Druid Legendary Idol Ideas.

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Druid Legendary Idol Ideas.

Post by ForumOLV » Tue Jun 13, 2023 2:56 am

I hope this post finds all of you well as I wish to share you ideas for new idols.

Please excuse the lack of "Equip:" effect in the screenshots, my knowledge on how to add that in the turtle wow item creator is limited, yet I will list their effects below.


Idol of the Apex Predator
Equip: Increases the bleed damage of your Rake and Rip abilities by 4%. In addition, your bleeds are able to benefit from critical strike rating, at 50% rating and damage effectiveness.

My main idea for this idol is to allow bleeds to be of viable use when playing feral while keeping them in check to not overtake Ferocious Bite in overall damage.


Idol of Ursoc's Chosen
Equip: Your Maul increases your Defense by 5, stacking up to 6 times. While at max stacks, your next successful Savage Bite will consume the stacks, granting an increase to your Dodge rating by 12% for 6 seconds.

My main idea for this idol is to allow druid tanks to attain more Defense since compared to other tanks they cannot attain that stat trough talents. Since they also lack active mitigation usable while in bear form and lack of ability to block or parry, I found the chance to dodge trade off suitable while they keep on mauling to regain defense stacks again with the idea that they will fit an off tank role more nicely.


Idol of the Symbiotic Seed
Equip: Rejuvenation and Regrowth instead of their normal effects apply Symbiosis to the target, stacking up to 2 stacks. In addition, your Swiftmend will consume all Symbiosis stacks on the target, equal to the value of both Rejuvenation and Regrowth combined.

My main idea with this idol is to make HoTs not take as many buff slots as they do now, make Swfitmend more mana efficient to use and allow Tree of Life talent to be viable as all of the listed abilities are useable in Tree of Life form.


Idol of Eclipse
Equip: Your Wrath will increase the duration of Insect Swarm by 2 seconds, up to a maximum of 6 seconds. In addition, your Starfire critical strikes will instantly trigger a tick of Moonfire's periodic damage.

My main idea for this idol is to allow Balance players to be more mana efficient with their spells by giving them more option on what to use their GCDs for, while buffing their main form of damage which at the moment is lackluster while still making them immobile and need to stay still to cast for these bonuses to take effect. Alternating between Wrath and Starfire for DoT uptime and DoT potential burst on damage in my view will make the rotation more enjoyable to play around.

I ranked all the idols as legendary as I see their attainability tied to a form of quest, puzzle or grind. In my mind it would be something similar alike the hunter's bow from MC + some form in costs coming from materials, with the overall goal for them to be best in slot for their respective roles and only allowing the obtain ONLY ONE of them, making it a staple to the main role of this so called "jack of all trades".

Looking forward to your thoughts and opinions, hopefully this will attract the attention of the developers and inspires them to implement them in the game or to create something better, which I have faith in them that they will do.

Posts: 2

Re: Druid Legendary Idol Ideas.

Post by 0ulf » Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:01 am

Overall, I like these. I still don't think Idols, or any custom item for that matter, should be used to fix these game design issues. That's what talents and the spell kit are for.

I think it's important to buff rake/rip and try to make them part of a cat's toolkip, because right now they basically don't exist. It'd take more than +4% damage and half of your crit % though, I think an increase to the attack power scaling would be needed too. Crit right now seems a bit hard to scale to me, I've got pretty good gear but I struggle to get over 25% crit.

I don't think TWoW needs to make cat's identity the same as in WotLK (but I'd be fine with that) but why not introduce a little bit of completexity to the rotations? we're literally just spamming shred and bite right now since there are macros and addons that do all the powershifting for you.

There is still definitely a problem with Feral's itemization, so I do think Idols should play a part there, just not to the extent that you'd need a specific one to make your class work at all.

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Re: Druid Legendary Idol Ideas.

Post by Jammyxx » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:18 am

Good post, but I feel like alot of these are too convoluted for an Idol.... Would be better as new talents etc.

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Re: Druid Legendary Idol Ideas.

Post by Heine » Tue Jun 13, 2023 7:48 am

These ideas are too powerful and unbalanced just for an idol.

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