"Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

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"Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Vonric » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:07 am

"Conscription" is a 1 week event. During this time:

1) All players level 20+ are perma-flagged for PvP
2) Flight Paths are disabled - this forces players out into the world
2B) Disable portal spells
3) BGs are disabled - force PvP focused players out into the world
4) World PvP kills have double honour - encourage the biff
5) Civilian dishonour disabled - killing civs can hamper questing, this encourages people to defend a location/NPCs
6) Level downscaling - each zone has a max PvP level, and higher level characters get downscaled to that level. I dont know exactly how the math here would work, but all abilities would remain useable, just damage etc scaled down. This obviously helps even the playing field although a geared 60 downscaled to 30 would still be better than a regular 30 for example. The town guards might need to be downscaled too.

By running it for 1 week at a time, Turtle Devs can monitor the results and tweak things over time.

Other ideas?

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Karrados » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:11 am

No. Turtle is a PVE Server first. That change would piss plenty of people off.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Mac » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:14 am

Would be a neat idea for a PVP server. It’d also be nice to be able to take over towns.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Vonric » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:26 am

Mac wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:14 am
Would be a neat idea for a PVP server. It’d also be nice to be able to take over towns.
Ah yeah good idea, a capture flag or town boss to kill, which gives bonus honour points.

To discourage huge, server crashing zergs of 100s of attackers all in one zone, the reward could be averaged out across all players in the zone. That should encourage players to spread out across multiple zones.

And there might need to be a timer or diminishing returns on the bonus honour, something to discourage two sides trading the flag or just farming the one spot over and over

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Tutayanova » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:36 am

Hell no. 1 WEEK for Flight Paths & Portal disable, are u nuts? How players will find opponents if they cant travel?
Let's go further. Disable chat and respawn. Die = 1 week wait for respawn.
If u want PVP go to another server.

I much prefer another 1 week event, like Corrupted Blood incident or Kazakhs in capital cities.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Vonric » Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:34 am

Tutayanova wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:36 am
Hell no. 1 WEEK for Flight Paths & Portal disable, are u nuts? How players will find opponents if they cant travel?
Let's go further. Disable chat and respawn. Die = 1 week wait for respawn.
If u want PVP go to another server.

I much prefer another 1 week event, like Corrupted Blood incident or Kazakhs in capital cities.
I thought the reasoning for 2 and 2B was quite obvious: by limiting fast travel, it forces players out of cities and into the world to travel from place to place. Not only does this breath new life into the zones with more players running around, its leads to the very opposite of your concern: it would increase the opportunity of finding opponents.

The problem with fast travel, teleports etc, is that it turns the capital cities into glorified waiting lobbies. The vast maps and zones of WoW are an underused asset, particularly for endgame.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Hctwowfan » Fri Aug 18, 2023 6:19 am

Vonric wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:07 am
"Conscription" is a 1 week event. During this time:

1) All players level 20+ are perma-flagged for PvP
On an rp-pve server where 20%+- of players are hc... gl
Exlusively playing hc, alive toons below
Immortal Nikora Halazi Mbamba Ofofu Qsetmizi Qsetnizi
59.99 Qiri Byomvin Toraya Bjomvin Peppa Tepsi Ufofo Yolani Ygritt Rhanja Yolari Qsetlizi Bsomdi Kiri Nemsi Ufufo Ofufu
50+ Libbi Hazaru Lenymo Oronil

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Krokzogg » Fri Aug 18, 2023 6:31 am

Vonric wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:07 am
"Conscription" is a 1 week event. During this time:

1) All players level 20+ are perma-flagged for PvP
2) Flight Paths are disabled - this forces players out into the world
2B) Disable portal spells
3) BGs are disabled - force PvP focused players out into the world
4) World PvP kills have double honour - encourage the biff
5) Civilian dishonour disabled - killing civs can hamper questing, this encourages people to defend a location/NPCs
6) Level downscaling - each zone has a max PvP level, and higher level characters get downscaled to that level. I dont know exactly how the math here would work, but all abilities would remain useable, just damage etc scaled down. This obviously helps even the playing field although a geared 60 downscaled to 30 would still be better than a regular 30 for example. The town guards might need to be downscaled too.

By running it for 1 week at a time, Turtle Devs can monitor the results and tweak things over time.

Other ideas?
As a result, most of the players will not enter the game for the entire week of the event. But the idea is good for a PVP server.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Tutayanova » Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:32 am

Vonric wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:34 am
Tutayanova wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:36 am
Hell no. 1 WEEK for Flight Paths & Portal disable, are u nuts? How players will find opponents if they cant travel?
Let's go further. Disable chat and respawn. Die = 1 week wait for respawn.
If u want PVP go to another server.

I much prefer another 1 week event, like Corrupted Blood incident or Kazakhs in capital cities.
I thought the reasoning for 2 and 2B was quite obvious: by limiting fast travel, it forces players out of cities and into the world to travel from place to place. Not only does this breath new life into the zones with more players running around, its leads to the very opposite of your concern: it would increase the opportunity of finding opponents.

The problem with fast travel, teleports etc, is that it turns the capital cities into glorified waiting lobbies. The vast maps and zones of WoW are an underused asset, particularly for endgame.
Well, now i understand correctly. New life into the zones with more players running around it's great idea, but not everyone will play event week, a lot of players just dont enter the game.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Jammyxx » Fri Aug 18, 2023 8:34 am

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Ishilu » Fri Aug 18, 2023 10:46 am

As already mentioned, it's a bad idea for a pve server.
If people don't want pvp, they shouldn't be forced to pvp or stay offline during these events.

The basic idea to spice up low level world pvp is a good one, however. Stuff like daily/weekly quests (e.g. get 10 HK'S in STV (hcs count double turtle_tongue ) or occupy the watch towers in Hillsbrad while being lower than lvl 30) might be nice.

A big problem would be faction imbalance, however. I don't know the current horde-alliance ratio, but it would probably lead to horde being stomped due to player numbers (and have they fixed paladins yet?). That would have to be addressed before implementing open pvp events.

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Foobs » Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:38 am

Clearly there are two types of players.

This server tries to cater to both and just can't.

The OPs idea is solid if everyone wanted to PVP.. but NOT everyone is interested in PVP. I would venture to say pvpers are in the minority even.

Pvpers have a hard time seeing this. It is like they think everyone should play this game like they do. If they just read the room a little the OP could see how terrible of an idea this is. "A" for effort just not based in reality.
wary_turtle_head I'm just here for the GM's replies--Carry on!!

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Re: "Conscription" - 1 week World PvP event

Post by Elesion » Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:51 am

Foobs wrote:
Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:38 am
Clearly there are two types of players.

This server tries to cater to both and just can't.

The OPs idea is solid if everyone wanted to PVP.. but NOT everyone is interested in PVP. I would venture to say pvpers are in the minority even.

Pvpers have a hard time seeing this. It is like they think everyone should play this game like they do. If they just read the room a little the OP could see how terrible of an idea this is. "A" for effort just not based in reality.
Perfect response, says it all.

I acknowledge this is an honest suggestion that you genuinely think is awesome. I acknowledge it is a neat idea in a vacuum. But you have to stop forcing your idea of a good time onto other people with different tastes. I joined the server because it was a PvE realm, I simply don't want to participate in world PvP.

It's always the PvP crowd with these weirdly authoritarian suggestions - turn off this specific battleground so people are forced to play the others, perma-flag everyone in the world for a whole week, etc. You never hear PvE people make suggestions like "disable PvP for a week so more people are forced to raid". I wonder why that is. Just let people enjoy the game they want to play smiling_turtle_head

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