Please make it easier to ignore players!

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Please make it easier to ignore players!

Post by Raffix » Fri May 19, 2023 7:56 pm

I have a simple suggestion.

It doesn't take much and I'm sure it could be implemented easily.

Please make it so that when we right-click any names in chat that we are presented with the options to ignore that player. I've seen this on other private servers, why is it not on Turtle WoW?

It's getting annoying to have to type /ignore + their name each time. Specially with the recent population increase.

I did get the addon call "Blacklist" ( that is suppose to carry over my ignore list on all my characters as well as being unlimited, but it does not seem to work properly on Turtle WoW.

This is a quality of life addition that would be very simple, in my eyes. Please explain why we can't have this and why it would be hard to implement if it is.

Is a player's ignore list stored on server-side? Why is it limited?

If this gets implemented, I would be so happy and I'm sure we have thousands of other players who would too. happy_turtle_head

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Re: Please make it easier to ignore players!

Post by Rokit » Sat May 20, 2023 12:06 am

+1 Easier social tools for chat are a boon.
Rokitt - High Elf Priest

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Re: Please make it easier to ignore players!

Post by Durand » Sun May 21, 2023 9:32 am


I agree, the simplest way to stop any conflict is ignore feature, please do it as the OP suggests, it would be awesome.

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Re: Please make it easier to ignore players!

Post by Wez0 » Sun May 21, 2023 11:33 am

Go here to modify your wow client with addons:

Try looking for other addons/versions that do work. Or modify the code yourself.

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