with you.

With love ingame "Filas" thx

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Valignoth » Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:11 pm

Out of curiosity. Will gear cap out at the strength of current content but with different bonuses/stat allocations? Curious what the philosophy is? Ive always like horizontal systems myself. Itemization like this might help out non-meta builds and allow for more build diversity.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Loupoker » Thu Jan 07, 2021 1:28 am

Tamamo-no-Bae wrote:
Tue Dec 24, 2019 5:03 pm

4. New Reputations: New Reputations have been added. It's possible to properly gain reputation with an array of factions for roleplay purposes. Forexample the Scarlet Crusade, everyone starts as hated but it is possible to gain reputation with them. Another example is the Silvermoon Remnant and Theramore removed in 1.6.1, alongside the Revantusk Trolls.

Image Image Image
Illidari Demon Hunter at Illidari point in Outland Custom Wow Alpha house recreation by Intra Unused Vanilla cow model in Outland
So expansion is lauch it, it's a really great, so how we can farming a rep with Scarlet Crusade faction?
YA FOOLZ! Ya Don't Understand! Da fashion amputation iz da next evolutionary step in body modification!

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Gheor » Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:55 am

We are working on figuring out how to add new content for a lot of reputations, it's still a work in progress.
Narrative Design for Turtle WoW

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Sandtusk » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:31 am

This is incredible news! Does this mean someone could, if they were passionate enough, create custom quests/items/npc’s for minor factions in the game with the turtle teams help to also creating small in-game hubs to house the questgivers?

A good example I noticed was the revantusk hut outpost in orgrimmar that has those two npc’s sitting by it. Nothing crazy just a small encampment to furnish the quest givers.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Gheor » Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:35 am

Dasajj wrote:
Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:31 am
This is incredible news! Does this mean someone could, if they were passionate enough, create custom quests/items/npc’s for minor factions in the game with the turtle teams help to also creating small in-game hubs to house the questgivers?

A good example I noticed was the revantusk hut outpost in orgrimmar that has those two npc’s sitting by it. Nothing crazy just a small encampment to furnish the quest givers.
The Item/Quest and NPC Creator feature is available for this reason, so of course!
Narrative Design for Turtle WoW

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Sandtusk » Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:00 am

Mephistopheles wrote:
Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:35 am
Dasajj wrote:
Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:31 am
This is incredible news! Does this mean someone could, if they were passionate enough, create custom quests/items/npc’s for minor factions in the game with the turtle teams help to also creating small in-game hubs to house the questgivers?

A good example I noticed was the revantusk hut outpost in orgrimmar that has those two npc’s sitting by it. Nothing crazy just a small encampment to furnish the quest givers.
The Item/Quest and NPC Creator feature is available for this reason, so of course!
Joy <3
Time for some research

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Yubel » Wed Apr 07, 2021 4:12 pm

As long as the models (even npc models) stay in a vanilla/bc/tlk spirit, with mostly body paint texture gear and minimalistic model thats nice. As long as the game keep its own coherence.

Good job !

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Yvory » Wed Apr 07, 2021 6:56 pm

Been a few weeks ingame and I noticed most of the new stuff is only Thalassian oriented, which im not really interested in, but ill try it nonetheless to see if the original spirit of the saga is here, and glad to see people actually trying to finally do some coherent moves in the good version of the game.

I have a question nonetheless; Will the server have more content trying to be more coherent and warcraftlike like than the expansions and... the game itself? Or is it only petite pointy ears oriented and TBC?

Since war3 Ive been very interested in humans and Night elves, wonderful lore, and while humans have been more or less cared in WoW, NE got pretty much tweaked and rushed everywhere. It was really odd to me to see druids and males talking about Elune, when lorewise its not the trend at all (Nature, Kalimdor and Malorne/Cenarius is the base of the male Nelf society) and using Teldrassil as a capital was even worse... When technically, Ashenvale should have been the real focus zone.
The quests in teldrassil and even Auberdine are really oriented to very young Nelfs rather than actual adult/normal nelfs, thus giving a really bad taste while questing for people who know quite a few things about warcraft Lore.

I was wondering if content for Nelfs are into thoughts to keep the spirit of the lore and warcraft 3

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Jimmicz » Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:24 pm

gg well done

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Jcarrill0 » Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:11 am

Outland still coming?

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Torta » Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:51 am

Jcarrill0 wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:11 am
Outland still coming?

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Hanxu5777 » Wed Nov 03, 2021 10:41 am

Thanks to the project production staff for their selfless dedication! Thank you for presenting such a beautiful world to us.

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Re: Upcoming Turtle WoW Patch Announcement

Post by Queefking » Wed Sep 06, 2023 10:09 am

Torta wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 9:51 am
Jcarrill0 wrote:
Wed Nov 03, 2021 12:11 am
Outland still coming?
So true

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