1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

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1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Noephix » Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:56 am

Bloodvine set is a staple in shadow priest PvE itemization. SP don't need crit or raw stats in PvE, the only thing they care about are spell damage and hit (until 6% cap).

Other classes get item buffs to help with itemization, but not priests. t2.5 remains "that other pvp set" with high amount of stats, low spell damage and even 1% crit on a robe (WAT).

So now SP will have to revert to pre-raid (sometimes quest greens) for hit cap, which means no upgrades in raids.

Choker of the Fire lord? Sorry, you're locked into that blue neck from Strat live.

Lok'amir Il Romatis? NOPE, you're stuck with Jindo's Judgement until Naxx.

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Thormenius2005 » Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:30 pm

Yeah bloodvine Set Nerf is dumb. But turtel wow is sadly a meele server.

Posts: 213

Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Shaman111 » Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:32 pm

imagine if they add a talent in shadow tree that would let spriest dots and channel crit. wonder if its even possible to do in 1.12. would be cool and unique

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Kairion » Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:34 pm

How is the one class that doesn't care about spellhit (on account of skilling 10%) the one massacred by bloodvine changes?

On contrary, you can actually make use of the new debuff since its shadow damage too.

Also don't forget, Flare Core set is getting updated. certain pieces of this set such as the legs have historically been quite good for shadow already. I don't see why priest in particular is suffering from the bloodvine change.

Even with loosing a bit of Hit on Bloodvine, no hit or just the ZG ringset is plenty for a raidviable dps shadow. Especially considering a resist on mindflay is only loosing you 1.5 seconds worth of casttime, not 3 seconds like on most casters.

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Karico » Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:07 pm

idt they would ruin any class whats the point ???

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Bayanni » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:24 am

They're also getting +1% hit from any druid being in the raid, so they really only need 5% from gear. This is also ignoring any new items that will come from Kara 10, which is MC-level, or the new Emerald Sanctum raid, that's BWL-tier, fixing their itemization as well. Yeah it's a bit later from pre-raid, but if the argument is that they'll be in green 'till naxx I'd argue these raids are likely to fight that notion.

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Redmagejoe » Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:30 am

I didn't bother to read the first post because I can already tell that the OP doesn't have a clue why these items are being nerfed. Turtle isn't taking these stats away from you, they're putting them on other raid level gear they want to develop and put in. The existence of these powerful Best in Slot items in literal fresh 60 PUG raids or, better yet, gear made from items bought off the AH without setting foot in a raid were literally holding item development hostage.

If you'd bothered to read the Item Dev's post explaining the reasoning for these changes, you would have already realized this. So allow me to rephrase your first post for you: "I hate that for my chosen build and class, I have to actually do endgame content to get the absolute best gear available. Please give me back my (basically) free Forever BiS."

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Re: 1.17 is gonna massacre Shadow priest itemization pre-Naxx.

Post by Imizael » Wed Sep 06, 2023 3:23 pm

Kairion wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:34 pm
How is the one class that doesn't care about spellhit (on account of skilling 10%) the one massacred by bloodvine changes?

On contrary, you can actually make use of the new debuff since its shadow damage too.

Also don't forget, Flare Core set is getting updated. certain pieces of this set such as the legs have historically been quite good for shadow already. I don't see why priest in particular is suffering from the bloodvine change.

Even with loosing a bit of Hit on Bloodvine, no hit or just the ZG ringset is plenty for a raidviable dps shadow. Especially considering a resist on mindflay is only loosing you 1.5 seconds worth of casttime, not 3 seconds like on most casters.
About that new set bonus from bloodvine. Anyone knows if it scale with spell damage? I guess it's alteast affected by talents that increase shadow damage.

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