Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Dankeshein » Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:41 pm

Is Turtle willing to do anything about this? There are several Alliance people that are ganking anyone with War Mode on in Deathknell. It's bad enough that just trying to get up to an interesting point in the game takes 10+ hours, now you have these jerks who are bringing their twink toons over and killing anyone in the starting area trying to get through it a little quicker.

I know War Mode is an option, but this is ridiculous. I can understand them hunting around Brill or something, but in Deathknell? C'mon.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Dankeshein » Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:50 pm

To clarify, I'm not looking for the guys to get banned, just maybe told to FO out of the most basic starting zone.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Element19090 » Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:16 pm

Dankeshein wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:41 pm
Is Turtle willing to do anything about this? There are several Alliance people that are ganking anyone with War Mode on in Deathknell. It's bad enough that just trying to get up to an interesting point in the game takes 10+ hours, now you have these jerks who are bringing their twink toons over and killing anyone in the starting area trying to get through it a little quicker.

I know War Mode is an option, but this is ridiculous. I can understand them hunting around Brill or something, but in Deathknell? C'mon.
Sounds like maybe you should not go Warmode or maybe level in a zone that doesn't currently have Alliance players doing that? OR you could wait it out? Warmode is a choice that you make. Simply don't use it if you don't wanna be ganked. the extra 30% comes with a price. If you don't like it then don't use it.
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Rat2156 » Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm

Element19090 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:16 pm
Dankeshein wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:41 pm
Is Turtle willing to do anything about this? There are several Alliance people that are ganking anyone with War Mode on in Deathknell. It's bad enough that just trying to get up to an interesting point in the game takes 10+ hours, now you have these jerks who are bringing their twink toons over and killing anyone in the starting area trying to get through it a little quicker.

I know War Mode is an option, but this is ridiculous. I can understand them hunting around Brill or something, but in Deathknell? C'mon.
Sounds like maybe you should not go Warmode or maybe level in a zone that doesn't currently have Alliance players doing that? OR you could wait it out? Warmode is a choice that you make. Simply don't use it if you don't wanna be ganked. the extra 30% comes with a price. If you don't like it then don't use it.
While this is correct, that also doesn't excuse the behaviour of lowbie gankers. Just because warmode players agree to being targets for world PvP doesn't mean that people killing lv 1s because they're not good enough to fight anyone within 10 levels of their own are in the right

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Balake » Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:56 pm

Rat2156 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm
While this is correct, that also doesn't excuse the behaviour of lowbie gankers. Just because warmode players agree to being targets for world PvP doesn't mean that people killing lv 1s because they're not good enough to fight anyone within 10 levels of their own are in the right
Just do the first 15-ish levels in pve then turn on warmode later

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Ghola » Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:26 pm

Balake wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:56 pm
Rat2156 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm
While this is correct, that also doesn't excuse the behaviour of lowbie gankers. Just because warmode players agree to being targets for world PvP doesn't mean that people killing lv 1s because they're not good enough to fight anyone within 10 levels of their own are in the right
Just do the first 15-ish levels in pve then turn on warmode later
somebodys never played warmode

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Balake » Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:50 pm

Ghola wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:26 pm
somebodys never played warmode
Care to elaborate? You can buy the glyph at any point you want, and you can only disable it once in levels 1-59 and once in level 60.

So buying the glyph at level 50 for the final 9 levels is totally possible.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Fizzler » Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:34 am

mmmmm more warmodes to find
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Akalix » Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:02 am

We recommend against taking Warmode on Hardcore. If you do, be prepared to face death at every corner.
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Daddynoheals » Tue Apr 25, 2023 8:12 am

Hello! I am Corporal Cooper, a lvl 9 human warrior. I walked all the way to Deathknell to level up, because the atmosphere and weather up there is so nice.
But then I noticed the whole place was full of disgusting zombies! I took it upon myself to cleanse the woods of these ungodly ghouls. I've been doing this cleaning for a while now and I've made nice progress. Soon humans can set up a new camp in Deathknell and start repairing the houses there.
I have 114 honorable kills in Deathknell under my belt. Justice will prevail.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Element19090 » Tue Apr 25, 2023 10:40 am

Rat2156 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm
Element19090 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:16 pm
Dankeshein wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:41 pm
Is Turtle willing to do anything about this? There are several Alliance people that are ganking anyone with War Mode on in Deathknell. It's bad enough that just trying to get up to an interesting point in the game takes 10+ hours, now you have these jerks who are bringing their twink toons over and killing anyone in the starting area trying to get through it a little quicker.

I know War Mode is an option, but this is ridiculous. I can understand them hunting around Brill or something, but in Deathknell? C'mon.
Sounds like maybe you should not go Warmode or maybe level in a zone that doesn't currently have Alliance players doing that? OR you could wait it out? Warmode is a choice that you make. Simply don't use it if you don't wanna be ganked. the extra 30% comes with a price. If you don't like it then don't use it.
While this is correct, that also doesn't excuse the behaviour of lowbie gankers. Just because warmode players agree to being targets for world PvP doesn't mean that people killing lv 1s because they're not good enough to fight anyone within 10 levels of their own are in the right
If you're flagged you're a target. There are no rules to who you can and cannot kill. If you choose warmade you're a target whether you are level 1 or 60. That's just how the game works. Level somewhere else or play another character if there are people ganking in the area....or just don't do warmode.
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Styopa1 » Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:29 pm

Shortcuts can have a price.
Warmode is a shortcut.

I'm not sure how much more simply I can put it.

In case you believe the world "should" be full of people who are gracious, kind, and considerate....well, you might want to read Leviathan.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Daddynoheals » Fri May 26, 2023 7:36 am

Cooper here again. I no longer operate in Deathknell, but in all of Tirisfal Glades.

I'm posting because last night a bunch of high-level (30-60) Alliance players launched a premediated attack against me. And I don't mean just killing my character, but they attacked me in the general chat. For about 2 hours, several people threw insults and other personal attacks at me in writing. It got so immature and toxic that I almost had to report 5 players for harrassment.
Their issue is the fact that I perform honorable kills in Tirisfal Glades. I defended myself by saying that

1. I don't corpse camp. I kill you and move on.

2. I only kill people that yield honor. Most of the angry mob claimed that I was "ganking lowbies in a starting area", but the cold truth is that I'm a level 13 warrior and Tirisfal Glades is literally for players of my level. Also, low level warriors are particularly vulnerable against mages, priests, warlocks and hunters. The enemy has plenty of chance to survive, and the duels are fair.
A particularly salty individual was a level 15 hc player that I killed. Sure, I used tricks to kill him, but if you choose to have pvp on, this will happen sooner or later. These people now hate me and stalk me with their alts, but they refuse to realize that I did them a favor. Someone else would've killed their hc at level 30 or something. Better learn sooner than later that you do not play hc with the war glyph unless you're insane.

3. If you decide to get back at me with a lvl 60 character, you have no right to complain. You're literally ganking someone almost 50 levels below you. My honor would prevent me from doing that. I'm do have alts as well, you know, but I choose to kill with a lvl 13.


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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Sinergy » Fri May 26, 2023 8:20 am

Sadly this community has turned into retail one.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Jolikmc » Fri May 26, 2023 8:56 am

My, oh my. There's a lot to unpack, here. But, I want to focus on one thing, in particular…
Daddynoheals wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 7:36 am
These people [with PvP on] now hate me and stalk me with their alts, but they refuse to realize that I did them a favor. Someone else would've killed their hc at level 30 or something. Better learn sooner than later that you do not play hc with the war glyph unless you're insane.
(: /spit

If some Hardcore player wants to run around the world perma-flagged, that's their business. Are they likely to get deleted by some bored max-level nerd? Absolutely. But don't act like you're some big flipping hero because you kill Hardcore players at level before they have a chance to "kill themselves".

And yes, it's a refreshing change of pace that you have "honor" and don't kill players dramatically below your pay grade. At the end of the day, however, that and two USD will get you a cup of coffee – and not very good coffee, at that. You're welcome to grouse about people stalking you or camping you for your "honorable" actions, but don't expect anything to change. The Internet is full of children – literal and metaphorical. And unfortunately, a lot of them are sore losers. So, ya know… roll with the punches, brother. And maybe stay out of the kitchen – that is, public chat – if you can't handle the heat.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Element19090 » Fri May 26, 2023 11:32 am

Rat2156 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:49 pm
Element19090 wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:16 pm
Dankeshein wrote:
Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:41 pm
Is Turtle willing to do anything about this? There are several Alliance people that are ganking anyone with War Mode on in Deathknell. It's bad enough that just trying to get up to an interesting point in the game takes 10+ hours, now you have these jerks who are bringing their twink toons over and killing anyone in the starting area trying to get through it a little quicker.

I know War Mode is an option, but this is ridiculous. I can understand them hunting around Brill or something, but in Deathknell? C'mon.
Sounds like maybe you should not go Warmode or maybe level in a zone that doesn't currently have Alliance players doing that? OR you could wait it out? Warmode is a choice that you make. Simply don't use it if you don't wanna be ganked. the extra 30% comes with a price. If you don't like it then don't use it.
While this is correct, that also doesn't excuse the behaviour of lowbie gankers. Just because warmode players agree to being targets for world PvP doesn't mean that people killing lv 1s because they're not good enough to fight anyone within 10 levels of their own are in the right

Actually yes it does. When you choose to flag be it in warmode or not you open yourself up to being a target. Is it a dick move? Absolurely, and if that happens i would say try another starter area but no rules are technically being broken. I can't imagine somebody staying at a level 1 zone for very long anyway...would get extremely boring very quickly.
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Element19090 » Fri May 26, 2023 11:40 am

Daddynoheals wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 7:36 am
Cooper here again. I no longer operate in Deathknell, but in all of Tirisfal Glades.

I'm posting because last night a bunch of high-level (30-60) Alliance players launched a premediated attack against me. And I don't mean just killing my character, but they attacked me in the general chat. For about 2 hours, several people threw insults and other personal attacks at me in writing. It got so immature and toxic that I almost had to report 5 players for harrassment.
Their issue is the fact that I perform honorable kills in Tirisfal Glades. I defended myself by saying that

1. I don't corpse camp. I kill you and move on.

2. I only kill people that yield honor. Most of the angry mob claimed that I was "ganking lowbies in a starting area", but the cold truth is that I'm a level 13 warrior and Tirisfal Glades is literally for players of my level. Also, low level warriors are particularly vulnerable against mages, priests, warlocks and hunters. The enemy has plenty of chance to survive, and the duels are fair.
A particularly salty individual was a level 15 hc player that I killed. Sure, I used tricks to kill him, but if you choose to have pvp on, this will happen sooner or later. These people now hate me and stalk me with their alts, but they refuse to realize that I did them a favor. Someone else would've killed their hc at level 30 or something. Better learn sooner than later that you do not play hc with the war glyph unless you're insane.

3. If you decide to get back at me with a lvl 60 character, you have no right to complain. You're literally ganking someone almost 50 levels below you. My honor would prevent me from doing that. I'm do have alts as well, you know, but I choose to kill with a lvl 13.

Honestly you shouldn't have to explain yourself at all. It's disgusting that you had that experience at all. You have every right to kill any warmode flagged player as many times as you want. The fact that you go out of your way to only kill players who are your level is just a bonus. Players who Harasses other players for getting killed when deciding to go warmode should get a warning and if it continues a straight up ban.

If you flag warmode you WILL DIE it's that simple. I get ganked all the time while leveling my characters and I don't whisper the players at all. it's petty and obnoxious. If i were you I would report them.

I had made a post before and everyone got buttmad but honestly if cross faction talking is gonna go beyond guild and party chat then there should be enforcement on policing buttmad players who feel the need to endlessly Harass somebody because they were killed in a video game.
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

Posts: 5

Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Daddynoheals » Fri May 26, 2023 1:42 pm

Thank you, Element19090. I've been trying to explain to these people that running around with pvp on is a signal that you accept player vs player killing and all the pros and cons that come with it. If you take deaths personally / emotionally, it's best if you toggle pvp off. I don't really understand what these people were expecting would happen.

And it's not like I'm some immortal, unfair pvp machine. I die, too. And not just from salty lvl 60 alts coming for revenge. For example, I just got chased around by a lvl 9 hunter. In an open area, a talented hunter can kill me even though I'm lvl 13. The hunter uses long-range attacks and can even slow me down as I try to approach them. If the hunter gets the first shot, I'm now in combat mode and as such cannot use charge - this means I have zero long-range attacks left. I'm effectively useless unless I can somehow get close to the hunter. But the hunter knows this, and they can simply keep their distance, shoot arrows at me and slow down my walking speed. At this point all I can do is hide behind trees and either wait for a chance to get closer. Mages can do the same with their freezing spells.

Jolikmc, I agree that ideally hardcore players should get to die from mobs and such, so they get to know their limits. But I disagree with the notion that running around flagged for pvp is their own business. I don't take extra pleasure in killing a hc. As a matter of fact, at first I felt so sorry for them that I couldn't do it at all! But then I realized that I might as well. Their glyph of war gives them extra exp points for taking the risk, and if we start protecting these players, the exp is an unfair advantage as it doesn't come with any risk anymore. And like I said before, I wouldn't kill a grey player that doesn't yield honor.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Jolikmc » Fri May 26, 2023 3:22 pm

I think you misunderstood my meaning.

You went out of your way to specify Hardcore PvP players, practically patting yourself on the back because you're "teaching a lesson" to players who, from your viewpoint, have "no business" being flagged for PvP while doing a Hardcore run. In that same paragraph, you said that they're "going to die anyway", all but admitting that you're just speeding up the process so "they learn".

You're not a teacher and you're not doing anyone a favor. As you said, you attack anyone who's flagged. It just so happens that Hardcore PvP players are on your warpath to Rank 14.
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Bigsmerf » Fri May 26, 2023 3:36 pm

You sir are arguably turtle's most respectable ganker ever. Good on you for being a relatively decent person.
Elmhoof - 60 Feral, between tanking/dps (Main)
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Gentlebenrawr » Fri May 26, 2023 4:30 pm

i appreciate the RP aspect of his PvP. the game could use more of that.

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Daddynoheals » Sun May 28, 2023 1:38 pm

Jolikmc wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 3:22 pm
You went out of your way to specify Hardcore PvP players, practically patting yourself on the back because you're "teaching a lesson" to players who, from your viewpoint, have "no business" being flagged for PvP while doing a Hardcore run. In that same paragraph, you said that they're "going to die anyway", all but admitting that you're just speeding up the process so "they learn".
You're not a teacher and you're not doing anyone a favor.
My personal rationalizations are rather irrelevant at this point so I won't even argue that side of the story, and you might as well have a point there. But the only relevant issue here is that someone being flagged for PvP is effectively a signal that they accept PvP behavior.
You're not a teacher and you're not doing anyone a favor.
My character is named Cooper after the guy from Interstellar. I'm guessing you wouldn't have approved of my original name idea which was "Lessonteacher".

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Galas » Sun May 28, 2023 2:16 pm

I always enjoy when I see characters of the appropriate level of the zone from the opposite faction with PVP enabled. And then we fight and have fair fights. Thats why I have PVP activated.

People that is leveling with warmode on, in a lvl 10 zone and being 10 themselves cryes because a lvl 10-14 killed him are just stupid.

Theres no pleasure in being ganked when you try to do a quest in a zone by a lvl ??? that doesn't leaves and waits to kill you again and again, but even then harrasing them by whisper is totally out of order. Just move on man, its just a game, go level somewhere else. I'm always PVP flagged with all my characters and personally only attack that at minimun is yellow to me, but I always love to attack dark red or even ?? characters. Theres nothing better than being attacked by a dark red character when leveling and killing him. Pure dophamine.

Just yesterday I was leveling a 14 lvl nelf druid with a friend (lvl 13 nelf priest) and a forsaken hunter lvl 20 attacked us in darkshore. I can't tell you how exilarating it was to kill him using the threes as cover (and with a little help of those bears that charge and stun). I have to admit I used /laugh with his corpse before he released spirit but thats just innocent banter turtle_tongue_head

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Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Jolikmc » Sun May 28, 2023 3:14 pm

Daddynoheals wrote:
Sun May 28, 2023 1:38 pm
My personal rationalizations are rather irrelevant at this point so I won't even argue that side of the story, and you might as well have a point there. But the only relevant issue here is that someone being flagged for PvP is effectively a signal that they accept PvP behavior.
Well, you'll get no argument from me on that one. Except for, you know, PvE players mindlessly buffing PvP players and flagging themselves. That's not the case here and it's preventable user error besides, though, so…
My character is named Cooper after the guy from Interstellar.
Joseph A. Cooper? NASA pilot? Engineering background? Wait, is your character an Engineer? I like that, if so. My Dwarf Paladin is named after Cid Pollendina from Final Fantasy IV and, yep, he uses only hammers, axes, and does engineering. Not… that you asked, but still.
I'm guessing you wouldn't have approved of my original name idea which was "Lessonteacher".
You smug sonova… d;

Honestly, that would've been hilarious – at least in hindsight.
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Kremmen » Mon May 29, 2023 12:41 am

Well obviously the only course of action is to re-enact this video to get back at them.
Plaidskull - Undead Warrior
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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Allwynd01 » Mon May 29, 2023 8:04 am

Sinergy wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 8:20 am
Sadly this community has turned into retail one.

What do you mean? That when the server became big it attracted a lot of beautiful and unique snowflakes that are thin-skinned and think the world revolves around them? The same ones that play Hardcore or Warmode and complain when they die because they did this to themselves but fail to see their own fault at the root of this?

Element19090 wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 11:40 am

Honestly you shouldn't have to explain yourself at all. It's disgusting that you had that experience at all. You have every right to kill any warmode flagged player as many times as you want. The fact that you go out of your way to only kill players who are your level is just a bonus. Players who Harasses other players for getting killed when deciding to go warmode should get a warning and if it continues a straight up ban.

If you flag warmode you WILL DIE it's that simple. I get ganked all the time while leveling my characters and I don't whisper the players at all. it's petty and obnoxious. If i were you I would report them.

I had made a post before and everyone got buttmad but honestly if cross faction talking is gonna go beyond guild and party chat then there should be enforcement on policing buttmad players who feel the need to endlessly Harass somebody because they were killed in a video game.

I also feel like this, I think this guy is kind of role-playing and finding different ways to enjoy WoW rather than the typical leveling/PvPing/dungeoneering/raiding/crafting. If the server has Hardcore and Warmode and people enable those on their own free will, then they accept the possible consequences and not act surprised when something like this happens. You can't have Warmode and expect that you get a free pass because of whatever deluded reasons reside in your head.

I will never play Hardcore and I will never enable Warmode simply because I don't want to deal with these things and if I ever use either of those and if I die or get killed by another player, I won't go on the forums or Discord to complain about it, I will take my loss and move on.

It's so disheartening that so many snowflakes have this irrational sense of entitlement that they have some right to complain about problems they cause themselves and want other to support them, feel sorry for them or to have people be told not to play the game they want to (even if it's within the rules) just so those people can have a safe space.

People need to grow up.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Element19090 » Mon May 29, 2023 10:47 am

Allwynd01 wrote:
Mon May 29, 2023 8:04 am
Sinergy wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 8:20 am
Sadly this community has turned into retail one.

What do you mean? That when the server became big it attracted a lot of beautiful and unique snowflakes that are thin-skinned and think the world revolves around them? The same ones that play Hardcore or Warmode and complain when they die because they did this to themselves but fail to see their own fault at the root of this?

Element19090 wrote:
Fri May 26, 2023 11:40 am

Honestly you shouldn't have to explain yourself at all. It's disgusting that you had that experience at all. You have every right to kill any warmode flagged player as many times as you want. The fact that you go out of your way to only kill players who are your level is just a bonus. Players who Harasses other players for getting killed when deciding to go warmode should get a warning and if it continues a straight up ban.

If you flag warmode you WILL DIE it's that simple. I get ganked all the time while leveling my characters and I don't whisper the players at all. it's petty and obnoxious. If i were you I would report them.

I had made a post before and everyone got buttmad but honestly if cross faction talking is gonna go beyond guild and party chat then there should be enforcement on policing buttmad players who feel the need to endlessly Harass somebody because they were killed in a video game.

I also feel like this, I think this guy is kind of role-playing and finding different ways to enjoy WoW rather than the typical leveling/PvPing/dungeoneering/raiding/crafting. If the server has Hardcore and Warmode and people enable those on their own free will, then they accept the possible consequences and not act surprised when something like this happens. You can't have Warmode and expect that you get a free pass because of whatever deluded reasons reside in your head.

I will never play Hardcore and I will never enable Warmode simply because I don't want to deal with these things and if I ever use either of those and if I die or get killed by another player, I won't go on the forums or Discord to complain about it, I will take my loss and move on.

It's so disheartening that so many snowflakes have this irrational sense of entitlement that they have some right to complain about problems they cause themselves and want other to support them, feel sorry for them or to have people be told not to play the game they want to (even if it's within the rules) just so those people can have a safe space.

People need to grow up.
well said m8
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Naajh » Sat Jun 03, 2023 11:32 pm

let's be honest. We deserve insults as a ganker. In the same way that the Warmode hc can die, we can also receive insults for our actions.

We do it out of malice and we enjoy this. I won't make excuses, I just want to ruin the experience of others and that's how all gankers think. If this server closes. We gankers go to another server to ruin the experience of others.
Ganker, don't owe explanations and don't bother answering those who insult us, let's ignore them and continue ruining player hc experiences! The server allows it!

And if you want to prevent us gankers from killing hc - You should ask the server: restrict hc pvp to 5 levels difference.

Sorry my bad en. Good luck in your travel!

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Kissoncheg » Mon Jun 05, 2023 8:48 am

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Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Daddynoheals » Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:28 pm

Player named "Tarhoof" from a couple of weeks ago is still following me around in Tirisfal and trying to kill me. Right now he's dancing next to my character, thinking that preventing me from killing makes him "win" in some game he think's we're playing
This one is a unique case for sure, I haven't had anyone hold resentment for this long just because I've killed one of their characters.

Tarhoof is a lvl 36 druid and he follows me around invisible, waiting for me to flag PvP, and then kills me. Sometimes he just heals my enemies indefinitely and then claims he didn't kill me directly so he's not doing petty ganking. He even stole my RP idea and says he's protecting Tirisfal from the Alliance.
I've been trying to have civil discussions with him as to why he's so butthurt about his death. He insists that I'm using underhanded methods which gives him the justification for this retribution.
Personally I insist that there's nothing underhanded or unfair about a lvl 13 killing PvP people in an according zone, whereas he's just displaying poor sportsmanship.
I wouldn't mind his campaign if he used a character of the same level as me. He's 23 levels higher than me so I don't see how this could be constructive in any way. The way I see it, it's just some kind of power trip for him.

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Posts: 94

Re: Re: Alliance Ganking in Deathknell

Post by Jambiya » Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:58 pm

Daddynoheals wrote:
Mon Jun 05, 2023 9:28 pm
Player named "Tarhoof" from a couple of weeks ago is still following me around in Tirisfal and trying to kill me. Right now he's dancing next to my character, thinking that preventing me from killing makes him "win" in some game he think's we're playing
This one is a unique case for sure, I haven't had anyone hold resentment for this long just because I've killed one of their characters.

Tarhoof is a lvl 36 druid and he follows me around invisible, waiting for me to flag PvP, and then kills me. Sometimes he just heals my enemies indefinitely and then claims he didn't kill me directly so he's not doing petty ganking. He even stole my RP idea and says he's protecting Tirisfal from the Alliance.
I've been trying to have civil discussions with him as to why he's so butthurt about his death. He insists that I'm using underhanded methods which gives him the justification for this retribution.
Personally I insist that there's nothing underhanded or unfair about a lvl 13 killing PvP people in an according zone, whereas he's just displaying poor sportsmanship.
I wouldn't mind his campaign if he used a character of the same level as me. He's 23 levels higher than me so I don't see how this could be constructive in any way. The way I see it, it's just some kind of power trip for him.
Give this suggestion a look: viewtopic.php?t=7487

If you think it can work or have any ideas to improve it, leave a comment.

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