It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

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It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Borefficz » Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:54 am

Let's keep this short and sweet:
  • Multiboxing potentially makes players able to do things by themself they normally wouldn't be able to (or do it faster/allow to not take as many mana breaks), providing an unfair advantage over non-multiboxers, especially now in an 11k online environment there's often a situation where high-reward mob respawns are heavily contested so whoever can kill them faster has a better chance of getting the tag on the next respawns
  • Multiple connections occupy multiple server slots which contributes to the growing queue numbers
  • While automating multiboxed clients is not allowed, there is a strong urge to do it due to how inconvenient the legal use of multiboxing is (and automation is 100% undetectable if done right)

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Re: It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Yeahidkx7 » Fri Aug 18, 2023 2:44 am

They detect this type of stuff often and I barely see multiboxers taking up farm spots, we all know whos taking the farm spots, this would solve and do absolutely nothing.

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Re: It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Ibux » Fri Aug 18, 2023 3:31 am

+1 cast it into the fire! destroy it!

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Re: It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Goblets » Mon Aug 21, 2023 10:06 pm

Borefficz wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 6:54 am
Let's keep this short and sweet:
  • Multiboxing potentially makes players able to do things by themself they normally wouldn't be able to (or do it faster/allow to not take as many mana breaks), providing an unfair advantage over non-multiboxers, especially now in an 11k online environment there's often a situation where high-reward mob respawns are heavily contested so whoever can kill them faster has a better chance of getting the tag on the next respawns
  • Multiple connections occupy multiple server slots which contributes to the growing queue numbers
  • While automating multiboxed clients is not allowed, there is a strong urge to do it due to how inconvenient the legal use of multiboxing is (and automation is 100% undetectable if done right)
I see flaws in your arguements.

1. If you read the rules, it clearly says that you are not allowed to PvP while multiboxing. I don't see an issue of someone multibox boosting himself as is within the rules, you boost yourself on an elite quest or dungeon and someone else asks if they can join, you simply invite them what is the issue you see here exactly?
i remember i went to deadmines and boosted myself, asked a player outside who did not have a group if he wanted to join, he was very happy to join and got some great gear & thanked me for joining.

2. Multiboxing is not affecting the growing queue numbers. if you did some research you would know turtle has a big influx of chinese players as blizzard shut down their official servers in china.
Chinese people are just like you and me, i myself think chinese people are great, normal humans so to say. But the issue is they can't communicate with us so they isolate themselves within their own chinese community, /china is like 4x times faster than /world. in return turtle wow currently have 2 big different communities and this is the reason for the queue, not multiboxing as you suggest.

Last i heard from turtle wow discord was that the chinese players would get their own server, i have not seen any other update if anyone know what the status is i am very interested, let us know.

3. Yes that is against the server rules, i personally have not seen such a thing here for the 4+ months i've been here. only seen 2 bots on the common zone of arathi highlands, but they were dealt with swiftly due to the server having active GMs responding to tickets fast.

But about your title, it's already against the rules to multibox in PvP.

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Re: It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Karrados » Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:50 pm

Excuse me but what kind of take is that? "Multiboxing is not affecting the growing queue numbers" ? What?

You are literally logging in on a second client and take up another player slot and there are many people that do this. Yes, server growth plays a part in this but saying that Multiboxing does nothing is just flat out wrong.

a New player joins > He plays with two accounts at once > The server got two new connected clients from one single player. Now multiply this by all the new people that joined and you have a server with 10k active players with a decent chunk of them probably being multi-boxer.

They need to ban this until the Chinese Servers are online and the queues are fixed.

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Re: It is time to outlaw multiboxing for all combat activities

Post by Allwynd01 » Tue Aug 22, 2023 10:19 am

Karrados wrote:
Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:50 pm
Excuse me but what kind of take is that? "Multiboxing is not affecting the growing queue numbers" ? What?

You are literally logging in on a second client and take up another player slot and there are many people that do this. Yes, server growth plays a part in this but saying that Multiboxing does nothing is just flat out wrong.

a New player joins > He plays with two accounts at once > The server got two new connected clients from one single player. Now multiply this by all the new people that joined and you have a server with 10k active players with a decent chunk of them probably being multi-boxer.

They need to ban this until the Chinese Servers are online and the queues are fixed.
He is multiboxing, that's why he is trying to defend it with ridiculous arguments that don't make any sense unless you have schizophrenia.

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