More Druid Race Options

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More Druid Race Options

Post by ForumOLV » Thu May 04, 2023 6:08 pm

I would like to share an idea that came through my head while playing the high elves quest lines that lead to the night elves and high elves to have a better relationship as their culture reconcile with their differences and seek to help each other.

I would find it interesting to add each faction another race that could be druids, specifically Trolls for the Horde and High Elves for the Alliance.

For trolls is pretty self explanatory since they worship the Loa which grant them powers which may include shapeshifting, ability to control nature and the stars.

As for the high elves, it may seem a bit far fetched but hear me out. Since the Priestesses of the Moon have been allowed to oversee the use of the Moonwell on Alah'thalas, I believe this exposure therapy between the cultures could lead to them sharing more of their cultures, which can lead to the Thalassian being invited to be taught the ways of druidism and the Kaldorei being more open to the practice of arcane magic (which can lead into night elves becoming mages as well).

Their introduction to the Cenarion Circle can be led by Keeper Remulos as he takes it as his responsibility to lead these new generations of druids to bring balance to the wilds and stop the corruption that is taking hold in the Emerald Dream.

As how Taurean and Night Elves are at odds with each other due their different points of view regarding who were the first blessed by Cenarius, tensions can rise between the trolls and the elves due their past wars (I know they were with the Amani not the tribes that are now within the Horde). Still, through future exposure and collaboration may lead to a possible coalition (similar to how the Emerald Circle is a sub faction of the Cenarion Circle focused on healing Felwood) that has the goal of taking back the lands of Quel'Thalas from the Scourge and heal the land, with the political motivation for the trolls to establish a new capital in Zul'Aman by either waging war or absorbing the Amani Trolls into the Horde and for the Thalassian to reach the capital of Silvermoon, as this coalition would be supported by the Cenarion Circle, The Horde, The Alliance and The Argent Dawn (fighting scourge and all that).

I hope this ideea doesn't read/feel like a bad fan fiction, as for me it would make sense based on how the devs of this lovely server decided to steer the relationship between the elven cultures and the troll tribes are looking to unite.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this, I touched mostly lore and a possibility for the story moving forward, but not about balance, client limitations, etc.

Posts: 21

Re: More Druid Race Options

Post by Mko2002 » Thu May 04, 2023 6:22 pm

When I read 《Stormrage》, I thought I was going to play human druid, and wait for years……

I also think High Elf Druid is a cool idea.XD

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Re: More Druid Race Options

Post by Karrados » Thu May 04, 2023 6:51 pm

Troll one makes sense because there are Shapeshifter Trolls in Zul'Gurub, going to be a no on the High Elf one because the Night Elves and the High Elves, even while working together, do not get along too well due to the whole Arcane business.

The only other alternative I can see would be Human and the Harvest-Witches if they decide to go with that lore from Gilneas but that will be up to them at the end of the day.

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Re: More Druid Race Options

Post by Galendor » Fri May 05, 2023 10:02 am

ForumOLV wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 6:08 pm
As for the high elves, it may seem a bit far fetched but hear me out. Since the Priestesses of the Moon have been allowed to oversee the use of the Moonwell on Alah'thalas, I believe this exposure therapy between the cultures could lead to them sharing more of their cultures, which can lead to the Thalassian being invited to be taught the ways of druidism and the Kaldorei being more open to the practice of arcane magic (which can lead into night elves becoming mages as well).
Though these events could happen in theory, I believe that such changes require ages to come. We're talking about traditions that rooted in people's minds for millenia - it's not as easy as a breakfast. So I don't think it's a good way to implement druids to high elves. At least not now.
Karrados wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 6:51 pm
The only other alternative I can see would be Human and the Harvest-Witches if they decide to go with that lore from Gilneas but that will be up to them at the end of the day.
Hear me out: dwarf druids. Wildhammer dwarf druids. As it was described in RPG books.

Posts: 28

Re: More Druid Race Options

Post by Fixaren1 » Fri May 05, 2023 11:23 am

I would love to see trolls + another race. Like the idea of Dwarf or human.

Only problem i see is the troll racial, almost feel forced to play troll as feral. Or they can make it so it dont work in form.

i Am druid main and dont want to see everyone going troll due to the racial.

Posts: 8

Re: More Druid Race Options

Post by ForumOLV » Fri May 05, 2023 12:46 pm

I am alright with your choices as well, I just want more diversity for druid as I always thought just having 1 race on each faction be Druids wasn't a great design decision in Vanilla even tho' the lore for it made sense.

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