hswowturtle stats

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hswowturtle stats

Post by Kissoncheg » Wed Jul 12, 2023 10:57 am

Greetings to everyone in our community! Today I want to share some surprising statistics with you. You may have noticed that when we die in our favorite hardcore mode, we often create a new character with the same nickname. To find out how common this is, I used our website https://hswowturtle.com/.

So, let's take a look at some statistics. Here's a list of players in our community who have created new characters with the same nickname:

Immadie: 22 times
Smoocheg: 20 times
Mossyy: 20 times
Bloodgrail: 19 times
Lodka: 18 times
Borkin: 17 times
Holkhugan: 17 times
Gutslay: 17 times
Tours: 16 times
Saradoc: 15 times
Fando: 15 times
Bloodnoob: 14 times
Banditto: 14 times
Teraana: 14 times
Lasttryagain: 14 times
Jazzsteppa: 13 times
Supermegapro: 13 times
Jayr: 13 times
Aspire: 13 times
Lothvallen: 13 times

As you can see, our players show incredible stamina and determination in creating new characters over and over again. This reflects our commitment to our favorite mode and our desire not to give up, even after failure.

Let's congratulate all of these brave players who not only overcome challenges, but continue to enjoy our virtual world. And remember that our community is always ready to support you and help you on your adventures!

We will be waiting for new achievements and impressive stories from our loyal participants! May luck always be on your side, and new characters will bring you more joy and success in the game!


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