Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

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Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Evilscum » Wed Jun 28, 2023 1:01 pm

Hey I just wanted to make a suggestion about the PvP trinket particularly on rogues from my experience. It seems most classes get a PvP trinket that gets out of the same things as mine but they can also get out of stuns. Rogues PvP trinket does not. Also on the topic of OP Ret palas in PvP settings. I literally get a stun and I'm dead before the stun runs out or very nearly dead and just get finished off. I can't do anything to get out of it even on a PvP trinket. They on the other hand can get out of whatever they like but also theirs gets them out of stuns too. I used to play pala on vanilla servers and I did very well in PvP without the extra insane damage that has been added to them on this server. It just seems a bit one sided. I get that some pala players wanted to do good damage in raids so they got buffed but that was never their main role in raids anyways.. and in PvP they did perfectly good.

My proposal is give rogues a PvP trinket to get out of that one move kill stun palas do to have some kind of fight with them unless they're alot less geared... Or give the Ret palas a DMG NERF in PvP but keep what they got in pve. Thanks.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Geojak » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:05 pm

it goes both sides, if i cant stun kill the rogue as paladin, then the rogue is free t ocontinue keeping me stun locked and kill be while i can do nothing at all.
i mean the rogue do that anywayn, and i have to bubble to get out of perca cc, then he vanishes and the circus contiues unless i bubble stun oneshot.

it rly is very balacne atm, rogue skill dertermines if he wins. pala cds and lucky crits determine if the pala wins.

i have played this matchup 1v1 countless of time sagainst skilled and geared rogues. it rly isnt as broken onesides ot the paladin as you claim. the skilled rogue knows to NEVER face tank the paladin or you dead meat. alwas keep him cced, restealth, sap, kindey, run, stleath, continue.

lastly pala has plate, if they cant beat rogues, then who can they even beat. ranges classes gonna two shot them from range or cc before pala can even touch them (assuming buble on cd). yes paladins should beat a worse geared rogues.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Evilscum » Wed Jun 28, 2023 2:29 pm

How can I cc the pala if he can either PvP trink out of stun or use bubble. Stun me and I'm dead with no option to use anything to get out of it? Palas are great Vs rogues if played right in vanilla. Here it's like one shot kill with no chance for rogue in most cases. Your "just cc em" is invalid. Give us an option to get out of that stun once in a while with a better PvP trink and maybe it would give us more of a chance. Why palas got buffed here is a mystery to me. When I played pala before I was beating alot of people better geared than me and I was considered OP. Here though it's even more so and rediculous

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Geojak » Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:30 pm

lets consider pala doesnt have stun trinket equipped and bubble on cd. i tell you 1v1 how wverye single douel palys out

1. rogue is stealthed and opens with 3s stun
2. before the stun runs out another 5s kindey shot
3. before the stun runs out that long stun that breaks on dmg or use blind
4. rogue gets out of comabt restealths and saps before stun runs out
back to 1.

this continues until either the paladin dies, or the rogue fucks up. 0 counterplay options, this is op if you ask me, but lets continue

lets assume bubble is rdy
1. plays out same
2. paladin immidielty bubbles the stun
3. rogue immidiely uses sprints and runs to restealth
4. paladin uses his stun to no let the rogue escpae
5. now if the starts align the paladin gonna kill the rogue in the stun, this doesnt always happen no matter how often you claim paladins oneshot
6. if the rogue survives the stun which they do most often, immidieat vanish

now bubble is on cd and we can continue with the above 1-4. stuns to pera stun with 0 conterplay opportuinty by the paladin if done right.

seems very balacned to me, both have a win options, the paladin op cires are ridicolous

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Heine » Wed Jun 28, 2023 3:43 pm

Warlocks do not have stun removal trinket and rogue is their counter.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Evilscum » Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:12 pm

To start with let's say you have no cd available lol. I could say the same. Rogue with no cd is an easy kill for anyone with a brain. I'm talking like same kinda geared opponent here btw. Also rogues got talents for PvP nerfed as in can't build combo points as easily as they did in vanilla here. Same thing goes if you get that one stun in I'm basically dead and you get that every minute. Ya got all the defence and stay alive abilities ya had in vanilla but here they just said ok give em massive DMG as well and sure that's more balanced? Palas didn't need that extra DMG before to wreck people. I played one and loved it. All ya get here is palas getting it easy and telling others to "get gud". Lame. I've killed palas in duels before yes but they were not as geared (not that I'm geared) and even then I'm like 10% hp after that stun DMG they do in a second or two. But sure giving rogue a tiny improvement in PvP trinket is OP..

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Heine » Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:31 pm

Bruh just trashfam naxx for msa and kill everything.
Other classes do not have such option.

Developers buffed rogues on Twow with pets unable to autoattack them in stealth.
Dunno why you are crying around one matchup.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Evilscum » Wed Jun 28, 2023 4:54 pm

Just making some points on it. Thought it was worth a post.
Last edited by Evilscum on Mon Jul 10, 2023 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Gnomoerectus » Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:14 pm

Dude if the paladin doesn't have cooldowns or a pvp trinket, is wearing leveling greens and the person playing it is missing a hand then it's a fair fight. Why are you complaining?

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Evilscum » Sat Jul 01, 2023 2:31 am

Actually feel like im arguing with a bunch of kids here. Honestly. Only a couple of twow pala players who wanna keep having it easy here and some warlock who has nothing to do with this? where are my rogues and people who arn't end game geared or whatever? in world chat and bg's you will find most people agree. Pala's are like 60% pala's for a reason here... because they're fucking OP and oh my god is it much to give rogues a once in 5 mins chance to escape? naw that's OP... wtf?

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Jackbiers123 » Tue Jul 04, 2023 2:34 am

Buy laps.

If they give stun trinket for rogues they should give stun inmunity in all trinkets, by equality.

We don't need that, just git gud and sweat consooms.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Heimdallr » Tue Jul 04, 2023 10:56 am

lets consider pala doesnt have stun trinket equipped and bubble on cd. i tell you 1v1 how wverye single douel palys out

1. rogue is stealthed and opens with 3s stun
2. before the stun runs out another 5s kindey shot
3. before the stun runs out that long stun that breaks on dmg or use blind
4. rogue gets out of comabt restealths and saps before stun runs out
back to 1.

this continues until either the paladin dies, or the rogue fucks up. 0 counterplay options, this is op if you ask me, but lets continue

lets assume bubble is rdy
1. plays out same
2. paladin immidielty bubbles the stun
3. rogue immidiely uses sprints and runs to restealth
4. paladin uses his stun to no let the rogue escpae
5. now if the starts align the paladin gonna kill the rogue in the stun, this doesnt always happen no matter how often you claim paladins oneshot
6. if the rogue survives the stun which they do most often, immidieat vanish

now bubble is on cd and we can continue with the above 1-4. stuns to pera stun with 0 conterplay opportuinty by the paladin if done right.

seems very balacned to me, both have a win options, the paladin op cires are ridicolous
This is in a nutshell how it works.

Tho I am not a fan of solutions whether you combo to death or get comboed to death, that doesn't really prove any pvp skills other than - I can follow 4 steps, cast skills from 1 to 5 or cast 2 skils and wipe someone out in 30yo range.

Ofc, people complain about not being able to do so (especially shamans that seeing pally coming close, instead of ghost wolfing, or slowing him or...anything, they get him in the face and cry they died, because their combo skill taht works on others, doesn't work on them. Bad paladins)

Would be nice to see some pvp changes that would make everything nerfed down to a level, where you can't just end the fight in such combo, rather use it as good opener.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Tendies » Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:28 pm

You bubble/trinket the kidney and immediately HoJ the rogue within one global cooldown, you don't let him escape.

It takes a skilled rogue forever to kill a good geared paladin. But man, there is one thing people could do that totally counters rogues but I've never seen a single paladin do it, only a few other people on the server.

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Re: Rogues PvP trinket. And Ret pala in PvP issues

Post by Jammyxx » Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:31 pm

You're definitely gonna want that trinket adjusting now!

1.16.6: Libram of the Justicar - Drops rarely from trash mobs in Gilneas City.
Effect: Increases the duration of Hammer of Justice by 1.5 sec.

Nice 7.5s stun :D

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