Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Redmagejoe » Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:17 am

inb4 das racis

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Aishang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:43 am

I like Turtle Warcraft, but I'm worried about the future game environment of Chinese servers, will the agency be in charge of this game and crack down on RMT behavior like a European server? Will studio behavior be cracked down? I doubt it deeply!

Posts: 4

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Sahakhieldcs » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:51 am

That's a whole lots of words to say: FRESH HYPE!!!

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:13 am

Friends, I hope you see a Chinese to say this word you do not hate! I personally want to be friends with you! Look at my name I know I am a Chinese! I found you through our Chinese tiktok! I have been here for only 3 days, because of health reasons at home to rest! Today is the third day. I can not get into the game only to come to the forum. I want to say that GM may not have imagined the word racism, please do not bring political elements into the game! We just need GM to give us a perfect fit for the Chinese translation of this server, and Chinese recharge window! There is a chat window can copy and paste the energy, so that we can normally experience the game inside the server! What I want to say is that language is not the main problem. Now translation software so developed, we have mobile phone scan English translation of Chinese Way! This passage is translated by the translation software. I think the translation may be inaccurate, but my friends should be able to understand what I mean. Thank you all for wasting your time and read my comments.

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:22 am

I said too much above, simply 3 requirements. 1. Perfect for the Chinese version of the game. 2. A perfect fit for the Chinese plug-in. 3. Chat window can be converted into Chinese and English plug-in. I thought it would be easier for us to fit in. After all, now there are many translation software, also very developed. I personally want to be part of this family.

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:24 am

There is a problem with the translation software is a request, not a request! I hope you understand!

Posts: 25

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Albel » Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:58 am

Azuladrip wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:06 am
Albel wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:03 am

Moreover, maybe just... let people do what they want. Unless actual problems are being caused (people being reported, certain scripts not being able to be displayed), what the hell do the mods care if two Italians talk for a bit in Italian? What damage is being caused?
Is your brain broken? How can you be so insufferable? How can you enter a thread about the team opening a CHINESE servers to solve the problem of CHINESE PLAYERS to go on a tangent about how much of lunatic I am for wanting to stop two Italians speaking in Italian when they cross each other every blue moon? Is our server being invaded by Italians, or Chinese? And is it just two Chinese speaking, or does it happen to be that our server is overrun with them, to the extent that I wonder now if even 50% of the people online at any time can speak English? I AFK in front of Goldshire at the tent, I see Chinese. I do a /who of a certain zone, and I get an army of -xiao-(s)

And to answer your ridiculous hypothetical anyway since you seem incapable of simple common sense: it obviously depends. If the server were 99% English-speaking, then yeah, I don't think I or anybody else would be that bothered by two random Italians chatting in Italian once they recognize each other. However, that tolerance comes at a price. If that ratio starts to tick in favor of non-English speakers and goes up to 2%, then 3%, then 4%, till we're looking at a 1/10 ratio of people who are playing and can't speak English, at that point draconic regulations must be put in place and enforced before the entire server goes to shit and gets surrendered to non-English speakers, as happened here. The point of extreme rules being enforced with precision is to stop further degeneration and restore things to something workable, not to spitefully ruin the experience of certain players out of xenophobia and racism.

Outside the autistic world of theoreticals, there's what is actually existing and affecting people. We aren't--or at least I'm not--here to test the logic of some hypothetical. If our biggest problem was some 8-person guild of people who spoke only in Catalan, or Yiddish, or in Latin, then yeah, this conversation wouldn't be happening and I wouldn't give the softest shit, which I'm sure goes for the vast majority of people in this thread who stand on my side on this issue. But that's not what we have. We have a very specific problem: thousands upon thousands of Chinese players who don't speak English and who are slowly taking over the server due to sheer numbers.

EDIT: And just to make it clear unless you can't understand this, I'm not American. English isn't my first language, or even my second. I'm not some Anglo supremacist trying to get everyone to speak English. But this is an English server. You can either speak English, or get fucked. Not my problem.
Go touch some grass, mate. It sounds like you need it. Tranquilo.

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:35 am

Azuladrip wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:06 am
Albel wrote:
Mon Aug 14, 2023 12:03 am

Moreover, maybe just... let people do what they want. Unless actual problems are being caused (people being reported, certain scripts not being able to be displayed), what the hell do the mods care if two Italians talk for a bit in Italian? What damage is being caused?
Is your brain broken? How can you be so insufferable? How can you enter a thread about the team opening a CHINESE servers to solve the problem of CHINESE PLAYERS to go on a tangent about how much of lunatic I am for wanting to stop two Italians speaking in Italian when they cross each other every blue moon? Is our server being invaded by Italians, or Chinese? And is it just two Chinese speaking, or does it happen to be that our server is overrun with them, to the extent that I wonder now if even 50% of the people online at any time can speak English? I AFK in front of Goldshire at the tent, I see Chinese. I do a /who of a certain zone, and I get an army of -xiao-(s)

And to answer your ridiculous hypothetical anyway since you seem incapable of simple common sense: it obviously depends. If the server were 99% English-speaking, then yeah, I don't think I or anybody else would be that bothered by two random Italians chatting in Italian once they recognize each other. However, that tolerance comes at a price. If that ratio starts to tick in favor of non-English speakers and goes up to 2%, then 3%, then 4%, till we're looking at a 1/10 ratio of people who are playing and can't speak English, at that point draconic regulations must be put in place and enforced before the entire server goes to shit and gets surrendered to non-English speakers, as happened here. The point of extreme rules being enforced with precision is to stop further degeneration and restore things to something workable, not to spitefully ruin the experience of certain players out of xenophobia and racism.

Outside the autistic world of theoreticals, there's what is actually existing and affecting people. We aren't--or at least I'm not--here to test the logic of some hypothetical. If our biggest problem was some 8-person guild of people who spoke only in Catalan, or Yiddish, or in Latin, then yeah, this conversation wouldn't be happening and I wouldn't give the softest shit, which I'm sure goes for the vast majority of people in this thread who stand on my side on this issue. But that's not what we have. We have a very specific problem: thousands upon thousands of Chinese players who don't speak English and who are slowly taking over the server due to sheer numbers.

EDIT: And just to make it clear unless you can't understand this, I'm not American. English isn't my first language, or even my second. I'm not some Anglo supremacist trying to get everyone to speak English. But this is an English server. You can either speak English, or get fucked. Not my problem.
Friend, I am a Chinese. I hope you don't hate it when I use the word"Friend" to start a conversation with you. You need to calm down. I admit, for some reason, the number of US Chinese players on this server has skyrocketed! But it's a really good game! Is a Warcraft fan, will think so. In the age of information explosion, the Earth is already a village. Don't live with isolationism thoughts. Just as the game is a global village, we may never socialize in the game. Like two parallel lines, I don't influence you, but you can't judge me for what I do on my line that you don't like? We have no intention of dominating the game. I think we still have a lot of good English players in China. Isn't it cool to meet more people from other countries? We have a saying in China that a prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach.

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Wilczan » Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:14 am

I wonder, if people understand that moving to chinese server is just optional and no one gonna be forced.

For me, english is foreign language, like probably for many turtle players, and I need to use it in almost every game anyway. And I have 0 problems with that, couse it's some kind of standard.

I understand that chinese is so much different, and alphabet is a world of difference, but if chinese players like to play here, then should invest minimum effort to learn few basic words.

If not, they gonna have opportunity to switch the server for chinese version, that will be prepared, just for them. Other nationalities won't gonna have that privilege and no one whines.

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Bigsmerf » Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:52 am

Redmagejoe wrote:
Tue Aug 15, 2023 5:17 am
inb4 das racis
das racis
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Manypunchman - 10 Naked Troll Boxer (Hardcore)

I'm back! More or less...

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Shaman111 » Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:31 am

Wilczan wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:14 am
I wonder, if people understand that moving to chinese server is just optional and no one gonna be forced.
in that case might not even bother with the server. nobody wants to play with cn, not even themselves - as seen in this thread even. lets hope its forced with an ip/vpn ban on eu realm

Posts: 95

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:01 pm

Albel wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:58 am
Go touch some grass, mate. It sounds like you need it. Tranquilo.
An empty-headed reply from an empty-headed zero of a person with nothing to say and no thoughts in that vapid brain. You're literally arguing on some niche private server of a dead game, but you give an NPC reply of "touch grass" because you got demolished and realized you are wrong, inferior, and have nothing worthwhile to say or contribute. I'll take your copypasted reply as the concession it is.

Posts: 95

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:10 pm

Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:35 am
Friend, I am a Chinese. I hope you don't hate it when I use the word"Friend" to start a conversation with you. You need to calm down. I admit, for some reason, the number of US Chinese players on this server has skyrocketed! But it's a really good game! Is a Warcraft fan, will think so. In the age of information explosion, the Earth is already a village. Don't live with isolationism thoughts. Just as the game is a global village, we may never socialize in the game. Like two parallel lines, I don't influence you, but you can't judge me for what I do on my line that you don't like? We have no intention of dominating the game. I think we still have a lot of good English players in China. Isn't it cool to meet more people from other countries? We have a saying in China that a prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach.
I am very calm, so projecting what you think my emotions are at the start of a conversation is not exactly a successful strategy, "friend." I don't have isolationist thoughts. Almost al my friends are online and from other countries.But it's true, there is a particular trait all my friends have: THEY SPEAK AT LEAST ONE LANGUAGE I ALSO SPEAK. Also, you are dominating the game. It's not about intentions, it's about existing. If I idle in a place and every line said in /say is an unknown language, that is a bad experience. If I whisper someone to ask something and I get no reply because they don't speak English, that's a problem. As for Chinese players who speak English, nobody has a problem with them. I certainly don't. I wouldn't care if 99,99% of players were Chinese on Turtle IF they spoke fluent English. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

When I sit down to play Turtle WoW, I do it to relax and to have a pleasant experience. Being surrounded by people who do not speak a language I speak is not a pleasant experience, nor do I think I did anything wrong in ending up with such an unpleasant experience because I very specifically chose to play on an ENGLISH server.

I understand that other people do not give a shit. There are people who don't talk in /say, who have /general and every other chat disabled, and basically play with a specific guild made of their friends group and don't interact with anyone else. But that is not me. I play specifically for the open world and for meeting people. And yes, a game that's full of people I can't interact at all or only at a minimal level is antithetical to anything I'd want out of an MMO.

Clearly, you do not care about having the same experience, because if you did, you'd be playing with Chinese players on a Chinese server where you understand everyone else. Even when I've wanted to play Korean MMOs, I've never made a Korean account to get in, specifically because I have 0 interest to be part of a community which I can't understand. If that's the only thing offered to me, I would rather not play at all.

Posts: 95

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Azuladrip » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:15 pm

Shaman111 wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 8:31 am
Wilczan wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:14 am
I wonder, if people understand that moving to chinese server is just optional and no one gonna be forced.
in that case might not even bother with the server. nobody wants to play with cn, not even themselves - as seen in this thread even. lets hope its forced with an ip/vpn ban on eu realm
Pretty much, yeah. At this point only drastic measures will solve the situation. And I imagine there are reasons Turtle WoW doesn't want to take those measures. On the other hand, it's hard to empathize, since they got themselves in this situation and watched the server degrade month after month while remaining stubborn and doing nothing. At this point it may very well be too late to fix it. And either way, thousands of people are going to suffer, whether that's English-speakers who don't want to play with non-English speakers, or the Chinese who get moved by force.

I will say, if the Chinese do get moved by force, but we still have Ukrainians and Russians writing messages in cyrillic and talking to each other, it wouldn't be too hard to understand why the Chinese feel singled out and treated differently. I'd be mad too.

The only "real" solution is to actually start banning people who can't speak English, straight up. That way there's no discrimination based on nationality whatsoever. All the Chinese people who speak English can stay and we can all be happy.

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:35 pm

Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:10 pm
Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:35 am
Friend, I am a Chinese. I hope you don't hate it when I use the word"Friend" to start a conversation with you. You need to calm down. I admit, for some reason, the number of US Chinese players on this server has skyrocketed! But it's a really good game! Is a Warcraft fan, will think so. In the age of information explosion, the Earth is already a village. Don't live with isolationism thoughts. Just as the game is a global village, we may never socialize in the game. Like two parallel lines, I don't influence you, but you can't judge me for what I do on my line that you don't like? We have no intention of dominating the game. I think we still have a lot of good English players in China. Isn't it cool to meet more people from other countries? We have a saying in China that a prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach.
I am very calm, so projecting what you think my emotions are at the start of a conversation is not exactly a successful strategy, "friend." I don't have isolationist thoughts. Almost al my friends are online and from other countries.But it's true, there is a particular trait all my friends have: THEY SPEAK AT LEAST ONE LANGUAGE I ALSO SPEAK. Also, you are dominating the game. It's not about intentions, it's about existing. If I idle in a place and every line said in /say is an unknown language, that is a bad experience. If I whisper someone to ask something and I get no reply because they don't speak English, that's a problem. As for Chinese players who speak English, nobody has a problem with them. I certainly don't. I wouldn't care if 99,99% of players were Chinese on Turtle IF they spoke fluent English. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

When I sit down to play Turtle WoW, I do it to relax and to have a pleasant experience. Being surrounded by people who do not speak a language I speak is not a pleasant experience, nor do I think I did anything wrong in ending up with such an unpleasant experience because I very specifically chose to play on an ENGLISH server.

I understand that other people do not give a shit. There are people who don't talk in /say, who have /general and every other chat disabled, and basically play with a specific guild made of their friends group and don't interact with anyone else. But that is not me. I play specifically for the open world and for meeting people. And yes, a game that's full of people I can't interact at all or only at a minimal level is antithetical to anything I'd want out of an MMO.

Clearly, you do not care about having the same experience, because if you did, you'd be playing with Chinese players on a Chinese server where you understand everyone else. Even when I've wanted to play Korean MMOs, I've never made a Korean account to get in, specifically because I have 0 interest to be part of a community which I can't understand. If that's the only thing offered to me, I would rather not play at all.
In a village people are in self-protection consciousness, the villagers will enter their favorite environment. I understand that, and I hope you do too. And the people of this village have no intention of attacking other villages! It's just the villagers protecting themselves! There are people in this village who want to know about other villages, like me. We Don't want to change the game, and we don't want to take players from other countries out of the game, so we don't want to dominate the game. We Chinese are very warm, welcome you to visit China, feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the love of peace. I and you so many conversations are using the translator! You can research, you come to China to play do not need to know Chinese, as long as you can use a translator on it, a smartphone on it. Again, if you don't like it, you can treat us as a parallel line and you can. Most of us see players from other countries as parallel to each other. Our hearts want to know you, and we want you to know us. We mean you no harm!

Posts: 10

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Kirric » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:11 pm

Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:35 pm
Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:10 pm
Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:35 am
Friend, I am a Chinese. I hope you don't hate it when I use the word"Friend" to start a conversation with you. You need to calm down. I admit, for some reason, the number of US Chinese players on this server has skyrocketed! But it's a really good game! Is a Warcraft fan, will think so. In the age of information explosion, the Earth is already a village. Don't live with isolationism thoughts. Just as the game is a global village, we may never socialize in the game. Like two parallel lines, I don't influence you, but you can't judge me for what I do on my line that you don't like? We have no intention of dominating the game. I think we still have a lot of good English players in China. Isn't it cool to meet more people from other countries? We have a saying in China that a prime minister can hold a boat in his stomach.
I am very calm, so projecting what you think my emotions are at the start of a conversation is not exactly a successful strategy, "friend." I don't have isolationist thoughts. Almost al my friends are online and from other countries.But it's true, there is a particular trait all my friends have: THEY SPEAK AT LEAST ONE LANGUAGE I ALSO SPEAK. Also, you are dominating the game. It's not about intentions, it's about existing. If I idle in a place and every line said in /say is an unknown language, that is a bad experience. If I whisper someone to ask something and I get no reply because they don't speak English, that's a problem. As for Chinese players who speak English, nobody has a problem with them. I certainly don't. I wouldn't care if 99,99% of players were Chinese on Turtle IF they spoke fluent English. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

When I sit down to play Turtle WoW, I do it to relax and to have a pleasant experience. Being surrounded by people who do not speak a language I speak is not a pleasant experience, nor do I think I did anything wrong in ending up with such an unpleasant experience because I very specifically chose to play on an ENGLISH server.

I understand that other people do not give a shit. There are people who don't talk in /say, who have /general and every other chat disabled, and basically play with a specific guild made of their friends group and don't interact with anyone else. But that is not me. I play specifically for the open world and for meeting people. And yes, a game that's full of people I can't interact at all or only at a minimal level is antithetical to anything I'd want out of an MMO.

Clearly, you do not care about having the same experience, because if you did, you'd be playing with Chinese players on a Chinese server where you understand everyone else. Even when I've wanted to play Korean MMOs, I've never made a Korean account to get in, specifically because I have 0 interest to be part of a community which I can't understand. If that's the only thing offered to me, I would rather not play at all.
In a village people are in self-protection consciousness, the villagers will enter their favorite environment. I understand that, and I hope you do too. And the people of this village have no intention of attacking other villages! It's just the villagers protecting themselves! There are people in this village who want to know about other villages, like me. We Don't want to change the game, and we don't want to take players from other countries out of the game, so we don't want to dominate the game. We Chinese are very warm, welcome you to visit China, feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the love of peace. I and you so many conversations are using the translator! You can research, you come to China to play do not need to know Chinese, as long as you can use a translator on it, a smartphone on it. Again, if you don't like it, you can treat us as a parallel line and you can. Most of us see players from other countries as parallel to each other. Our hearts want to know you, and we want you to know us. We mean you no harm!
Except the rules states that you should use English in public chats, thus by not using English outside of your Chinese only guild or in Chinese only private messages, you are breaking the rules and have nothing to do on this server.

Read more at:

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:46 pm

Kirric wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:11 pm
Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:35 pm
Azuladrip wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:10 pm

I am very calm, so projecting what you think my emotions are at the start of a conversation is not exactly a successful strategy, "friend." I don't have isolationist thoughts. Almost al my friends are online and from other countries.But it's true, there is a particular trait all my friends have: THEY SPEAK AT LEAST ONE LANGUAGE I ALSO SPEAK. Also, you are dominating the game. It's not about intentions, it's about existing. If I idle in a place and every line said in /say is an unknown language, that is a bad experience. If I whisper someone to ask something and I get no reply because they don't speak English, that's a problem. As for Chinese players who speak English, nobody has a problem with them. I certainly don't. I wouldn't care if 99,99% of players were Chinese on Turtle IF they spoke fluent English. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

When I sit down to play Turtle WoW, I do it to relax and to have a pleasant experience. Being surrounded by people who do not speak a language I speak is not a pleasant experience, nor do I think I did anything wrong in ending up with such an unpleasant experience because I very specifically chose to play on an ENGLISH server.

I understand that other people do not give a shit. There are people who don't talk in /say, who have /general and every other chat disabled, and basically play with a specific guild made of their friends group and don't interact with anyone else. But that is not me. I play specifically for the open world and for meeting people. And yes, a game that's full of people I can't interact at all or only at a minimal level is antithetical to anything I'd want out of an MMO.

Clearly, you do not care about having the same experience, because if you did, you'd be playing with Chinese players on a Chinese server where you understand everyone else. Even when I've wanted to play Korean MMOs, I've never made a Korean account to get in, specifically because I have 0 interest to be part of a community which I can't understand. If that's the only thing offered to me, I would rather not play at all.
In a village people are in self-protection consciousness, the villagers will enter their favorite environment. I understand that, and I hope you do too. And the people of this village have no intention of attacking other villages! It's just the villagers protecting themselves! There are people in this village who want to know about other villages, like me. We Don't want to change the game, and we don't want to take players from other countries out of the game, so we don't want to dominate the game. We Chinese are very warm, welcome you to visit China, feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the love of peace. I and you so many conversations are using the translator! You can research, you come to China to play do not need to know Chinese, as long as you can use a translator on it, a smartphone on it. Again, if you don't like it, you can treat us as a parallel line and you can. Most of us see players from other countries as parallel to each other. Our hearts want to know you, and we want you to know us. We mean you no harm!
Except the rules states that you should use English in public chats, thus by not using English outside of your Chinese only guild or in Chinese only private messages, you are breaking the rules and have nothing to do on this server.

Read more at:
Excuse me! I didn't know there were such rules! I read your link and found that the public chat channel is only used in English, I also understand why use English, because so many people are playing in English, the most convenient communication. I think GM's intention is to let everyone better communication! For public chat channels, my personal understanding is the world channel, not the current chat channel. Perhaps the understanding has the deviation, once again hoped your understanding!

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Geojak » Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:53 pm

Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:24 am
There is a problem with the translation software is a request, not a request! I hope you understand!
No offense but reading machine transletd stuff hurts. I have read way too much trash Asian webcomic and when it's Maschine translated it's Absouket not worth the time. The Software can not replace language skill

Posts: 9

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Cnlaowang » Wed Aug 16, 2023 3:03 pm

Geojak wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 2:53 pm
Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:24 am
There is a problem with the translation software is a request, not a request! I hope you understand!
No offense but reading machine transletd stuff hurts. I have read way too much trash Asian webcomic and when it's Maschine translated it's Absouket not worth the time. The Software can not replace language skill
Ha Ha, long live understanding

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Borefficz » Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:34 pm

I think IP/VPN bans are a too drastic measure and would hurt those Chinese players who speak English and wish to stay (and a lot of non-Chinese people who use VPNs for one reason or another would suffer too). What I would do instead is set up the server to completely block messages containing certain characters across all channels - even the most basic ones such as /say or /whisper. This way people won't be able to communicate in Chinese which will be a strong argument for non English-speaking players to move.
And of course character transfers need to be offered otherwise the project will be dead on arrival no matter what.

Posts: 84

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Edgarfam » Thu Aug 17, 2023 3:27 am

Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 1:24 am
There is a problem with the translation software is a request, not a request! I hope you understand!
Honestly, your translation software is not working well...just try to learn some basic English.

Posts: 95

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Azuladrip » Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:07 am

Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:35 pm
In a village people are in self-protection consciousness, the villagers will enter their favorite environment. I understand that, and I hope you do too. And the people of this village have no intention of attacking other villages! It's just the villagers protecting themselves! There are people in this village who want to know about other villages, like me. We Don't want to change the game, and we don't want to take players from other countries out of the game, so we don't want to dominate the game. We Chinese are very warm, welcome you to visit China, feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the love of peace. I and you so many conversations are using the translator! You can research, you come to China to play do not need to know Chinese, as long as you can use a translator on it, a smartphone on it. Again, if you don't like it, you can treat us as a parallel line and you can. Most of us see players from other countries as parallel to each other. Our hearts want to know you, and we want you to know us. We mean you no harm!
Unlike some people who want to ban all the Chinese players, I don't have a problem with Chinese people at all. I love Chinese history and have Chinese friends I've made from DOTA. However, you are mistaking a server for an MMO for a language learning app. If I log into Turtle WoW, it's not to learn other languages or to get frustrated, as I said before. It's just not the experience I'm looking forward to. I don't want to translate anything, I don't want to double question whether or not a person speaks English, and I don't want to be essentially denied access to conversations going on around me because I don't speak the language.

As somebody else wrote above, this is English-speaking server. This isn't some random point being brought up by me and others because we feel entitled and want everyone to speak English. It is, in fact, a rule. A rule that is now for all intents and purposes voided because there are players who couldn't speak English even if they wanted to.

And what makes it worse is that Turtle WoW was always designed to be a lore-friendly, cozy, immersive kind of server that could even facilitate stuff like roleplaying. It was not meant to be like one of those anything goes servers with a focus on PvP. So beyond the fact that having people running around that can't speak English is annoying to me personally and to others who feels the same way, it's not just going against the rules but against the very spirit of what Turtle WoW is supposed to be about. Or WAS supposed to be about, I should say.

Again, I don't really have a problem with Chinese players in particular. If instead of Chinese we'd have a problem with Brazilians infesting the server and only speaking Portuguese, my stance would be exactly the same.

I don't even blame Chinese players. I blame the Turtle WoW team for not banning people when it was apparent non-English speakers were becoming a genuine problem.

Posts: 95

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Azuladrip » Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:10 am

Borefficz wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:34 pm
What I would do instead is set up the server to completely block messages containing certain characters across all channels - even the most basic ones such as /say or /whisper.
That's actually an amazing idea if it were possible. That way the problem would just take care of itself.

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Okn » Thu Aug 17, 2023 11:30 am

Exciting news. But I may wait a little longer to see which server suits me more because I heard many chinese only play as gold farmer or something, and there're a lot of them.

Another fact is that most news about turtle wow from chinese website are about to sell their vpn, without giving any link. However, that's how i know there's a turtle wow server. @_@

Posts: 1

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Miniwing » Fri Aug 18, 2023 5:03 pm

Yes I agree the English speaking ban hammer would be good at this point. I'm questing on my level 18 priest and I see this:

NAME yells: [ ]!!!!

That's not even the worst part. The game is essentially not playable. I'm 10 to 1 outnumbered by players with guilds I don't know, Playing my game in a way that is 100% unlike the way leveling zones feel.

I'm getting a culture shock inside my game culture because of opening doors to the far east.

I don't get how my far east players can function standing with 10 players sitting in the Harvest Watcher zone circling around grabbing tags. it reminds me of that old game Tempest where you play a ship that's stationary and just spins around like a 365 degree turret and blast targets. Move, click, spin click, done, move to the next field of Gnolls.

No talking or banter in zone chat. No friendly parties with conversations about this cave or that island. "That darn Gnome losing his tools again! SMH!" or similar bullshitting around your zone with a cool player or group. Having a few laughs in this cave of that island is how the game is enjoyable to me, and memorable looking back at that one day that you and a buddy wiped on Chok'sul or barely scraped by with 10% health and a healer with 2% mana and cheering after. Nope. Just get tags, kill mob, boom, done. Real memorable...

This is how the game play goes hour after hour (USA PST). Good luck finding a boar or a coyote in the Westfall fields between the subzones.

None will group with you, you're stalking Grawdon in the Loch Modan cave trying to get a group. Literally 20 minutes go by. My fellow USA PST players are fed up and salty and playing with them and their mood and comments make you feel like being members of the underground resistance.

I know you're probably thinking, "oh, Westfall is always crowded." Psh. What about the bottleneck zones at 30 and at 40? Do you think that will somehow be better, just because you have 10 levels behind you? Good luck with 20 players, unwilling to group, stalking one Hardshelled Tortoise spawn in Salt Flats.

I don't understand our new-found far east friends play. Kill tags, never group, clear zones, never sharing the unique feel of a zone with you. It doesn't feel like a world anymore. It feels like a crowded mall at Christmas time where you're shoulder to shoulder trying to squeeze into the Game Stop. The world experience now does not feel like exploring a world. I don't understand how the game play has suddenly changed from that feeling of being a wide-eyed elf entering into a zone with a new world full of danger and risks, morphing into clicking red nameplates down, then finding more nameplates elsewhere, clicking them down, and then finding more nameplates to click down. Where's the interaction with the zone's unique look and feel? That's lost. That experience of camaraderie in the fighting of monsters and dragons? Gone.

Why bother playing world of warcraft? Why not just head over to the shooting gallery at the fair, take your LED "rifle" and kill stuff, with no interaction with the world.

So in sum: I'm unable to interact with players, outnumbered 10 to 1 that don't know this is a MMORPG world of adventure. I'm unable to role play as my character. I'm unable to find groups and "explore" Azeroth with other wide-eyed trolls or gnomes or forsaken. I'm looking to find a red nameplate to click in a field because I have to. This what the game has come down to.

Sure, I'd like a bank at 50% off but I'm to the point where TWOW can piss off "opening the world to the far east" opening up TWOW, to putting a toddler into an adult party and tugging on the tablecloth while the patient adults wait for bedtime. Please play this MMORPG with me, guys, the way I've played this MMORPG for 16 years.

Later, off to find a decent simulator to play with players in the world!

(Edited for typos)

Posts: 5

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Raggni » Sat Aug 19, 2023 12:00 am

I joined within the past week or so. It's been very exciting to be on a server that's actually populated, though it's a bit extreme at times. I could deal with the overpopulation frustrations, but combined with the hardcore thing where I can't meaningfully interact with the majority of the people around me, and most of the game chatter being in another language, "[]", or just blank (which I only recently learned is due to language incompatibility), I'm already struggling with burnout and a feeling of alienation.

If it was overpopulated but everyone was able to communicate, that would be one thing. This feels more like being in an environment where you're surrounded by people yet you're alone. I've gone back to the dead server I come from a few times already, where I still feel (and actually am) alone, but at least I don't have to camp a spot to try and desperately tag the mobs I need while trying to filter out a bunch of empty/buggy chat and dealing with the false hope of potential allies when really they're either HC or they don't speak the server's official language.

I realize I'm coming across as the new guy who comes in and immediately starts griping, but what I'm trying to do is give my support for helping the specifically-English server be an English community. From the "Rules" page on turtle-wow.org:
The rule set for the following public channels: /world, guild chat of <Still Alive>, guild chat of <Newcomers>, /trade, any crowded leveling or recreation zones:

Public chats are English speaking only. The only exception are guild recruitment announcements, those can be in your native language.
But again, the vast majority of what I've seen has been "[]" or completely blank (unsupported language characters, apparently).

I love the "custom vanilla" environment so far and I'm excited to discover more new stuff and hopefully gather up some fashion currency so I can transmog my gear when I get to a point I'm not upgrading so frequently. The community aspect of Turtle-WoW has been highly regarded in all the past reviews I've read, and I'm hoping a solution can be found to keep that going, whether it's setting up new realms for other languages or something else.

Edits: Removed an extra word ("vote"), added a missing word ("of")

Posts: 12

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Panklaza » Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:06 pm

I hope admins gonna transfer chinese characters to new server, without this, majority wont go to the new server.
This may sound drastic but I think admins should ban chinese players from main server and force relocate them to new one.
Its almost imposibble to comunicate to chinese players since maority of them dont know english and if they use chinese client, they they dont see latin alpabet.

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Hctwowfan » Sat Aug 19, 2023 4:19 pm

Ofc they won't transfer voluntarily. Can't really hold it against em. I wouldn't either if I were them. Then again if you don't force em over you might as well just update the twow server with the translated stuff and turn this one into the asian twow server.
Exlusively playing hc, alive toons below
Immortal Nikora Halazi Mbamba Ofofu Qsetmizi Qsetnizi
59.99 Qiri Byomvin Toraya Bjomvin Peppa Tepsi Ufofo Yolani Ygritt Rhanja Yolari Qsetlizi Bsomdi Kiri Nemsi Ufufo Ofufu
50+ Libbi Hazaru Lenymo Oronil

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Ww2304656 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 11:45 am

Azuladrip wrote:
Thu Aug 17, 2023 9:07 am
Cnlaowang wrote:
Wed Aug 16, 2023 12:35 pm
In a village people are in self-protection consciousness, the villagers will enter their favorite environment. I understand that, and I hope you do too. And the people of this village have no intention of attacking other villages! It's just the villagers protecting themselves! There are people in this village who want to know about other villages, like me. We Don't want to change the game, and we don't want to take players from other countries out of the game, so we don't want to dominate the game. We Chinese are very warm, welcome you to visit China, feel the enthusiasm of the Chinese people and the love of peace. I and you so many conversations are using the translator! You can research, you come to China to play do not need to know Chinese, as long as you can use a translator on it, a smartphone on it. Again, if you don't like it, you can treat us as a parallel line and you can. Most of us see players from other countries as parallel to each other. Our hearts want to know you, and we want you to know us. We mean you no harm!
Unlike some people who want to ban all the Chinese players, I don't have a problem with Chinese people at all. I love Chinese history and have Chinese friends I've made from DOTA. However, you are mistaking a server for an MMO for a language learning app. If I log into Turtle WoW, it's not to learn other languages or to get frustrated, as I said before. It's just not the experience I'm looking forward to. I don't want to translate anything, I don't want to double question whether or not a person speaks English, and I don't want to be essentially denied access to conversations going on around me because I don't speak the language.

As somebody else wrote above, this is English-speaking server. This isn't some random point being brought up by me and others because we feel entitled and want everyone to speak English. It is, in fact, a rule. A rule that is now for all intents and purposes voided because there are players who couldn't speak English even if they wanted to.

And what makes it worse is that Turtle WoW was always designed to be a lore-friendly, cozy, immersive kind of server that could even facilitate stuff like roleplaying. It was not meant to be like one of those anything goes servers with a focus on PvP. So beyond the fact that having people running around that can't speak English is annoying to me personally and to others who feels the same way, it's not just going against the rules but against the very spirit of what Turtle WoW is supposed to be about. Or WAS supposed to be about, I should say.

Again, I don't really have a problem with Chinese players in particular. If instead of Chinese we'd have a problem with Brazilians infesting the server and only speaking Portuguese, my stance would be exactly the same.

I don't even blame Chinese players. I blame the Turtle WoW team for not banning people when it was apparent non-English speakers were becoming a genuine problem.
it is so coool, i always play dota from wcr3 to dota2,always.
my gamename ID is ilovedota maybe i will can play dota2 or turtle wow together

Posts: 213

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Shaman111 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:14 pm

holy fuck i started playing the game again after few months and its bizarre. they are everywhere, looking like christmas trees with gaudy cash shop shit in every slot. every spawn is contested. every escort mob has a party of 4+ chinese camping on it. i dont even see other english speaking people in the wild. the only english i am seeing is on /g like i am in some fucking ghetto. dont even start me on the lag and delay to do anything like i am playing on a dial up

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Ingameacc12345 » Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:24 pm

Shaman111 wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:14 pm
holy fuck i started playing the game again after few months and its bizarre. they are everywhere, looking like christmas trees with gaudy cash shop shit in every slot. every spawn is contested. every escort mob has a party of 4+ chinese camping on it. i dont even see other english speaking people in the wild. the only english i am seeing is on /g like i am in some fucking ghetto. dont even start me on the lag and delay to do anything like i am playing on a dial up
Yeah, I stopped logging a month or so ago. I'll wait and see what happens as currently playing isn't fun at all (when you finally can login).
Unfortunately I don't see a 100% working solution to the problem at hand.

Posts: 23

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Grindplayertwo » Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:52 pm

Ingameacc12345 wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:24 pm
Shaman111 wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:14 pm
holy fuck i started playing the game again after few months and its bizarre. they are everywhere, looking like christmas trees with gaudy cash shop shit in every slot. every spawn is contested. every escort mob has a party of 4+ chinese camping on it. i dont even see other english speaking people in the wild. the only english i am seeing is on /g like i am in some fucking ghetto. dont even start me on the lag and delay to do anything like i am playing on a dial up
Yeah, I stopped logging a month or so ago. I'll wait and see what happens as currently playing isn't fun at all (when you finally can login).
Unfortunately I don't see a 100% working solution to the problem at hand.
Solution is simple, like many Pserver did in the past with this population:
- ban VPN use
- ban IP from China

No more overcrowed zone, no more language problem with this old client, no more mass botting and no more mass gold selling.

Posts: 28

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Pett » Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:49 pm

It's just so bad. After a year here at turtlewow, I reinstalled WOTLK classic from blizz, that's how bad it is now. I'll try here again after the new realms and servers, but I just can't be here it's that unfun right now.

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Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Karrados » Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:01 pm

People will not want to transfer from an already established Server. There will be a few people here and there that might transfer to the Chinese Server but I am willing to bet that the vast majority will not want to give up on the market and all the additional people.

So really they are mostly wasting their time developing this Chinese server unless they will force a transfer which they won't do.

Posts: 12

Re: Turtle WoW is expanding to the East!

Post by Panklaza » Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:08 pm

Karrados wrote:
Sun Aug 20, 2023 9:01 pm
People will not want to transfer from an already established Server. There will be a few people here and there that might transfer to the Chinese Server but I am willing to bet that the vast majority will not want to give up on the market and all the additional people.

So really they are mostly wasting their time developing this Chinese server unless they will force a transfer which they won't do.
yeah, this server will die for english speaking population if they dont force transfer chinese, might as well just tell us now if they gonna transfer them so we dont waste time here
