Server status on front page website

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Server status on front page website

Post by Baiking » Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:07 am

Alot of players are not so deep into Private servers that they join discord and when they have login problems bcz server is down they dont know (happened to me today) joined discord to ask for technical help but server was just down, it would be great for new players or casual players to have a server status on the front page on website, just a small thing on the right that says if its online or offline everybody that starts would then 100% have seen it when making their account/downloading the game so they would automaticly check there when having login problems. would remove alot of potential frustration and give new/casual players a default place to keep up.

Posts: 13

Re: Server status on front page website

Post by Equalrites » Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:42 am

Plus one

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Re: Server status on front page website

Post by Esk » Sun Aug 27, 2023 12:59 pm

Agreed, that would certainly be useful.

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