I congratulate you for how the server grew

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Posts: 13

I congratulate you for how the server grew

Post by Elmejor » Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:43 pm

I have seen peaks of 10,000 people and I have been left out many times... keep up the good work

Posts: 11

Re: I congratulate you for how the server grew

Post by Islandripper » Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:51 pm

The only hours I have to play are plagued by a 40 min wait time turtle wow is a fun game but these queue times have ruined the game for me because I don't have all day to sit in a queue. I had a lot of fun but waiting 40 mins kills a game for me plus when you log on there is no mobs no gnodes just a ghost and people waiting to tag mobs. I really had fun and the deves have really come up with something niche here but who has 90 mins to sit and wait to play a game? I'm gunna try another wow plus server I CANT STAND QUEUE TIMES. It would be nice if they made a sever only for people that donate and split the server pop already or your gunna fall faster than you rose. Not every one can sacrifice there life to wait and play this game I really hope the deves do somthing soon or people gunna stop playing. No one wants to wait an hour to play a game come on deves make a new realm. All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. The wealth of the wise is their crown, but the folly of fools yields folly.

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