Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Posts: 84

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Edgarfam » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:33 am

Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:28 am
Donating is my own choice, but when i donating , you don't tell me , you will ban chinese. I think most chinese plays donate to the game becouse the ganme support the Chinese . And I want to ask a question , Asian server ban English ? Asian server only support chinese ?
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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Kremmen » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:37 am

Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:47 am
Are you kidding me? Accept donations from chinese players and ban their mother tongue ?
They've bent over backwards to make a new server, no doubt creating more work for themselves, collaborating with a company in China and delaying a major patch, just to accommodate you, and you wanna whine and complain because they took a measure that would take pressure off the main server and make the game actually playable again for the players who were already here? Get real, dude. They could have just blocked Chinese IPs and the VPNs they use if they really wanted to.
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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Ingameacc12345 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:38 am

Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:28 am
Donating is my own choice, but when i donating , you don't tell me , you will ban chinese. I think most chinese plays donate to the game becouse the ganme support the Chinese . And I want to ask a question , Asian server ban English ? Asian server only support chinese ?
Do you think donating somehow makes you exempt from the rules or what? Is it a culture thing?

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:42 am

Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:28 am
Donating is my own choice, but when i donating , you don't tell me , you will ban chinese.

Yes I do. Watch, I'll do it right now. Chinese language is banned. Don't like it? Go play somewhere else.

You are entitled to nothing when you donate. Nothing, zero, zip, zilch. A donation is a donation. It is made with 0 expectation for anything in return. Turtle does not sell services. They take your money and thank you for your generosity. They're even kind enough to give you complimentary tickets you can use to buy neat stuff. But they do not have to. They have never had to give you anything in return for your money, because that's how donations work. It's your fault for convincing yourself that donation = customer service fee.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Isvya » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:44 am

Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:28 am
Donating is my own choice, but when i donating , you don't tell me , you will ban chinese. I think most chinese plays donate to the game becouse the ganme support the Chinese . And I want to ask a question , Asian server ban English ? Asian server only support chinese ?
Who should have told you?
Have you read the server rules? Its in there
You should be thankful that it was allowed until now and didnt ban many of you for breaking the rules
Avout the asian server: we dont know, it has not been stated yet.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Karrados » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:46 am

Kremmen wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:37 am
Zty111156 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:47 am
Are you kidding me? Accept donations from chinese players and ban their mother tongue ?
They've bent over backwards to make a new server, no doubt creating more work for themselves, collaborating with a company in China and delaying a major patch, just to accommodate you, and you wanna whine and complain because they took a measure that would take pressure off the main server and make the game actually playable again for the players who were already here? Get real, dude. They could have just blocked Chinese IPs and the VPNs they use if they really wanted to.
I want everyone that enters this thread to read this one carefully.

The Turtle Team went out of their way to make a Chinese Server for the Chinese Community which includes delaying the release of a HUGE PATCH that everyone is waiting for.

That Server not only support the Chinese language but they will also get their own GM Team AND they can speak Chinese in all Chat channels without being muted.

They still complain and even bring up terms like "Facism" and "Violating Human Rights".

Yes, they will remove the Hanzi support for the WESTERN Server where English is mandatory in public channels BUT they offer a Server -just- for the Chinese.

It's still not enough apparently. I don't know what else they want.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:48 am

Karrados wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:46 am
It's still not enough apparently. I don't know what else they want.

They want to piss off the Western community enough that we demand that Turtle range-ban the entire country of China from playing on our server, obviously. In case my last few posts in this thread haven't made it clear, my patience with these outrage merchants is officially at 0.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:49 am


Every post like this just underlies how severe this problem is. Nobody's kicking out Chinese players, they're incentivizing those who can't speak English to play on their own server.


These are some of the most deranged posts I've seen.

Like, yeah, bro, I don't speak English, but please cater to my needs anyway and let me fuck up the server by never interacting in English. How about you just fuck off and play with your own if you have such a problem with speaking English and interacting international players? Enough is enough of this shit.

Be normal, speak English, and (ideally) join an international guild, or fuck off to the eastern server.


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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Satirical » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:52 am

"The team are making a TWOW server that will cater to you guys specifically"


I just cant

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Flamefist » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:55 am

Foobs wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:21 am
Flamefist wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 5:54 am
Turtle WoW belongs to every fan. We do not object to the use of a specific language in public channels. However, the cancellation of Chinese support means that it can no longer be used in private channels. Restricting a specific language is a form of discrimination, especially when it changes from being supported to not being supported. Today it is Chinese, tomorrow it may be Russian, and what language will it be next time?
I hope the administrators realize that this is a fascist act, like the Germans driving out the Jews. Turtle WoW should be a utopia for players, and should not bring in politics and discrimination.
Thank you! angry_turtle

You assume this is a service and not an invitation. Tell you what, when you start paying the bills to keep the lights on the you can feel free to demand all you want. Until then, enjoy your fresh new realm complete with support to your language.

Second, this is a solution to help alleviate the server ques now causing frustration with ALL the turtle wow community. If you can't see things past your nose then you probably need to sit in a room humm real loud until you can longer take it anymore then enjoy your new server complete with your language support.

Third, your comments are heard but do nothing to address the reason why a new server was created. So ya. Enjoy your new server complete with your language support.

Here are some really helpful suggestions:

First, banning Chinese may not achieve your desired goals. Chinese pinyin is a powerful language tool. Chinese people can communicate seamlessly using pinyin, and you may not even be able to stop them from appearing in public channels, which would be a disaster.
I suggest banning non-Latin text input in public channels such as world and still alive, while leaving Chinese input functionality in China and other channels. This would naturally lead Chinese players to speak in China-related channels.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:55 am

Flamefist wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 6:29 am
I urge you to reconsider your position on this issue. The ban on Chinese support is a discriminatory decision that will harm the Turtle WoW community.
The only thing that will harm this community and has already practically destroyed this community is people like you being here. Nobody wants you here if you refuse to adapt. How dare you even fucking invoke the word "community" when you don't give a fuck about our community? You just came here like a zerg swarm, completely disregarding everyone and the server rules and now you're whining.

Also, there has already been a COMPLETELY UNWARRANTED amount of pro-Chinese discrimination. 90% of Chinese should've already been permabanned for repeatedly breaking the rules and spamming in Chinese wherever they go without consideration for players of other nationalities. You clearly don't belong here. Go away and stay away.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:57 am

Flamefist wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:55 am
Chinese people can communicate seamlessly using pinyin, and you may not even be able to stop them from appearing in public channels, which would be a disaster.
Yeah, it would be a disaster for those who insist on still breaking the rules. It's clear that the devs are trying to make everyone happy as best they can. But they're also sending a message. Once the eastern server is up, I seriously doubt they're going to let you continue to ruin public channels like now.

The only thing you're accomplishing by making these kinds of threats is pushing the entire community into despising you to the point where the only response will be a complete region lock.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:58 am

I'm with Azuladrip. I for one hope you and every other member of the Chinese community who has shown flagrant disregard for server and community rules and doesn't even make an ATTEMPT to communicate primarily in English (which less than 10 Chinese players have made the effort to do, and they are cool with me and completely welcome on this server) is permanently banned from both servers.

You have shown that you have 0 respect for Turtle's policies and rules, and as such, you have forfeit your privilege (SEE: PRIVILEGE, NOT RIGHT) to continue using this service.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:08 am

Redmagejoe wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:42 am
Yes I do. Watch, I'll do it right now. Chinese language is banned. Don't like it? Go play somewhere else.

You are entitled to nothing when you donate. Nothing, zero, zip, zilch. A donation is a donation. It is made with 0 expectation for anything in return. Turtle does not sell services. They take your money and thank you for your generosity. They're even kind enough to give you complimentary tickets you can use to buy neat stuff. But they do not have to. They have never had to give you anything in return for your money, because that's how donations work. It's your fault for convincing yourself that donation = customer service fee.
Yeah, and it goes both ways. If a player doesn't donate, that doesn't mean they're scum and aren't entitled to the same amount of respect.

You can't just buy extra rights, lol. I know that this is a thing on shitty private servers where GMs pocket cash for all sorts of favors, but Turtle has always been good precisely because they did not do this.

This is also why I'm triggered by DarkTifa's posts since he constantly goes, "HURDURR YOU DON'T KEEP UP THE SERVERS, HOW DARE YOU TALK?" Well, because the emphasis on Turtle was always on community. I don't feel like I'm some cockroach that isn't entitled to speak up just because I didn't donate. And if it ever did come to it that the server was at risk, I'd gladly donate 50 or even 100 euro to keep it running for everybody else.

Point being, we're all supposed to equal on principle.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:11 am

Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:08 am
Yeah, and it goes both ways. If a player doesn't donate, that doesn't mean they're scum and aren't entitled to the same amount of respect.

That may be the case for Turtle Staff, but it is not the case for us, the community. Respect has to be earned, and Flamefist's posts so far have indicated that they deserve 0 respect from the community they claim to be a part of while facilitating and abetting the destruction of the community.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by 4everyoung » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:23 am

Isvya wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:59 am
Cirylaz wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:46 am
I am a Chinese too, but I never use Chinese on this server, even I'm not good at English. Because, that's the rule.
I suggest that the Chinese who playing on this server can do your best to use English. I don't want foreign people to think that we are rule breakers.

Finally, Chinese players who don't want to follow the rules, pls GET OUT OF HERE !!!
Thanks. If you can communicate in english you are welcome, every other nation does speak english here and uave no issues. Chinese are welcome too if they adapt.
Yea. I’m with Cirylaz as well. I’m one of the Chinese players that speak English in the community.

If u guys don’t speak English just go to SEA server then. I don’t see any problems here. Y r u guys insist staying here in the EU server?

Just imagine u travel to UK or the US, I don’t believe u just speak Chinese directly to ppl in the street. Right?

So here is the same. Wtf is wrong for u to speak English here in the game? If u don’t, just stfu like in the real world.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:24 am

Redmagejoe wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:11 am
That may be the case for Turtle Staff, but it is not the case for us, the community. Respect has to be earned, and Flamefist's posts so far have indicated that they deserve 0 respect from the community they claim to be a part of while facilitating and abetting the destruction of the community.
I agree. But I am still just baffled by these posts. Like, I'd get it if they were region locking out all the Chinese. That'd be unfair, we've had Chinese players here for a long time and they weren't like these cancerous TikTok wave or wherever the fuck these new people came from. At worst those guys wouldn't respond, but if not for their guild names you would have no idea they were even Chinese. So they don't deserve to get banned. Same goes for expats living abroad who would truly be fucked by a region lock over no fault of their own.

But all this change is doing is making speaking English mandatory. And if you don't want to speak English, if you don't want to interact with the international community, GREAT NEWS: YOU WILL HAVE AN ENTIRE SERVER TO YOURSELVES, more or less. FREE OF CHARGE. AND YOU KEEP YOUR PROGRESS. WHAT'S THE PROBLEM, EXACTLY?

If you want to stay on the English server, I have to presume that's because you actually want to meet people from all over, join different guilds, etc.

Your thought process should be: Wow, this is a nice server with good devs, I'm going to make a character and meet so many new friends! Not, wow, this is a non-Chinese server, better invite all my Chinese friends to a Chinese-only guild and then spend 99,99% of the time talking in Chinese.This sort of nationalistic attitude is borderline xenophobic.

Literally why do you even want to play here if that's your attitude? What do you want from us?

It's the strangest thing, Chinese both seem to hate other Chinese enough to actively avoid any Chinese server, yet when you do have a server that's open to you where you can play with people from all over, your biggest complaint is that you can't self-isolate and go on talking to only Chinese people beyond the occasional WTS or WTB.

This is a mentality fucked beyond repair.

Posts: 1

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Lirathlin » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:33 am

I am a chinese player and I think I can use english well(I am fine in english speaking raids and have many friends from all the world now). Only thing I worried about is I cant have chinese translated quests and NPC names.It will be a trouble to me since I cant remember those english names.But It might not be a big deal.

Posts: 84

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Edgarfam » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:42 am

Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:24 am

I agree. But I am still just baffled by these posts. Like, I'd get it if they were region locking out all the Chinese. That'd be unfair, we've had Chinese players here for a long time and they weren't like these cancerous TikTok wave or wherever the fuck these new people came from. At worst those guys wouldn't respond, but if not for their guild names you would have no idea they were even Chinese. So they don't deserve to get banned. Same goes for expats living abroad who would truly be fucked by a region lock over no fault of their own.

But all this change is doing is making speaking English mandatory. And if you don't want to speak English, if you don't want to interact with the international community, GREAT NEWS: YOU WILL HAVE AN ENTIRE SERVER TO YOURSELVES, more or less. FREE OF CHARGE. AND YOU KEEP YOUR PROGRESS. WHAT'S THE PROBLEM, EXACTLY?

If you want to stay on the English server, I have to presume that's because you actually want to meet people from all over, join different guilds, etc.

Your thought process should be: Wow, this is a nice server with good devs, I'm going to make a character and meet so many new friends! Not, wow, this is a non-Chinese server, better invite all my Chinese friends to a Chinese-only guild and then spend 99,99% of the time talking in Chinese.This sort of nationalistic attitude is borderline xenophobic.

Literally why do you even want to play here if that's your attitude? What do you want from us?

It's the strangest thing, Chinese both seem to hate other Chinese enough to actively avoid any Chinese server, yet when you do have a server that's open to you where you can play with people from all over, your biggest complaint is that you can't self-isolate and go on talking to only Chinese people beyond the occasional WTS or WTB.

This is a mentality fucked beyond repair.
As Redmagejoe pointed out:
Redmagejoe wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:48 am

They want to piss off the Western community enough that we demand that Turtle range-ban the entire country of China from playing on our server, obviously. In case my last few posts in this thread haven't made it clear, my patience with these outrage merchants is officially at 0.
These people may actually be some studios or gold-sellers who are expecting IP-ban on China region, so that every Chinese plays are forced to play on SEA server. They are hoping SEA server may loose RMT control and thus making a better profit there.

Posts: 213

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Shaman111 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:43 am

>swarm server like locust
>Make people wait hours in 7k quene
>Dont communicate in english
>Have obvious ugly names
>Overreliant on gaudy cash shop shit ruining immersion just running past
>Rude. Will try to mine your nodes and skin your kills. Roll need on every item if grouped
>Insanely entitled - just read some of their posts here with right click - traslate page

This culture barrier is like chinese great wall. Fuck off and dont come back
now i try to login, at 12 am eu time and i am watching 3k quene that either stands in place or goes UP.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:07 am

Shaman111 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:43 am
>swarm server like locust
>Make people wait hours in 7k quene
>Dont communicate in english
>Have obvious ugly names
>Overreliant on gaudy cash shop shit ruining immersion just running past
>Rude. Will try to mine your nodes and skin your kills. Roll need on every item if grouped
>Insanely entitled - just read some of their posts here with right click - traslate page

This culture barrier is like chinese great wall. Fuck off and dont come back
now i try to login, at 12 am eu time and i am watching 3k quene that either stands in place or goes UP.
Noon for us is basically evening for them. It's 18:00 in China right now. I expect the queue will get worse and worse.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Satirical » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:09 am

Shaman111 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:43 am
>swarm server like locust
>Make people wait hours in 7k quene
>Dont communicate in english
>Have obvious ugly names
>Overreliant on gaudy cash shop shit ruining immersion just running past
>Rude. Will try to mine your nodes and skin your kills. Roll need on every item if grouped
>Insanely entitled - just read some of their posts here with right click - traslate page

This culture barrier is like chinese great wall. Fuck off and dont come back
now i try to login, at 12 am eu time and i am watching 3k quene that either stands in place or goes UP.
That idiot is why people react the way they do to Chinese players

Posts: 84

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Edgarfam » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:12 am

Shaman111 wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:43 am
>swarm server like locust
>Make people wait hours in 7k quene
>Dont communicate in english
>Have obvious ugly names
>Overreliant on gaudy cash shop shit ruining immersion just running past
>Rude. Will try to mine your nodes and skin your kills. Roll need on every item if grouped
>Insanely entitled - just read some of their posts here with right click - traslate page

This culture barrier is like chinese great wall. Fuck off and dont come back
now i try to login, at 12 am eu time and i am watching 3k quene that either stands in place or goes UP.
Good news, this guy was permanently banned.


Last edited by Edgarfam on Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:35 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Bowser » Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am

Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.

Posts: 20

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Wowplaya69 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:00 pm

I'm just curious if a ban on Hanzii characters is even technically feasible. I mean, sure you can block the hanzii unicode at the server but is it actually possible to prevent a chinese add-on from encoding hanzii to latin characters and back again. Presumably, this wouldn't be the first time the chinese technology space has faced such an encoding problem and it seems like the chinese players use add-ons to localize the game anyway. Maybe I'm overestimating the wow client's modability.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Hctwowfan » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:19 pm

Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Please, dont.

What op and many others appear to be missing is that it's not purely about chinese spam in public channels. That's already against the tos.

The much more pressing thing is that we have a segregated community. Those who speak english and those who dont. Chinese players have swarmed the server, make up the majority of players at times, not caring about the community of twow and instead creating their own community for lack of english proficiency. There's two communities. The veteran and non-veteran english speaking players and the non-english speaking players. It does not help the twow community to allow the use of hanzi in non public channels. The non-english speaking players will keep themselves segregated from the rest of the community. That wouldnt be a problem if they made up like 100 people in their own guild chat using chinese, kyrillic, greek, arabic, braille.. whatever. You'd still have a community of twow players that speak english and that make up 95% of all players. It becomes a problem when 50%+ of the players segregate themselves in their own community. The sea server is especially made for them to cater to their needs of not being able to speak english. There is no need for people who truely want to integrate into the european server twow community to be able to use hanzi, neither in public, nor in private channels.
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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Beefloafs » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:26 pm

Hctwowfan wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:19 pm
Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Please, dont.

What op and many others appear to be missing is that it's not purely about chinese spam in public channels. That's already against the tos.

The much more pressing thing is that we have a segregated community. Those who speak english and those who dont. Chinese players have swarmed the server, make up the majority of players at times, not caring about the community of twow and instead creating their own community for lack of english proficiency. There's two communities. The veteran and non-veteran english speaking players and the non-english speaking players. It does not help the twow community to allow the use of hanzi in non public channels. The non-english speaking players will keep themselves segregated from the rest of the community. That wouldnt be a problem if they made up like 100 people in their own guild chat using chinese, kyrillic, greek, arabic, braille.. whatever. You'd still have a community of twow players that speak english and that make up 95% of all players. It becomes a problem when 50%+ of the players segregate themselves in their own community. The sea server is especially made for them to cater to their needs of not being able to speak english. There is no need for people who truely want to integrate into the european server twow community to be able to use hanzi, neither in public, nor in private channels.
I am with Hctwowfan on this, Bowser there is no need to bring it up at the meeting. Just let the change happen and let them move on to their nice new home :)

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Geojak » Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:10 pm

Hctwowfan wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:19 pm
Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Please, dont.

What op and many others appear to be missing is that it's not purely about chinese spam in public channels. That's already against the tos.

The much more pressing thing is that we have a segregated community. Those who speak english and those who dont. Chinese players have swarmed the server, make up the majority of players at times, not caring about the community of twow and instead creating their own community for lack of english proficiency. There's two communities. The veteran and non-veteran english speaking players and the non-english speaking players. It does not help the twow community to allow the use of hanzi in non public channels. The non-english speaking players will keep themselves segregated from the rest of the community. That wouldnt be a problem if they made up like 100 people in their own guild chat using chinese, kyrillic, greek, arabic, braille.. whatever. You'd still have a community of twow players that speak english and that make up 95% of all players. It becomes a problem when 50%+ of the players segregate themselves in their own community. The sea server is especially made for them to cater to their needs of not being able to speak english. There is no need for people who truely want to integrate into the european server twow community to be able to use hanzi, neither in public, nor in private channels.
100 times this. Pls no exceptions. The Chinese, will find some ways to work around the English only rule anywa,. Let it be via pinjon or external software or an addon. Don't need to make it easier

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:22 pm

Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:31 pm

Geojak wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:10 pm
Hctwowfan wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:19 pm
Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Please, dont.

What op and many others appear to be missing is that it's not purely about chinese spam in public channels. That's already against the tos.

The much more pressing thing is that we have a segregated community. Those who speak english and those who dont. Chinese players have swarmed the server, make up the majority of players at times, not caring about the community of twow and instead creating their own community for lack of english proficiency. There's two communities. The veteran and non-veteran english speaking players and the non-english speaking players. It does not help the twow community to allow the use of hanzi in non public channels. The non-english speaking players will keep themselves segregated from the rest of the community. That wouldnt be a problem if they made up like 100 people in their own guild chat using chinese, kyrillic, greek, arabic, braille.. whatever. You'd still have a community of twow players that speak english and that make up 95% of all players. It becomes a problem when 50%+ of the players segregate themselves in their own community. The sea server is especially made for them to cater to their needs of not being able to speak english. There is no need for people who truely want to integrate into the european server twow community to be able to use hanzi, neither in public, nor in private channels.
100 times this. Pls no exceptions. The Chinese, will find some ways to work around the English only rule anywa,. Let it be via pinjon or external software or an addon. Don't need to make it easier
The truth is that if they bothered to ban people who broke the rules to begin with, none of this would be happening right now. At the end of the day it wouldn't matter if they could speak in Chinese without any addon, because if they feared the banhammer not a single one of them would dare to speak outside of /g.

But as you can see from the response above, they're more concerned with bending over backwards to satisfy the spectral tiger enjoyers.

The Chinese can go around shitting up every hub and nothing happens, but you go around spamming /say in SW with some dumb shit that's against the rules and see how long you last.

Posts: 10

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Flamefist » Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:49 pm

Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Thank you for your inclusivity and your efforts for all players.

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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Darktifa » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:17 pm

Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:31 pm
But as you can see from the response above, they're more concerned with bending over backwards to satisfy the spectral tiger enjoyers.
Do you feel like a "cockroach" now?
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.

Posts: 10

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Flamefist » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:39 pm

Hctwowfan wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:19 pm
Bowser wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:47 am
Turtle WoW is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community where people from all nations and backgrounds can come together to enjoy the game. We want to clarify that we hold no discriminatory views towards any nation or group.

Our primary goal is to provide the best possible experience for all our players, ensuring a friendly and welcoming environment.

I will discuss potential exceptions for the Hanzi character support on our existing realm at the next senior team meeting, but I can't promise anything at this point.
Please, dont.

What op and many others appear to be missing is that it's not purely about chinese spam in public channels. That's already against the tos.

The much more pressing thing is that we have a segregated community. Those who speak english and those who dont. Chinese players have swarmed the server, make up the majority of players at times, not caring about the community of twow and instead creating their own community for lack of english proficiency. There's two communities. The veteran and non-veteran english speaking players and the non-english speaking players. It does not help the twow community to allow the use of hanzi in non public channels. The non-english speaking players will keep themselves segregated from the rest of the community. That wouldnt be a problem if they made up like 100 people in their own guild chat using chinese, kyrillic, greek, arabic, braille.. whatever. You'd still have a community of twow players that speak english and that make up 95% of all players. It becomes a problem when 50%+ of the players segregate themselves in their own community. The sea server is especially made for them to cater to their needs of not being able to speak english. There is no need for people who truely want to integrate into the european server twow community to be able to use hanzi, neither in public, nor in private channels.
Hello, thank you for your rational discussion. I also have a few thoughts on your concerns and issues.

1.After the Chinese server is opened, non-English-speaking Chinese players will be able to play the game without using a VPN or acceleration service because the server is closer to China. A large number of such players will enter the Chinese server as expected, which will significantly improve the performance of the old server.

2.Chinese players living outside China have foreign friends as well as friends who speak the same language. In addition to using English for communication, they also need to use their mother tongue for private communication. This is the same as the needs of other non-English-speaking players. There is no reason to completely block Chinese alone, even though this is an English server.

3.The server rules do not stipulate that you cannot communicate in your mother tongue in private. If it is only because some non-English-speaking players broke the rules because they did not understand English, and then all Chinese players who follow the rules have to bear all the punishments, it seems inappropriate.

I hope we can understand each other. Thank you

Posts: 95

Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:40 pm

Darktifa wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:17 pm
Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:31 pm
But as you can see from the response above, they're more concerned with bending over backwards to satisfy the spectral tiger enjoyers.
Do you feel like a "cockroach" now?
I said my piece.

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Posts: 569
Location: Greece
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Re: Oppose the cancellation of Chinese support

Post by Darktifa » Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:58 pm

Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:40 pm
Darktifa wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:17 pm
Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:31 pm
But as you can see from the response above, they're more concerned with bending over backwards to satisfy the spectral tiger enjoyers.
Do you feel like a "cockroach" now?
I said my piece.
Cockroaches can speak their mind too
Nobody cares
They get stepped over!
Czasku wrote:
Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:31 pm
After Reading Turtle WoW's forum i understood why Blizzard stopped responding on their own forum topics.
