does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

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does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

Post by Panklaza » Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:44 pm

I just wanna know if enh or ele shaman are good enough for raids?
Im leveling bomkin/restro druid right now and dont know If I should keep playing that char or change to shaman.

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Re: does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

Post by Bigsmerf » Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:25 am

People take damn near every class and spec without question in my experience. I've never been turned down as a feral DPS, and I've seen tons of off meta specs and classes in my guilds raid runs. Hell, we even have a few shamtanks, because why not? As long as you're with the right people, you'll have a spot all the time. I don't know about gear priorities though.
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Re: does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

Post by Borefficz » Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:23 am

Enhancement is pretty bad in terms of personal DPS, but it has Bloodlust you can use on a pumper DPS to make yourself a little more valuable (it's still bad overall though).
Elemental seems to have better personal DPS but isn't quite there compared to the best specs.
Resto is the easiest spec to find a raid spot as shamans are pretty good healers.
In the end you might be able to find a spot in any spec simply due to totems being invaluable in raids.

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Re: does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

Post by Mac » Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:57 am

Yes. Shaman is a desired class in raids and there never seem to be enough of them. While Resto is preferred, you can find a spot as Elemental or Enhancement.

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Re: does people take enh or ele shaman in raids?

Post by Kargal » Thu Aug 31, 2023 9:34 am

If you know how to twist it can be very interesting for your party

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