Arrival Protection (safe when logging in)

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Posts: 1

Arrival Protection (safe when logging in)

Post by Tharkis » Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:15 am

Yesterdays crash resulted in my little druid dying. Tough luck for him. However, it got me thinking of something from another game I play, called Entropia Universe, in which they have something called Arrival Protection.

Essentially, any player logging in or using teleportation chip (item in Entropia), gets a 30 second invulnability buff, that prevents them from taking any damage. However, any action taken, removes the buff instantly, so it's not exploitable, by any means. The thing is, while the arrival protection buff is running, you are still able to do 1 thing in game, which is teleport away, incase you are in the middle of a massive amount of monster, so the simple matter of allowing the use of heartstone, would be all that'd be needed.

The (buff) message could be something along the lines of:

"You have arrived safely in game and are invulnerable, for the duration of this protection. No action can be taken against you, while in this state. Any action taken by you, other than using your Heartstone, will remove this protection immediately."

The buff would last 30 seconds, which is more then enough time for the game to load properly and to use your HS to get out of a sticky situation.

Posts: 31

Re: Arrival Protection (safe when logging in)

Post by Xero » Thu Apr 20, 2023 5:14 am


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